Part 33 ∞∞∞ New Members

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I looked into the meadow and at the huge boulder in the center of it and let out a sigh. When Sasori said, the "meeting" place, I never thought it would be a normal meadow. But I suppose all secret organizations have some kind of weird habit (and especially when Madara is their leader).

"Why did you come?" Itachi suddenly asked quietly from behind me and I turned to gaze at him.

"It seems like fun?" I answered truthfully and Itachi let out an exasperated sigh. You'd think the one and only Uchiha Itachi won't get mad at anything. WRONG. He's currently thinking about stuffing me into a bag and throwing me into Tartarus.

"Do you know what this means? You've betrayed the village now, you can never go back." Itachi decided to say instead and I smirked.

"Before I went away I told them I would be on a long vacation so I think I'm fine," I answered and Itachi narrowed his eyes.

"You plan on going back?" Itachi asked with disbelief. I suppose he can't see through me with his Sharingan. For the first time, honestly, I thought about the question seriously. Going back to Konoha...? If I go back... I'll probably never come back again, right?

"If Akatsuki isn't as fun as it seems, Konoha might actually be a better choice. There are dangos... Kakashi to annoy... Tenzo to scare... people to kill... so, I guess...?" I said casually and looked as Itachi sighed again.

"You shouldn't have come. I didn't know he was thinking about pulling you into this..." Itachi muttered and I laughed. This? Why do you say it with distaste... isn't this the most wonderful thing that has happened in my life? I thought with no little amusement.

"Pulling you into what?" Sasori suddenly croaked from beside me and I looked down at him. To be honest, I was too engaged into the conversation, I actually didn't notice him shuffling towards us. Also, to be honest, I couldn't sense his chakra circuit. No... to be more exact... his chakra circuit is altered so I didn't realize it was a person's.

"Nothing you might be interested." I spat back, pissed that I didn't recognize his chakra circuit, and gave Sasori a glare. I bet his scorpion tail was hovering over my brains.

"You sure are a troublesome girl." Shark dude noted, passing by, swinging his huge sword around. I continued to look at Sasori who was now looking at Itachi. They seemed to have a silent conversation as their eyes stared at each other. Although Itachi's Sharingan are deactivated, I can tell he's still trying to look through Sasori's puppet shell.

"It's about time." Sasori suddenly said and turned away from Itachi's gaze. I wondered what he meant as Itachi also shrugged slightly and followed Sasori. Itachi turned around, gave me a final unreadable look, and leaped up onto the boulder, Sasori following, leaving me and Deidara to wonder what's going on.

Shark dude remained on the ground and asked if Deidara and I know how to link chakra to talk... And I was like, uh yea? And Deidara was like, uh no, hn?

"Why did you decide to come again?" I asked Deidara and he gave me a glare.

"My art will beat that Uchiha boy..." He responded and I patted him on the head, which made him blush in embarrassment and leap away from me.

After Shark Dude taught Deidara what is chakra communication or however one might like to call it, he told us to link our chakra to Sasori and do the communication thingy. I closed my eyes and did it. I could feel Deidara's connection wavering but he held on. When I opened my eyes again, everyone was standing around in a circle inside a stone cavern. I looked down at myself and found me rainbow coloured. Like Orochimaru that time with Madara. Well... duh.

"It's been a long time since we've met like this..." A person in a cloak (Which I later know as the Akatsuki cloak) started to talk first. Whoever talks first is the leader, a nice life tip for everyone. "First, welcome Deidara. And I see Yoru has come as well." The man continued to speak and I noted black chakra sticks in his face said and I smirked at his fashion sense. I looked around the circle and noted no orange masked people that look like Madara.

"What's the occasion this time?" Another deep male voice asked from three spaces left of me and I looked at the half-masked dude with interest. He sounded impatient. He sounded grumpy. He sounded like someone I would want to fight with.

"The tenth member, excluding Yoru, has been located." The bad fashion sense dude said again and I rolled my eyes.

"Ouch." I muttered which caused everyone to look at me. I could feel Itachi give me a stare from the other side of the circle.

"Nothing!" I sighed and rolled my eyes again. The Shark Dude left of Itachi smirked at me and I gave him an invisible high-five. He seems like fun, now that I actually notice him.

"Orochimaru?" The bad fashion sense dude spoke again, and god, how much I wish he would never again speak that name again in his whole damn life.

"There's a new religious group calling themselves the Way of Jashin. Well, you can call them a cult. I received information that recently the group succeeded in a certain experiment." Orochimaru began to explain and I let out a scoff.

"More like the Way of Orochimaru." I muttered and again, no one got the joke except for Shark Dude who gave me a curious look again. I should learn his name soon.
Orochimaru turned his head slightly to stare at me and I gave him a middle finger. He accepted it with a gratified smile and flicked his hair out of his face. I made a face and pretended to vomit. I'm pretty sure everyone around the circle took that in mind and realized they should never ever put Yoru and Orochimaru together in a room. Never ever.

"Oh, and what would this experiment be?" Shark dude asked, breaking the awkwardness and I flashed him a small, cute smile. I'm sure he'd never think it was real.

"Immortality," Orochimaru answered and I suddenly became more interested. I slowly turned my head to look at him and his sickly, smiling face. I could see his slight uneasiness inside. How someone other than him can gain immortality. I smirked and decided to like the newcomer.

"Immortality?" The half-mask dude spoke again and Orochimaru nodded slightly.

"The one who became immortal is called Hidan. He used to be a ninja of the Hidden Steam Village." Orochimaru informed the half-mask and he fell silent again, his thoughts, I have no idea where.

"We will bring Hidan in as our newest and last member. Orochimaru, Kakuzu, Zetsu... and Yoru. Your job is to bring him in. Based on what we know, he might be a little complicated." The bad fashion sense dude ordered and I smiled politely when my name was called. I had a feeling it'll be nice meeting the newcomer. Extremely nice indeed. I opened my mouth to ask the leader a question but it never got out. Sasori decided to break the connection right that second.

"There, Yoru. That's your mission for now. Here." Sasori croaked and threw me a cloak from somewhere inside his puppet and I put it on. IT'S SO COOL!!! I screamed in my head but gave a little scoff on the outside.

"Orochimaru, hm... I guess I'll have to deal with him..." I muttered and looked around. "WTF!!!!?? I THOUGHT YOU TOLD ME I WON'T HAVE TO MEET OROCHIMARU AT ALL!!!!" I roared at Sasori and he scoffed. I could feel tick marks all over my face as I gave him a tight smile.

That was when a half white, half black, Asian plant decided to grow out from the ground directly between me and Sasori. And when I decided to punch Sasori which resulted in me punching a plant (which turned out to be the best person in the Akatsuki, including Itachi (He's the worst))

"Follow me." The plant said rubbing his "leaves" and split apart. Yea, split apart. The white one motioned for me to follow it and I gaped at it. To be extremely honest, I was too shocked to disobey.

"See. ya. guys." I said tensely and followed the plant to somewhere (I don't know where).

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