Part 17 ∞∞∞ The Nine Tails

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I sighed as I walked towards the Hokage's building. There's something I need to ask that stupid old man.

"AH! WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!" A voice suddenly called from inside the fence I was passing by. I turned to find the blonde haired boy called... I remember... something.

"I have seen you before right?" The boy asked his big eyes still blue and glittery.

"Yea," I said and half-smiled half-smirked at him, he looked so proud for recognizing someone. I remembered the encounter clearly but I wondered if the boy even remembered what I told him.

"You're still not a monster!" The boy said and smiled happily. I laughed and looked behind him to find several girls sneering at him.

"What are you looking at." I snapped to them and they instantly looked away.

"What makes you think so?" I asked the boy after making sure the girls got my message, and he thought about it for a moment.

"You're a nice person, dattebayo!" He said and smiled even brighter. I laughed and turned to leave.

"Wait! Don't leave!" He said and walked with me from inside the fence.

"Well, then tell me, what are you doing there?" I asked while continuing to walk.

"It's academy! Didn't you graduate from the academy?" He asked, clearly not remember what I had said about me "being an experiment" and "running away".

"Academy huh?" I muttered as the fence ended and the boy was forced to watch me walk off into the entrance of the Hokage's building.

"Academy huh?" I muttered as the fence ended and the boy was forced to watch me walk off into the entrance of the Hokage's building

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As I walked up the stairs, I wondered how I could get the Hokage to tell me about what I wanted to know. Maybe torture... I thought and smiled a little. The last time I tortured someone was quite a while ago... I miss that kind of... pleasure... 

"Yoru?" The old man said and I was jerked out of my trance.

"Yes?" I answered and looked at him, somehow caught in surprise. If he knew what I was thinking...

"What are you doing here?" He asked and adjusted his Hokage's "hat" a little.

"I have something to ask you," I said and waited for him to react. He only stared at me.

"Aren't you going to comment?" I said and rolled my eyes. Unpredictable.

"I want to know about the Uchiha clan," I said and watched the old man furrow his brows.

"Come with me." He beckoned to me and continued down the stairs I had just spent the time to walk up. I sighed but followed him.

"The Uchiha clan is a powerful and old clan. One of Konoha's founders was an Uchiha... He is called..."

"Uchiha Madara." I interrupted, remembering one of the books I had found in Orochimaru's "personal library".

"Yes. But he strayed onto the wrong paths." The old man said and coughed a little.

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