Part 35 ∞∞∞ Killer

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"Orochimaru-sama." I greeted and bowed as he passed by on the corridors, talking with Kabuto about some new subjects being brought in.

"Yoru, go find something to do," Kabuto said to me before continuing his conversation with Orochimaru as they walked away.

"Find something to do." I muttered as I walked towards the "prison" area of the underground base. I looked down into the arena and almost wrenched at the smell of rotten flesh. It was too much even for me. I looked down at the four people crawling out of the remains of the battle. They, only, stood victorious.

"Who are you. Prisoner...?" One of the four called out of me. I only saw the shadows of his face. They were all draped in darkness., both inside and outside.

"I'm Yoru," I muttered, the only valid answer I can give.

"You're that kid." Another voice croaked up at me down in the arena.

"I believe I am physically a child," I answered and silence prevailed.

"You're his proud work." The same voice said again and I wondered. Am I? Am I a piece of work? Do I make him proud? It wasn't a question so I stayed silent, allowing them to ponder about it themselves.

"What's your problem? Don't know how to talk??" A girl's voice called out at me and I thought about the questions. What is my problem? I suppose I have a lot of problems. I do know how to talk, but they never asked a question.

"I have many problems. The fact that I was talking to one of you means I am capable of talking." I decided to tell her and she clicked her tongue. The sound echoed through the dark circular room. I turned and left. The place made me remember the day before's bloodshed.

"Yoru, what did I tell you?" Kabuto's voice said from down the corridor just as I was about to sneak into Orochimaru's study to get a book. I looked at Kabuto, turned, and ran.

"YORU!" I heard him shouting down the winding paths but I didn't stop. I know how to over navigate Kabuto in his own base. And even Orochimaru sometimes. I quickly snuck into one of the storage rooms in the base and went to the far end. I pushed open another set of doors and looked at the stacks of books all over the ground. I took the already half burned out candle from the ground and lit it again. "The Guide to Chakra Natures", "Famous Shinobi of the Past", "Land of Fire, Village of Hope", "Shinobi Criminal Records", "Kekkei Genkai and Bloodlines", "Uchiha History". I looked at all the kinds of books and finally held up the Shinobi Criminal Records, it was the newest book in here, only two years old.

"Serial Killer. Stole Forbidden Jutsu. Massacred town. Betrayed the village." I muttered as I flipped through the village, soaking in the message.

"Yoru. Are you here?" Orochimaru's croaky voice said from somewhere outside in the corridors and I snuffed out the candles. I stared down at the page I was on. Orochimaru-sama's page.

"Yoru." His voice came nearer and I clasped my hands over my mouth, making breathing harder. I crawled over to a pile of books and hid behind it. The door opened slightly. There was silence for a while before the candle was suddenly lit again. I cowered behind the pile of books and hoped he wouldn't see me.

"Yoru, what are you doing," Orochimaru said in a matter-of-fact sort of tone and his hand stretched in to take the book away. I shut it quickly, realizing I was still on his page and shivered slightly when he touched my head.

"Are you afraid?" Orochimaru asked and I shook my head defiantly.

"Then why are you hiding? Why are you running? Are you not strong enough? Are you doubting yourself?" Orochimaru asked and I thought about it, meanwhile looking around the room, hoping there would be a hole to crawl through.

"I don't want you to see me. I don't want Kabuto to be near me. I'm too strong. I am doubting you." I answered, knowing to refrain from answering wouldn't do me any good.

"What are you thinking?" Orochimaru asked again after a while of silence and I looked down at my hands.

"I don't want to kill. I don't want to be here. I want to be the one killed, the one to feel the pain. I want my normal eyes back. I don't want you to be here. I really really really really really really really really really..." Hope I can be normal. I said and looked up at Orochimaru's face. He was looking down at me. Like he always does. But this time, it was different.

"Orochimaru-sama, the medicine is ready," Kabuto called from outside the storage room and I stood up. I walked past Orochimaru and out of the doors. I glared at Kabuto as I passed by but he didn't look at me at all. He was staring into the medicine.

"I'll go find something to do," I muttered and went back towards the arena. The four were cleaning up the bodies. I jumped down into the arena and the four of them stared at me, dropping the bodies they were holding.

"You know what jumping into here means?" One of the four asked and I smiled.

"Yes," I answered as the four pounded towards me like wolves.


"I... have to say... you're strong..." The girl stuttered from underneath my feet as I stepped on her arms. Of-course I am. I thought as I remembered the operation room.

"Beat all four of us without using any jutsus... that's something." Another one of the four said and I silently took the compliment. The four were completely battered and defeated, all lying on the ground, writhing in pain.

"YORU!" Kabuto's voice echoed from somewhere in the corridors again and I sighed.

"Bye," I said to the four and jumped back out of the arena. The four didn't utter a sound.

"Where were you?" Kabuto said to me, his face full of annoyance, as I stood in front of him, only slightly panting.

"I was in the arena," I told him and Kabuto narrowed his eyes.

"Did you meet the new subjects?" Kabuto said and I nodded. He lifted up his glasses a little and let out a small sigh.

"They're called the Sound Four. You'll meet them around the base now and then. Don't be too hostile to them." Kabuto told me and I nodded, remembering their hungry eyes.

They are killers, like me. Maybe we'll get along.

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