Part 10 ∞∞∞ You shouldn't have done that

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"Orochimaru-sama! Look! My hair finally reached my waist~"

"Yoru... What did I say about growing your hair out?"

"But I thought once you saw it you would like it..."

"Cut it."


"I order you. Cut it!"

"But... I want to be like you Orochimaru-sama..."

"Your hair will be an impediment when you fight. Once you are as skilled as I, you may grow your hair out."

"But it took a long time..."

"How did you hide it from me?"

"I... used a little genjutsu..."

"Cut your hair right now and afterward I need to look at that ability."



"Where are you going?"

"To get a knife..."

"Don't you know how to use a chakra scalpel?"

"I... do... but my control..."

"Use it."

"But I might h..."

"DO IT."

I jerked awake and looked up at the dawning sky. My back ached from sleeping on the roof and I slapped myself out of the dream state.

"Ouch..." I messaged my swollen face after I managed to get off the roof and onto the streets, which were just beginning to get busy. I walked around bored and watched the sunrise from the four heads hanging off the cliff.

"I wonder if I can find the old man today..." I said to myself and walked around the streets of Konoha again, pointless.

Suddenly, a hand touched my shoulders and I whirled back, my sword unsheathed and pointed it at the person's stomach

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Suddenly, a hand touched my shoulders and I whirled back, my sword unsheathed and pointed it at the person's stomach.

"Good morning," Itachi said to me and I put away my sword with an eye roll.

"What do you want," I answered and looked at him impatiently.

"You didn't come to the training ground yet. Yamato-senpai was worried you ran away." He answered, stating the facts and giving me a reason to punch Tenzo.

"And then." I prompted him but he cocked his head and looked at me.

"AND THEN...?" I asked again but he continued to look at me.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT??" I asked again and made sure he heard me alright.

"Come with me to the training ground." He answered as though if it was obvious.

"Well, you could have said that EARLIER!" I raged back and did a teleportation-or-whatever-you-call-it jutsu and waited as Itachi ran all the way back to the training ground (while ignoring the rest of Team Ro's annoying talks).

"Are you listening! Just because Kakashi Taichou (Basically Captain. Taichou sounds better tho... heh) is not here, doesn't mean you get to act off!" Yoji said to me, raging in an almost deadly tone.

"We are only taking you in because it's the Hokage's orders. I would kill you without hesitation, Outsider." Ko said quietly but also quite deadly.

"Hey. But you can't disobey that old man's orders, can you? Unless I mean, you kill him and take his spot. He looks pretty fragi..." I said happily but stopped talking when two katanas crossed my throat. (Yoji and Ko... Yugao isn't back yet and Itachi just looked at me while Tenzo looked down at the ground.)

"Take that back." Yoji hissed and I smirked at her anger for defending an OLD MAN.

"Or what?" I replied, my eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"I'll make sure you suffer." He answered, his eyes boiling with hate.

"Yoji senpai..." Itachi said and tried to approach him but Ko moved and kicked a surprised Itachi aside.

"That's not nice is it?" I asked them, making sure my voice is full of contempt.

"You shut the **** up, *****." He whirled on my and landed a punch square on my ribcage. I coughed and felt the pain vibrate through my body.

"You shouldn't have done that..." I said quietly and the training ground melted into darkness.

"Welcome to my world," I whispered into her ears and felt the burning of my eyes take over my body

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"Welcome to my world," I whispered into her ears and felt the burning of my eyes take over my body.

Survival (A Naruto Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now