Part 19 ∞∞∞ but I'll always be Yoru...

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"Orochimaru-sama... Where did I come from?" I asked and looked up at him. His long oily hair was pulled back and tied as he flipped through the shelves of organs and dead animals.

"It doesn't exist anymore so you don't need to think about it." He answered without looking down and continued to sort through the shelf.

"Do I have a father or mother?" I asked and pressed for an answer. I wanted to know.

"You did. Or else you wouldn't exist." Orochimaru-sama answered and I smiled.

"Maybe one day I'll get to know them, what do you think, Orochimaru-sama~" I called and jumped around the room.

"You're the only one I allow to move around freely so take the chance and enjoy yourself. After the experiment, everything will be different." He said and I stopped my feet.

"Why?" I asked and looked up at him. His eyes narrowed before he turned to look at me.

"You'll be a different person," Orochimaru said and walked out of the room.

"But... I'll always be Yoru..." I said and followed Orochimaru-sama deeper into the base, back to where I was kept.


I opened my eyes to find myself in a sun-filled room. No one was there.

I thought I was dead... I remembered and put my hands over my burning eyes and was surprised to find bandages over them.

"Ah..." I said out loud, surprised I activated my byakugans without even realizing.

"You're awake." A voice said from the door and I turned to look at the nurse coming into the room.

"What day is it?" I asked and the nurse halted in her step.

"It's... one day after you were sent here..." She stuttered and finally approached me.

"I'm going to take your bandages off, okay...? I'm going to change new ones for you... You might not want to look at the bandages I take off..." She said while her hands shook.

"Are you nervous?" I asked and the nurse froze again.

"I can take off the bandages myself," I said as I watched her struggle for words. The nurse didn't say anything so I ripped off the bandages. The sudden light that hit my senses surprised me. So my byakugans don't transmit the sunlight... I thought as I covered my eyes, yet still seeing through them. I looked down at the bandage in my hand and widened my eyes.

"Can I see my eyes?" I asked and the nurse shook her head.

"The man that sent you here requested us not to show you it yet until you've healed..." The nurse said and stole peeks at me while cutting new bandages for me.

"Give me a mirror," I commanded and the nurse dropped the pair of scissors she was holding.

"It's for your own good, Yoru." Kakashi's voice suddenly said from the window behind me and I turned to look at me and removed my hands from my eyes.

"How did you find me?" I asked him and he seemed surprised that I knew it was him that brought me here.

"Your chakra... It was quite overwhelming. I was looking for you anyway when I sensed it." Kakashi said and I continued to look at him.

"What about the fire?" I asked and he furrowed his brows.

"There was no fire..." He said and I let out an exasperated sigh.

"What's wrong with my eyes?" I turned again and asked the nurse. She looked down again and ran out of the room.

"KAKASHI!" I roared at him and he narrowed his eyes.

"TELL ME!" I yelled at him again and he shook his head.

"The Hokage ordered not to tell you. Even I cannot disobey his..." He said but I stood up violently and slapped him on the face.

"Don't lie to me, Kakashi t- a- i- c- h- o- u-," I said as Kakashi messaged his cheeks.

"Yoru, like I said, it's for your own good," Kakashi said and jumped out the window. I watched him walk away down the street leading to the Konoha Hospital and let the hate grow in my eyes once again. No boiling sensation gave this time though. It was only a hot, stinging pain.

*Time Skip*

I walked down the street of Konoha leading to the Uchiha Compound and sighed. I had wrapped bandages around my eyes myself and slipped out of the hospital without anyone noticing. I need to find Itachi and Uchiha Shisui... I thought and hit myself in the head, trying to clear my mind.

"What are you doing here." Itachi's voice said from behind me just as I was about to step into the Uchiha Compound and I laughed to myself. My senses are dulled... Didn't realize he was there at all.

"To find you," I answered and turned around to looked at him. He widened his eyes after eying my bandages and silently turned to leave.

"I can see you," I told him and he turned back around.

"What do you want?" He asked, more unpleasant than usual and I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards to the edge of the forest where there was no one.

"Look at my eyes," I said and began taking the bandages back off my eyes once we were alone.

"Wh..." He began to say but cut off mid-sentence when he saw my eyes.

"Describe them. I need to know." I said and tried to look at him urgently.

"Then look into a mirror." He said an turned around to leave again. Why don't I look into a mirror? Because I'm afraid of what I might see? I thought and smiled. Afraid? 

"JUST TELL ME!" I yelled and slammed Itachi onto a tree leaning into his face, already impatient. I saw his eyes advert my face and I punched him in the stomach. He clenched his teeth and finally looked into my eyes.

"They're red, like usual." He answered and looked away again.

"Then, what's wrong with it..." I said softly but adding the death tone to my voice. Itachi got the message and pushed me away before taking a deep breath and finally telling me.

"Your sclera is black and there are lines of white through the whole of your eyeball." He said and we stood in silence for a moment. He stared at me hard before turning around and leaving.

"Also, don't you dare touch Sasuke again." He said before disappearing out of view.

"Someone's in a bad mood today, huh," I muttered before putting the bandages again. What did I do to my eyes... I thought and hit myself in the face again. Feeling the pain helped.

Only until later did I hear what happened from Tenzo. Uchiha Shisui committed suicide but the Uchihas are suspecting Itachi for actually killing him and faking the suicide. To me, it wouldn't matter either way but apparently, according to Tenzo, it's making the other Uchihas even more agitated. Kakashi tried to make me go back to the hospital but I used genjutsu to cover my eyes and pretended it recovered. I'm pretty sure he didn't believe me but he went with it anyway.

There's one thing I'm sure now.

Something's going to happen. Something big.

 Something big

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Survival (A Naruto Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now