Part 30 ∞∞∞ I remember their graves

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"Hm... so this is your father?" I asked Neji who was kneeling in front of an oldish man with white eyes like him.

"No. He's the head of the main Hyuga family." Neji said tensely and I shrugged, not seeing the difference.

"Cool." I commented and the man in front of me smiled a little.

"I heard about you. Come, let us talk in length." The man said and I looked at him. There was a sort of evil glint to his white eyes and his disapproving face kind of proved my point.

"Ummm... I didn't exactly come here to talk... especially in length... Neji "invited" me. So I should be leaving now..." I said inching to the door and I laughed awkwardly as Neji gave me a stern look and stood up in a fighting stance.

"Oh come on..." I muttered and stopped moving.

"My name is Hyuga Hiashi. I'm Neji's uncle and Hyuga Hinata's father." The man said while walking towards me, his hands stretched out for a handshake. I looked down on his hand and sighed.

"Sure. Nice to meet you too. I'm Yoru." I muttered a greeting and waited for what he wanted me to do next. And for the thought, why am I feeling like I'm being ordered around...

"Such insolence to the head of the family!" Neji almost shouted as he advanced towards me, a certain anger in his eyes.

"Not like I care," I muttered again and I could feel Neji's irritation and anger grow.

"Neji, it's okay." Hyuga Hiashi said and I smirked and made a face at him.

"Yoru-san, I believe you are 13?" Hyuga Hiashi continued to say and I thought about it for a moment.

"I think so, yea, but I suppose I might be turning 14 very soon. I have to check with *cough* *whispers* Itachi *cough* anyways..." I answered honestly and Hyuga Hiashi chuckled a little.

"I also believe you have the Sharingan." He said although I'm pretty sure he knows it for a fact.

"Mhm," I said and he smiled some more even though his eyes showed hostility.

"I still also believe you have the Byakugan." He said with an arrogant sort of air and I narrowed my eyes.

"Yea. Got a problem?" I threatened and Hyuga Hiashi shook his head.

"No. I was just making sure your existence is sure." He said and I rolled my eyes. I was literally standing in front of him and he's questioning my existence.

"My existence is pretty sure considering I can beat the two of you up right now." I muttered and Neji's chakra spiked again.

"I see you didn't come here exactly willingly, did, by any chance, Neji force you to come?" Hyuga Hiashi asked again after a while of silence and I laughed coldly.

"Him? Threaten me? I don't think so. I merely came here out of curiosity. And I want to learn the Gentle Fist." I said with a smirk and he nodded.

"You're not a very humour-able man, are you? You're kind of boring me. I didn't expect much from the Hyugas anyway. The exact reason why I never came to find you guys." I said and laid my hands out in a matter-of-fact sort of way.

"Really? Then I suppose you were entertained by the Uchihas?" Hyuga Hiashi said and I laughed.

"Yes. Fugaku and Itachi were very interesting. Too bad though, hm?" I said with a small smile playing on my lips and Hiashi frowned some more.

"What? Don't tell me you don't know about the massacre?" I asked in a "surprised" tone and Hyuga Hiashi narrowed his eyes.

"The whole village knows. It's just the way you say it." He said and turned around, not facing me anymore. I made a face at his back and hoped he spotted it with the Byakugans. He deserves it anyway. Such a boring man.

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