Part 39 ∞∞∞ The Liar

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I stared at the grey and empty ceiling above me. I was in a sort of a chamber.

"Where..." I asked myself as I sat up and looked around the empty room. It was all made of stone and concrete with no window or furniture except for the small bed I was laying on.

"Zetsu? Hidan? Kakuzu?" I called weakly as I scrambled off the bed and walked towards the only wooden door. It squeaked open with a loud groan as I pushed it. I looked at the young man standing in front of my door.

"Ka-Kabuto?" I asked as my eyes widened in surprise.

"Wha- Why?" I asked in confusion as I stared back at the room and at the hallway I was standing in. It looks like Orochimaru's base... I thought and looked back at Kabuto.

"Orochimaru-sama said you'll return and I never assumed willingly. I was indeed glad when your comrades came and carried you, unconscious, to here." Kabuto said and I looked at him. He was as cold and a liar as he was, his glasses reflecting my cold, red eyes.

"You're lying," I commented and he laughed.

"No, I am not. If your friends did not bring you here, are you suggesting you came here by yourself while you were asleep?" Kabuto asked me with a smirk and I wanted to kill him just about now.

"This is a dream. It has to be." I muttered as I banged my head on the wall. The pain was real.

"Even if this is a dream, I still have control of it," Kabuto said with a smirk and grabbed my wrist. I pulled away from him but was surprised to find my arms and legs weak with sourness.

"You b****..." I whispered as I was forced to go through the corridors and towards the "dining hall" of the base.

"Don't you miss me? I cared for you so much..." Kabuto said, shaking his head in mock sadness.

"What are you saying? You never cared for m-"

"I CARED FOR YOU!!!!" Kabuto roared at me, whirling his head around, and I actually flinched back. I could see his eyes from behind the glasses. They were truthful and hurt.

"No way." I concluded and refused to look at him anymore.

"Whenever I gave you the medicine, I don't want to look at you suffer but it is my job to make sure you live after each injection. Whenever Orochimaru-sama gave you power you rejected it. Whenever you were told to do something you would not do it unless he insists himself twice or three times. WHY ARE YOU NOT SATISFIED WITH THE POWER? WHY ARE YOU NOT GRATEFUL? WHY ARE—" Kabuto yelled at me as I clenched my hands into fists.

"DO YOU THINK I CAME HERE WILLINGLY???" I screamed back at Kabuto and he suddenly fell silent.

"Didn't you?" He asked and I looked at him.


"Orochimaru... is that your name?"

"Yes, child. Now hurry along to your family—"

"I hate them."


"I hate them to the core of my heart. I despise them. They are worse than maggots in my eyes. They should die."



"I like you. You're an unwavering child."

"I don't need your liking. I only want your power."


"Yes. The way you killed that man. It was beautiful."

"Beautiful? Heh, hehehe, heh. Thank you indeed."

"No, you don't have to thank me. I'm merely telling the truth."

"And you want that power? The power to kill the man I just killed?"

"Yes, and no. I have no need of killingly the needless. I only want the power to upturn the arrogant and proud rulers who stand at the top. I want them to fell the pain of falling all the way to the bottom. I want them to know the pain I feel every day. There should be no ruler in this world to make us suffer any more."

"And who are the "us" you talk of."

"Me and Yoru."

"Yoru? Who is that."

"My brother."

"Where is he? I would like the pleasure of meetin—"

"He's dead."

"Heh heheh... is that so? Interesting..."

"It is indeed interesting. How can he die like that? Who is at fault of his death? What did he ever do wrong to anger kami-sama? He was a nice brother and a nice child. He was only five."

"Weak people die like that. But, immortality—"

"Yoru wasn't weak. Afterthought, he can die like that. But it's the world's fault. You see, I can't directly blame mother or father. They only killed him because we needed money. And why would we be in need of money? Why would we be lacking when the rich can bathe in gold? It's their fault. Yet I cannot help but hate mother and father. But if I have power. I can control everything. No one will die of hunger or thirst. No one would suffer needlessly. Isn't that a world we can all hope for? If you disagree, what do you search for, Orochimaru?"

"Heheheheh, isn't that a long speech... I find myself attracted to you... increasingly attracted to you... what is your name?"

"Who I am is not important. I live for him... so I will be Yoru."

"Heheheheheh, I like your way of speaking... you are seven if I am not mistaken... an impressive age... the perfect age to be... yes... would you come with me? I will grant your wishes, but there are prices."

"My wish, you mean. I will come with you only after you tell me the price I have to pay."

"The price... indeed... I want part of your life... yes... and I also want your memories. But I can promise that even if you don't remember your purpose, I will make sure your wish is fulfilled. Yes... those are the prices and promises I make."

"The price is easy to pay. Take it. Take all of it if you need. I just need the power... For anything. For everything."

"Follow me, then, child. I'll show you power."

"This isn't true... Kabuto... you're a liar. A LIAR!" I screamed at him and tried to break free. I was stronger than before and managed to stumble away from Kabuto, who had released my hand.

"You're the liar. You've been lying for your whole life. To yourself, to everyone. You're not who you are. So who are you? Why not just return... to Orochimaru-sama." Kabuto said as he changed into a black shadow and back into human shape. Except he wasn't Kabuto anymore.

I stared at myself and looked into those crimson eyes. I could almost entirely understand why people don't believe me. Those eyes... they're full of coldness and lies.

I walked over to myself and stood inches from my face.

"You're a liar," The other myself whispered to me and I tensed.

"GO AWAY!" I shouted as I gave a punch to myself. The other me dissolved into the background like she (or I?) was never there.

"What is wrong with you." Kakuzu's disgusted voice said from above me as I opened my eyes to meet the blinding daylight.

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