Ch.1 Midnight call

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Hello everyone, welcome to book 13 of the 'Once Upon a Time: Ever After High' series. Now you probably know that this is the second to last book of this series, and as sad as that sounds, I promise you that you're going to enjoy this book. So as you know from the last book, there's only one more item left to be found in order to break the curse, and time is running out faster than we thought, meaning that this Lydia chic will soon gain her power and arrive in Storybrooke along with the apocalypse. Things are about to take a tragic turn for everyone in Storybrooke, and let's just hope they'll finally get the happy endings they deserve.

(Many years ago) The Land of Narrators has always been an enchanting place, filled with Narrators who narrate the stories we know and Narrators in Training who are learning to fulfill their future roles. And since the Narrators that we know as the parents of Brooke Page aren't narrating at this point, you all probably remember my name Tina, and I will be narrating this chapter until Brooke's parents take over again.

So moving on, all the Narrators seemed to be busy with their lives, doing what every Narrator and Narrator in Training does. But one Narrator wasn't like any other Narrator, being at age 27 and graduate from Narration High a few years back, she had a different mind than the other Narrators, one that she wasn't ready to express yet.

With her long blonde hair draping behind her, this young Narrator took a seat at the massive library where she checked out the books in front of her about every fairy tale she could find and place on that one table.

"Thought I would find you here" she looked up to see a guy a few years younger than her standing in front of her table with a smirk on his face.

"What do you want Noah?" she questioned annoyed.

"What I want is for you to tell me what's going on? You've been coming to the library everyday now, staying for hours, and all you do is just read fairy tales that we already know about."

"It's none of your business okay?" she scowled.

"Actually it is my business, I'm your brother who just wants to make sure his older sister isn't doing anything worth mentioning to Chief Chronicle."

At that point she gave a deep sigh as she closed the book she was reading and looked her brother straight in the eye while clasping her hands together.

"If you really wanna know what's going" she frowned "I'll tell you when I get home, right now is just not the right time and place."

Noah gave a small snicker "Very well, although if you don't come home by 7, that big cookie of yours is gonna be gone."

"So will your limbs" she added in a smirk as he gave a small chuckle before leaving her alone.

Now alone, the young Narrator went back to reading her book of 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves'. As she read she paid very much attention to the Evil Queen, wondering what the story would be like from her point of view, and how much that would change the story.

(Present day) With the clock revealing that it was nearly one in the morning, Brooke was still awake lying on her bed with the old story about 'Shadow High' held up in front of her. Even though the writing was so old that it was nearly faded, she already knew what it was about. And ever since she heard that time was running out faster than she thought, she was more worried than before, and not just for herself but for her friends.

All of a sudden she heard her phone ring, wondering who was calling her at this time, she reached over to her nightstand, picked up the phone and answered the call that was from her boyfriend Danny.

"Hey" she answered in a mumble.

"Why are you up?" he asked.

"How did you know I would be up?"

"I know you."

"Point" she sighed.

"So why are you up?"

"Can't stop thinking about Lydia, I'm really scared that she'll be here soon and we wont see her coming."

"Hey I feel you" he agreed in a sigh.

"Danny" she mumbled "I think we should tell everyone."

"You really think so?"

"Yeah I'm tired of keeping this in, Elena and Olivia are already worried about me for keeping this secret from them, they have to know, and so does everyone."

"Alright" he replied calmly "You wanna tell them tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I'm hoping I can do it through Hailee's video podcast."

"Okay we can do that."


"So uh, are you lying in bed or what?"

"Well yes, and I'm looking at the old story of Shadow High."

"Oh" he sounded a bit surprised "I thought you weren't going to look at that anymore since your last adventure with it."

"Yeah well I figured I might do so since this apocalypse might happen, and I figured it may help us if it does come."

"You think so?"

"I'm not sure" she sighed "I'm just trying it out."

"Well, okay then."

"Hey uh, Danny" she added when a thought came to her.


"What if Lydia does come here, and what if she recognizes me? She might do something bad to me."

"What are you saying? You've met her before, like in person?"

"Not exactly, but I have this feeling that she knows what I look like. You know cause she practically knows everything, she's like the evil version of Destiny."

"You've got a point" he agreed "So uh, what are you gonna do about it?"

"I don't know" she replied nervously.

"Well tell you what? If she does come here, then maybe we can like hide you somewhere where she can't find you. And also be prepared in case anything happens."

"Same to you, you don't know what she looks like, for all we know she could appear without notice."

"I know, and don't worry I'm already prepared."


They both gave sighs until Danny spoke up.

"So uh, you gonna stay up some more or do you wanna go to sleep now?"

"I think I'm gonna try to get some sleep. Thanks for calling me, I really needed this."

"Anything for you" she heard him smile.

After they hung up, Brooke took a deep breath before looking back at the story of Shadow High. Not wanting to read more, she put the story into the drawer of her nightstand, and turned off her lamp.

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