Ch.60 School fire

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While everyone was still training, nobody has yet noticed the fires that are spreading from the vents and into classrooms. And down a hall, Aidan and Terrence had come out from the restroom while discussing about Elena.

"I don't know what to do man" Terrence breathed "If there really is no way to bring her back after turning dark, I have no idea what to do."

"Well, you got time to think about it" Aidan replied, "It hasn't happened yet."

"Yeah, but we're trying to find a way to prevent it."

"Oh, right."

"You know what?" Terrence sighed "I really don't wanna talk about this right now, it's making my head hurt."

"Well come on, let's go back to the cafeteria."

"Hold on, let me get a drink first."

As he began to drink from the water fountain, Aidan's nose suddenly caught a scent of something burning. Wondering where it was coming from, he looked around, and that's when he spotted smoke coming out from under the door of a classroom. 

"What the hell?" he breathed while walking over to the door and reaching for the handle.

At the moment, Terrence turned to see what his brother was doing, and after seeing the smoke, that's when he felt panic running through his body.

"Aidan no!" he screamed while running over and knocking into his brother sending them down just as the door exploded with flames shooting out.

With fire flashing in front of them, the brothers were in full fright as they got up while backing away from the flames.

"How the hell did the classroom catch on fire?!" Aidan exclaimed.

"How should I know?!" Terrence shouted, "Come on!"

Knowing there wasn't a chance to put the fire out, the two ran down the hall to get to the cafeteria, only to stop when a chunk of the ceiling fell in front of them that was covered in fire. They were about to run the other way when another classroom door fell down and fire began to spread out.

"Okay that's it" Terrence declared as he went over to a fire alarm and pulled it as the loud wailing sound was heard throughout the school.

Across the school, everyone wondered why the fire alarm was going off when they noticed the smoke and flames coming from the vents and classrooms as they began to run.

"Fire!" the brothers shouted as they made it to the cafeteria.

"What's going on?" Darling demanded.

"The school's on fire" Aidan puffed "We gotta get everyone out!"

"Oh my God!" Macy suddenly screamed as they turned to see flames from outside the window "The school really is on fire!"

"Everyone out!" Mira ordered as they all got up and hurried out of the cafeteria.

"We gotta get everyone!" Terrence declared.

Across the school, everyone else who was training tried to make their way around the fire that was now spreading quickly. With the flames spreading fast, Ilene took out a fire extinguisher from the wall and began spraying the fire that blocked their path as everyone made it around the flares.

"This way!" she ordered as they went down a hall.

But on the other side of the school, Elena and Olivia found themselves trapped as they tried to find their way around the fire.

"Elena this way!" Olivia pointed as they tried to run down a hall, only to stop when a chunk of the ceiling fell in front of them with the fire blocking their path.

They tried to go another way, but with the fire growing big around them, their chances of escape appeared impossible.

Meanwhile, everyone else was also trying to make their way around the flames while being careful not to get burned. Using their shirts to cover their noses and mouths, everyone tried to make their way to the nearest exits while watching out for falling pieces of the ceiling.

"Come on!" Mira ordered as they followed her towards the front entrance where she used her magic to unlock the doors as and David pushed it opened "Everyone out!"

Everyone hurried out while holding onto each other and coughing for air. While holding the door, Mira noticed that everyone was already covered in sweat and ashes, and some of their clothes already has burned marks. She then noticed that fire was spreading outside of the school too, burning off chunks of the building. After everyone had gotten out, Mira and David closed the doors as they rushed to everyone.

"Is everyone okay?!" David asked as they all nodded.

"Did we get everyone out?!" Mira asked.

"I think so" Aidan breathed.

"Wait where's Elena and Olivia?!" Darling gasped.

At that point, Mira noticed that Elena and Olivia weren't with the crowd, and that's when she gasped while turning to the burning school.

And still inside the school, the girls kept trying to find their way around the flares, but the fire had already increased around them.

"Now what?!" Olivia shouted with fear in her eyes.

Thinking quickly, Elena soon spotted an opening between a chunk of a fallen ceiling and the lockers.

"We go through there!" she pointed.

"You think we can fit through there?!"

"Only one way to find out!" she held her hand out as Olivia took it "Now!"

They ran to the opening where they jumped through it just as a large piece of the ceiling fell on top of the opening. Although with burns on their clothes, the girls were okay as they got up and backed away from the fire.

"Come on!" Elena ordered as they ran to the nearest exit where they tried to open the door, only to find it lock "Stand back."

Olivia did so as Elena used her magic to blast the doorknob off as they pushed it opened and ran outside.

Outside the school, knowing that Elena and Olivia were still inside, Mira tried to run back into the school, but David grabbed her arm and held her back.

"Mira you can't go back in there!" he ordered.

"I have to get them!" she screamed.


Before he could finish, a loud crash was heard as everyone shrieked while watching the top of the school crashing down to the first story. Mira wrapped her arms around David with fright as pieces of the remaining second story fell down. Everyone was in full terror as they held onto each other while watching their school burn with tears in their eyes. Storybrooke High was gone, and nobody knew what happened to Elena and Olivia.

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