Part 12 ∞∞∞ No one will understand anyways

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"Hokage... sama..." Ko widened his eyes and dropped his katana, kneeling to the ground. I looked at the old man and rolled my eyes. It would have been better if I died... I thought as I let my eyes wander over the scene.

"Ko, she is your comrade now, I believe I made that clear yesterday." The old man said and I saw Ko tighten his fists.

"Yes. My apologizes." He answered tightly and nodded his head at me.

"Suddenly as obedient as a dog huh..." I whispered so only he could hear and he leaped up from the ground, his eyes flashing dangerously from behind the mask.

"Ko!" The old man shouted and I laughed as Ko shrunk back like a hurt animal.

"Yoru, this doesn't mean you get to..." He turned on me but I gave him a cold look.

"I never said I wanted to be here did I? I only agreed to join the Anbu and that doesn't mean I have to listen to your orders does it? Also in the end you just want to get something out of me or from me right? Why not just be straight and say it." I said quietly, but making sure my rage filled my words.

"We know about you, Yoru." The old man said and Ko looked up at him in surprise.

"I thou..." Yoji, who was laying behind me the whole time, began to say something but the old man looked at him and he closed his mouth. I looked at the wound all over him and sighed.

"We know who you are." The old man said again and I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm Yoru. I told you that didn't I?" I said, annoyed at them all.

"I was Orochimaru's sensei. He was a quiet child, intrigued by the mysteries of life. He wanted to gain immortality and to know all the jutsus in the world. He betrayed the village, he hated us for not understanding..." The old man said and I rolled my eyes.

"And why do I need to know that?"

"Maybe Konoha isn't as bad as you were told." The old man mused, turned, and left. I stared at that old dude with hate and wondered how he knew about my relationship with Orochimaru.

 I stared at that old dude with hate and wondered how he knew about my relationship with Orochimaru

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*Time Skip*

"Remind me, why do I have to be with you?" I spat venomously at Itachi who was walking a few paces in front of me.

"I have to introduce you to the village." He answered.

"More like watching over me so I don't escape or go around killing more people..." I mumbled and rolled my eyes.

"And that." He said and continued to walk, without stopping.

"Where are you going?" I asked and sighed to myself in annoyance. When did I become the talkative one?

"We are going to the best spot in Konoha." He said and I sighed again.

"We're not going to sightsee..." I said but Itachi suddenly sped up and I had to run to keep up with him.

*After a while of running on roofs and forests and rocks*

"I told you... we are not sightseeing--" I started to say again but looked up and found myself at a lost for words.

"It's the best spot in Konoha." Itachi smiled at me and said. I looked at him and felt a weird sensation fill my body. It's like... when I first saw Orochimaru... I thought and looked down at Konoha. The village was filled with all sorts of light as the last wisp of sunlight disappeared. The four heads were clearly in view and seemed... magnificent?

"Konoha is most peaceful at this time. It's like you would forget all about the war being fought outside..." Itachi said quietly and I looked at him. He held out his hand and a raven fluttered out of nowhere.

 He held out his hand and a raven fluttered out of nowhere

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"They are beautiful creatures..." I murmured and looked at the ravens fluttering out of Itachi's hand and into the sky. The ravens circled us and I closed my eyes.

Itachi... I widened my eyes in recognition and turned to Itachi. Yes... It would make sense... He's so strong and calm... It makes sense... I thought and clenched my fists. Orochimaru's new body.

"I think you should leave now." He said and I looked at him, confused.

"I don't think you should be outside during the night. Especially not here. This is technically outside of Konoha." He explained and I widened my eyes. Did he trust me enough to bring me outside of Konoha?

"You shouldn't have brought me out here." I agreed and put my hands on my sword. Itachi looked at me but didn't see my movement. I swiftly grasped the sword handle and Itachi widened his eyes as the blade slashed his cheeks. He stumbled back but regained his posture quickly.

"You shouldn't trust me," I said and advanced onto Itachi, he tried to weave signs but I slashed at his hands with my swords and he had to stop.

"You shouldn't have brought me here in the first place. Isn't it better if I stayed inside Konoha, like a quiet little kitten? And do your bidding without an argument?" I said, cold fury seeping into my voice and I felt the familiar boiling feeling rush into my blood. I took in a deep breath and turned around, hurling my sword at the trees.

I heard Itachi's uneven breathing from behind me as I stalked away, retrieving my sword and disappeared into the forest.

"Why do you have to destroy all the trust given to you?"

"Even you will not understand... No one will..." I muttered to myself but still found myself walking back to Konoha.

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