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Kabuto stared into the dark hallway and smiled to himself. He was such an idiot...

The "sorry" that had spilled out of his mouth was muffled by the cold dull air seeping into the base. His head ached. His arms ached. His heart ached.


The name filled his head and his expression hardened. He couldn't disappoint his master... he shivered to even think of the consequences.

"SAKON! UKON!" Kabuto shouted into the darkness and the two figures melted out of the shadows, joining Kabuto as he stood up. "Let's test the results of our hard work."


I walked into the clearing and smiled at the three people assembled there. It wasn't hard to find them with their strong, reeking chakra scent.

"You're back." The red-haired puppet turned to look at me and I nodded with a small smile.

"Eh. Thought you'd be gone for longer." The blonde kid complained as he laid back down onto the grass, snoring again within seconds. I shared a look with Zetsu and both white and black Zetsu smiled back.

"It's good to be home," I whispered and looked up at the clear sky above. The snowstorm had left the world pure, white, ready for a new start...

The cold winter air picked at my skin as I wrapped my scarf closer to my neck. Its red glow was warm as I sunk my cheeks into it.

"Welcome back," Sasori whispered to me as he stepped up and handed me my Akatsuki cloak. The fabric was freezing cold as I grabbed it but I put it on anyway. Its cool aura enveloped me and I let out a small laugh.

"Let's get things started, shall we?"


"Orochimaru-sama," Yoru said as she bowed slightly, her short hair flapping against the side of her cheeks. Orochiamru smirked a little and dismissed her. Yoru nodded tightly and sniffed a little. The cold days were wearing into her skin and immune system but she tried to ignore it. She wasn't ready yet to demand Orochimaru of something. But someday... Someday I'll be the ruler of this world. She reassured herself and followed Orochimaru as he turned away. They turned their head from the shattered and blood-tainted village as they walked towards their next target.

The face of the exactly identical girl burned back into her brain and the pain reminded her again of the other "Yoru"'s presence. How dare that replica steal the name of my beloved brother...

"One day, I'll take your power back..." Yoru whispered and tightened her grip on the katana. The blade was still sharp despite how many bodies it had impaled and sliced. It was an impressive deed for a girl this young. Orochimaru looked at the small girl and his smirk deepened. She was perfect... even better than Yoru.

"How do you like the name Akira?" He suddenly asked and Yoru jerked her head up.



Naruto looked up at the ceiling of his apartment as he ended another day of useless training and being beaten up by that Uchiha Sasuke.

"I'll tell you when you become Hokage."

That oneesan... She still hadn't told him her name, each time they met, all they talked about was superficial stuff. How are you? I haven't seen you for a long time. You'll become the Hokage. Despite how fake it might all be, it warmed Naruto a bit. To know that someone in this world is kind enough to acknowledge him. Even though he knew the chances of it being all an act are high, he still clung onto it like a drug.

Survival (A Naruto Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now