Ch.31 A lucky way

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Did anyone watch the trailer for the new 'How to Train your Dragon' movie? I'm already getting emotional just thinking about it. I've seen both movies and all the Netflix episodes, and now I can't wait to see the final conclusion, I'm gonna cry so much. 

But this also reminds me that I'm in the process of writing a new book about 'The Big Five' which most of you probably know as the 'Rise of the Brave Tangled Frozen Dragons' fandom. And I know I may be a little late to be joining that fandom, but I just had to write a story about them. So be on the lookout for that, I don't know when I'll post it, but I can't wait to show it all to you.

So until then, here's a new chapter :)

(Flashback) On top of the highest beanstalk of Ever After, Jillian Beanstalk stood near the edge of one of the giant leaves and looked down upon her school. From where she was, most people would be scared to the bone, but for her, this was something was born to do. With her parachute ready on her back, she took a deep breath before diving off the leaf and straight down towards the bottom. Feeling the wind brushing against her skin and body feeling free from the fall, she waited until she was right in the middle as she pulled open her parachute and felt her body slowly drift towards the land where everyone was already watching with amusement.

When she finally landed on school grounds, everyone was already cheering for her as she took off her parachute while they all gathered around her.

"How can you do that every day?" Blondie Lockes asked.

"You get used to it after a while" Jillian replied casually "And the more you do it, the more fun it is."

As the crowd started to break away, Jillian was about to go back inside the school when she suddenly heard someone call her name.

"That was impressive" she turned around to see a guy she's never seen before "You are living up to your father's name."

"Um, thank you stranger" she replied with an awkward smile.

"I'm Noah" he held his hand out for her to shake "And I need to talk to you about something. I was wondering if you can help me receive something."

"Receive what?"

"A certain gem. Looks like this."

He pulled out a picture that appeared to have been torn out from an old book. The picture showed the brown like gem that looked like any other gem.

"Okay?" Jillian replied a bit confused "Why do you need my help to get this?"

"Because this gem is located in the Giant's castle, the very same one your father visited. Now I would go up there myself, but I don't think the Giant likes visitors, plus I'm kinda scared of heights."

"Oh um-" she replied unsure "I'd love to help, but unfortunately the Giant has every right to hate me as much as he hates my dad."

"Oh come on please" he begged, "I'll pay you."

"No, I'm sorry Noah" she sighed "But this sounds too risky to me."

"But, aren't you always taking risks?"

She froze "But-".

"Hey, you're the girl who's always up for an adventure. And I'm asking you to just get one thing for me, and I'm still gonna pay you."

"You don't have to pay me."

"I insist."

After a moment of thinking, Jillian gave a sigh while looking up at the beanstalk.

"Looks like I'll be making another trip."

After a moment of waiting in Gold's shop, Nathan and Danielle heard the sound of the door opening as Danielle called out.

"We're back here!"

They listened to the footsteps as Nicole entered the room and gasped when she saw Nathan still sitting on the bed.

"Oh thank goodness" she breathed in relief as she ran up and wrapped her arms around him.

He gave a small smile as he hugged back.

"I thought you wouldn't wake up," she remarked while pulling away.

"Well thankfully Farrah found a way" he put in.

"You're welcome by the way" Danielle smiled.

Nicole gave her a thankful smile before turning back to Nathan.

"So uh-" she began "I am so sorry for not finding you earlier, I feel so horrible. You being shut in their drawer must have been awful."

"Actually, I don't remember that."


"He doesn't remember anything since the curse" Danielle explained, "He doesn't remember being an actual Nutcracker."

She gave a small gasp before turning back to him "So you weren't able to see and hear anything?"

"You can say that" he shrugged.

"Oh my God" she gasped again "Well um, that's good I guess. I mean it's better to just skip through all of that than to suffer through it."

"Yeah I guess" he agreed with another shrug.

"But uh, how exactly were you able to turn back?"

"Thanks to this" he showed her the ribbon.

"Wait what?"

"Farrah used her magic on this ribbon, you can say you really did give me a lucky charm."

"Oh my God" she gasped when she gave a smile, "I told you so."

He snickered as she gave a small laugh.

"Okay why don't you two go ahead and catch up" Danielle offered with a smile "And I'll leave you two alone."

As she headed out the room, she could already hear them began to chat as she made her way out the shop.


Knowing they had to retrieve the items before Lydia could, Aidan and Terrence made their way to Brooke's house where they went up to the front door while making sure no one was around.

"You remember how to unlock the door right?" Aidan asked.

"I think so" Terrence replied while pulling out a bobby pin "I just hope I remember it correctly."

He then began to pick on the lock as Aidan kept watch. After a moment of struggling, he finally heard a click as he turned the doorknob and swung it open.

"Come on" he ordered as they stepped inside and shut the door "Okay, let's think. If we were Brooke, where would we hide important items?"

"In a secret compartment?"

"If that's the case, where do we look?"

"I'm gonna check the bathroom."

As he did so, Terrence went up to the large bookshelf and began to tilt the books out one by one hoping it would unlock a secret passage or some sort. But while doing so, he spotted something in the corner of his eye as he turned and was shocked to see Lydia through the window making her way towards the front door.

"Aidan!" he called in a whisper as Aidan came out from the restroom "Lydia's here! Hide!"

They quickly did so just as they heard the door open.

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