Part 25 ∞∞∞ Wouldn't it be nice if one person in the world didn't lie?

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"It's time to wake up." Kabuto's voice called from above me but I ignored him. I don't want to wake up.

"Orochimaru-sama calls you," Kabuto said again and I lifted my head up a little. Orochimaru-sama calls me? I thought and tried very hard to lift myself from the bed. Very hard. But I failed.

"Yoru! It's not the time for childish plays!" Kabuto said and reached for my arms. I glared at him with my glowing eyes. He froze for a second and returned his hands back to his side and left the room. I rolled off my bed and landed with a dull thud onto the concrete floor of my "bedroom".

"It's time to wake up." I told my body and finally managed to stand up. I leaned onto the wall and pushed myself towards the door of my room, which Kabuto left slightly ajar.

"It hurts," I told the door and it creaked. Almost like sympathy.

"Are you up?" Kabuto's voice said from outside my door and I nodded to myself. Talking hurts.

"Yoru?" Kabuto said and opened the door again, looking at my weak form.

"Don't... look at me." I choked out and fell back to the ground, covering myself with my overly big, white, sleeping dress.

"Come here," Kabuto said and I looked up at him. He wasn't looking at me anymore. He faced outside, staring at the wall of the corridor outside. I stood up again, took the black cloak from the only chair in my room, and draped it over myself. It was also overly big but it covered me. That's the only thing I needed.

"I'm ready..." I said quietly to Kabuto. He didn't respond. He probably didn't hear me.

"I—" I started to say in a louder voice but Kabuto turned around and took my hand, leading me out of the dark room.

"Kabuto..." I said as he walked down the corridor towards where I usually ate breakfast. He ignored me.

"Kabuto..." I said again but he only gripped me harder.

"It hurts..." I moaned and stopped walking. Kabuto let go of my hand in surprise and stopped abruptly, turning to face me. I could tell he's pissed.

"Come here." He ordered again and I walked to him, looking at his shirt. It was simple and black... Before I know it, my face was covered in the shirt. It smelled of medicine. It made me want to puke but it was comfortable.

"Don't cry, Yoru." Kabuto said but I cried anyway. Into his shirt. Which smelled of medicine. Which made me want to puke. But I didn't puke because I know Kabuto was being nice for once. Maybe he regretted injecting the green liquid inside me.

"KABUTO! YORU!" Orochimaru's calls down the corridor broke my sobs. I released Kabuto and walked on. I won't cry anymore.

"You can cry. If it helps with the pain. I'm a medic ninja, I don't enjoy my patients suffering." Kabuto said and I realized I had said my thought out loud. Or moaned it out loud. I continued down the hallway and Kabuto followed me a respectable distance away. We reached the gray, darkish room and saw Orochimaru sitting in one of the chairs on the long table. He was cutting open a snake.

"Orochimaru-sama," Kabuto said and bowed slightly. I tried to but resulted in a stumble.

"Yoru, come to my side," Orochimaru ordered and I inched towards him, aware of my awkwardness.

"Do you see it's heart?" Orochimaru asked me as I reached his side. I nodded and he smiled a little.

"It's black. That's the result of injecting the Celeris Laurus into it." Orochimaru said and I wanted to vomit.

"I've never tested it on a human yet. You have done well." Orochimaru said as my head felt heavier and more unbalanced than usual. Orochimaru-sama called the green liquid Celeris Laurus. I call it the green liquid. It made and makes my heart black. My heart is black.


"It's a beautiful shade isn't it?" Orochimaru said as he removed an organ from the snake and squeezed. The green liquid dripped from the snake onto the table and the table sizzled slightly. I wonder if I'm rotten on the inside. I thought as I watched the wood grow a deeper shade of brown and crinkle up.

"Yoru, look at me." Orochimaru said and I looked up at him.

"Open your mouth." Orochimaru ordered and I did. My jaws hurt as well.

"It might hurt," Orochimaru warned and a thin white snake flew from his sleeve into my mouth. I screamed and choked as the snake squiggled inside my mouth and throat. I decided to vomit then.

I looked down at the green and black liquidy mass on the ground and held my body. I don't know where to hold since it hurts everywhere. I just grasped at myself. The white snake squiggled on the ground, its body turning black, almost like being scorched. My throat also burned. It was probably black as well.

The pain hit then. All over my body. Especially on my eyes. In my eyes. Over my eyes. My vision burned red, purple, green, white, black, red, black, red, black, green, black, black, black, black, black.

I fell to the ground and lay there in a ball, shivering and struggling for breath. I looked down at the almost mirror-like ground and found myself staring at me. My eyes were awfully red. Blood red. It had always been black. Now it's not. It's the only part of me that didn't turn black. But it turned blood red. That's almost as painful as black.

Kabuto leaned over me as I trembled.

"Liar..." I choked out as I looked at my reflection inside his glasses. The smell of medicine filled my nostrils and it made me want to puke. But I didn't because I knew it would hurt more if I did. So I stayed on the ground trembling with Kabuto standing over me. That's when I realized they're all liars.

"Wouldn't it be nice if one person in the world doesn't lie?" I asked Kabuto but his nonchalant face looked back at me. I couldn't see his eyes through the reflection of the glasses. I don't want to see his eyes. They're full of lies.

 They're full of lies

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