Part 16 ∞∞∞ The Uchiha Clan & Danzo

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"So Team Ro knew all along?" I asked as I nibbled on my popsicle.

"Not at the very beginning, but after the Hokage officially made the decision, yes," Kakashi answered and I sighed.

"Somehow it doesn't bother me as much," I said and peered at Kakashi whose popsicle remained uneaten.

"You've changed a lot since you came here. You might be surprised how different you are from then." Kakashi answered and I laughed a little.

"Blood-thirsty, irrational, deadly, bad-temper. All of that is still in me somewhere." I said quietly but Kakashi laughed.

"At least, at this rate, Itachi maybe be able to stop you," Kakashi said with a small chuckle and I glared at him.

"All mocking me because I don't "train". How much good does training do you anyways?" I snapped and stuffed the rest of my popsicle into my mouth.

"Also if you don't want yours, I can have it," I said peering at Kakashi's popsicle.

"Nope," Kakashi said, stood up, and walked away, still not eating the popsicle. I rolled my eyes and followed him.

"So, what are we doing today?" I asked as I watched Kakashi intently, daring for him to eat the popsicle.

"Look over there! Orochimaru! He went over the Hokage's building" Kakashi suddenly shouted and pointed to somewhere behind me. I whirled around and leaped onto the closest building, looking around.

"What the heck is Orochimaru doing in Konoha?" I called back to Kakashi but he didn't respond. I turned around, alarmed to find Kakashi turning his back to me fiddling with something. I leaped back down the building and patted him on the shoulder. He turned around with a bare popsicle stick and his mask slightly tilted to one side.

"Kakashi... Did you... trick me." I said, my tone awfully cold.

"Aheheheh... You know... My eyes are getting a little bad... heheheh." Kakashi said while retreating.

"I'll kill you!!" I screamed at Kakashi and he darted onto the rooftops. I followed him, yelling threats and throwing kunais at him.

"Wait, Yoru-san!" A voice suddenly called from the streets and I looked down to find Tenzo waving at me, with Itachi standing beside him.

"What do you want," I said while I gazed hatefully as Kakashi escaped into the distance.

"I'm supposed to bring you to where Itachi usually works. The Hokage wants you to work there as well." Tenzo said somehow uncomfortably and beckoned for me to follow him as he and Itachi jumped onto the rooftops as well.

"What work do you have, Itachi. I thought you just "train" all the time." I said sarcastically but was surprised when Itachi didn't give me a response.

"Hey! You dead?" I called into his ears and he widened his eyes and almost tripped in surprise.

"I was thinking." He answered without looking at me.

"I could tell. So... are you going to tell me or not?" I asked again but he shook his head.

"You'll see."


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