Part 32 ∞∞∞ So, do you want to join?

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I sat down on a stump and watched as the sun started to sink. Orange and round...

It's been around two or three days since I left Konoha and I'm at the border of the Land of Fire and halfway through the journey to Hidden Rock.

"You can come find us at Amegakure anytime. We'll welcome you."

I remembered and smirked as I gazed into the distance. Amegakure... hm? I thought and reminded myself to pass by after I'm done with the "Deidara business". Also Orochimaru... that stupid... arrogant... jerk... I cursed as I remembered what he said in front of Itachi and Madara.

"Well, time to move on." I thought and started on my way towards the Hidden Rock again.


I took in a breath and glared at the village. I traveled three days, without sleep, barely any water, only berries to eat, just so I can get to this wretched village. And no one bothered to remind me to bring money. I leaned onto a huge boulder beside the road and closed my eyes and felt the heat.

"I really hate this village," I growled.


I woke up in a temple. Or a temple sort of thing. Tied up. I must have fallen asleep... I thought and yawned, breaking the rope with an easy stretch. I looked around and rubbed my eyes. There was weird stuff everywhere. Huge statues and a sealed closed door, a window, a golden-haired boy, a few ropes. A GOLDEN HAIRED BOY!? I thought and whipped my head to stare at him. He was facing the other direction, fumbling with something in his hands and completely not acknowledging my existence.

I stood up, walked over to him and patted him on the shoulders.

"EXPLOSION IS ART!" He shouted extremely loudly and something exploded in my face.


"So... You found me unconscious and decided to bring me here as an admirer of your art... which you threw in my face and exploded..." I said and Deidara nodded, his head getting more and more swollen at the moment.

"I hate you," I muttered and Deidara rubbed his head, looking like a wounded dog.

"I-" Deidara started to talk again and I slammed him in the head again.

"Shut up and follow me," I commanded and Deidara looked at me unpleasantly.

"I'll make you admire my art! hn!" He shouted suddenly and threw more white exploding stuff at me. It exploded in my face again.

"DEIDARA!" I roared and slapped his head with full force. "YOU WILL COME WITH ME TO THE HIDDEN ROCK VILLAGE AND YOU WILL TURN YOURSELF IN SO I CAN HAVE A WELL DESERVED BREAK FROM ALL THESE TIRING KONOHA BUSINESS!!!!" I roared at Deidara and he looked at me, completely frightened.

"Got it?" I said quietly, a smile now plaster on my pace, and Deidara furrowed his brows in confusion. The girl that had just roared at him and threatened him is now smiling like nothing happened. Deidara took that as a clue to continue his explosions and art.

"No one will stop my art! Not even some pretty girl like you, hn!" He shouted again and threw birds and spiders and bugs and scorpions and all kinds of white stuff at me and it all exploded in my face.


"SO, NOW THAT EVERYTHING SEEMS CLEAR AND RESOLVED... You can follow me." I said "pleasantly" and Deidara nodded tightly, his light blue eyes widened.

Survival (A Naruto Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now