Part 6 ∞∞∞ What do you want from me

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The head looked at me and I looked back.

"Did you cast the jutsu?" The head asked, his voice was low and stern.


"By yourself?"


"What is your name?"


"How old are you?"

"11, turning 12 soon."

"Where do you come from?"


"I would appreciate if you answered that."

"Somewhere in the forest. I'm not sure where exactly."

"Who did you live with?"


"Were you instructed not to tell?"


"Are you lying?"

"I don't lie."

The silence continued between us as he pondered for a while. I wondered what the heck this old man want with me and how powerful he was to have all the masked shinobis kneel in-front of him.

"We will search your memory forcefully if you do not volunteer to tell us." He finally said.

"You have to catch me first."

"I do not wish for a fight to break out."

"Then stop asking me questions."

"One more question."


"Would you like to join the Konoha Anbu?"

The shinobi in masks gasped behind me and I heard murmurs of disagreement.

"Whats that."

"The Konoha Special Assassination and Tactical Squad. The Anbu works directly under me, the hokage, and follow my orders."

"Why me."

"You're talented."

"No, I'm not."

"You were able to stand up against Itachi and not lose. That is something."

"It is?"

"Yes, Yoru-chan."

"Don't call me that."

"Do you take the offer."

"I can't."

"Why not."

"I can't..."

"Why not. You killed Kana easily."

"The purple mask?"


"She provoked me first."

"Maybe that is the case."

"I didn't want to kill her either."



"Will you join the Anbu?"

"I can't."

"Then we must kill you."


"Do you want to be killed?"

"It doesn't matter..."

"Your life doesn't matter?"

"No, it doesn't."

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