Part 49 ∞∞∞ Welcome "home"

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I looked at the main gate of Konohagakure and sighed. You ask why I'm here? Sure, let's do a brief summary.

After Madara came to me with the offer and Sasori heard us talking, Deidara, Sasori, and I went out to kill some people and steal some money. Zetsu returned to us soon enough and helped us a lot with the people finding (I expect no less from Zetsu~).

After that, I remembered that I've been away from Konoha for two years without news and wondered if I should go check in with Kakashi and Tenzo and... stuff. So, as a result, I disrupted Itachi in the middle of his mission with Kisame after running away from Deidara and asked Itachi about it (Kisame proved to be VERY annoying during the process). Itachi showed an attitude that seemed like you-can-do-whatever-you-want and told me that I should stay quiet about it (I don't see the point. They can't do anything to me).

I then went back to Zetsu and Sasori who told me Deidara was lost and Zetsu had to go find Deidara. After that, a week passed with me meditating on the decision and here I am, two weeks after meeting Madara, at the gates of Konoha.

Now you ask me, how are you going to explain your absence in Akatsuki without Kakuzu complaining again? Firstly, Kakuzu doesn't know where I am (also why Kakuzu?). Secondly Sasori probably already realizes my plan. Thirdly, Deidara wants me to go away anyway and is too dim-witted to realize where I'm going (and doesn't care). Lastly, Zetsu is a very kind plant indeed :)

Now, back to Konoha and that stuff.

I looked at the two guards at the gate of Konoha. I recognize the two but never asked for their name. I stretched slightly as I thought about how to deal with the two. They didn't see to notice me yet, which is giving me some time to think it through.

Suddenly, laughter echoed from behind me and I turned to observe a group of four walking back to Konoha, probably from a mission. The sensei was leading the group and they passed and without giving me a second glance, passed right by me. I watched as the sensei waved at the two guards and they waved back. So the guards are supposed to recognize everyone. I sighed deeply and gave up the plan of walking straight in. I looked at the tall Konoha wall and walked away. 

One of the guards seemed to notice me but I quickly trotted away, pretending to not realize his stare. I turned into the woods after making sure the guard wasn't looking at me anymore and traced the wall with my eyes. Konoha itself had not changed much since the last time but there was definitely more people. I tried very hard to remember where Kakashi lived but, I suppose my memory fails me sometimes. The big Hokage building screamed at me and I rolled my eyes. Time to meet the Third again. I thought and leapt towards the walls of Konoha. I jumped over it easily and headed straight towards the Hokage's. He'll recognize me. I said to myself as the window of the Hokage's office drew near. Definitely.


"Who are you! What are you doing in Konohagakure! ANBU!" The old man yelled as I crashed through the wall of his office. I must say it's not a very romantic way of entrance but the doors were guarded by jonins. So... Not my fault?

"WAIT!!! WAIT... WAIT!!!" I shouted and waved at the old man. He didn't seem to realize it's me yet and five Anbu members poofed into the room. I looked at the five. I didn't recognize any one of them. At least let there be someone that knows me... I cursed while ducking their kunais and shurikens.

"I'M YORU!!!" I yelled above all the action and there was a pause.

"Yoru of the night?"

"That killer?"

"I thought they said she died half a year ago..."

"I thought she came back to the village..."

"I heard she has the Sharingans..."

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