Ch.102 Curse breaking

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Once everyone was ready, they all gathered in Main Street as Mira began to read the directions in Destiny's diary.

"Okay, it says here that we have to place these items in the center" she instructed "Red Middlemist, Dark One's dagger, Blue Pixie Dust, Emerald's emerald, the Golden Gorilla, Key of Great Power, and a piece of the Olympian Crystal."

"But we don't have the Olympian Crystal" Terrence noted.

"I do" Destiny suddenly arrived as she pulled out a locket around her neck that was in the form of the Ever After High logo as she opened it to reveal a piece of the crystal.

"What about the wands?" Olivia put in.

"It says that all four wands must be used by a magic user" Mira read the diary "And that all of the magic users must form a circle around the center items, even you Destiny. So put the items instructed in the center and all magic users must circle around them."

After Terrence had placed the certain items in the center of the road, all of the magic users from Elena, Mira, Danny, Natalie, Danielle, and Destiny formed a circle around the items.

"Is this all of us?" Danielle asked.

"It doesn't have to be" Destiny replied as she turned to Whisp and Hope "Whisp, Hope, can you join us?"

"Seriously?" Hope remarked surprised.

"This is a very powerful spell, and we could use all the magic we can get."

They both gave smiles as they joined the circle.

"This should do it" Destiny confirmed.

"So who's going to use the wands?" Elena asked.

"Well I think I should use my wand" Mira suggested as she pulled out the wands from the box and began handing them out "Danny here's yours, Natalie I think you should use the Black Fairy's wand, and Danielle should use the Blue Fairy's wand."

After handing out the wands, Mira turned back to the diary and read the next step.

"And now I have to say this spell" she informed as she took a deep breath "Since I'm the only one who knows cursed Gibberish, I'll say the spell while you all use your magic on those items. Everyone ready?"

They all nodded with confidence.

"Everyone should stand back" Destiny ordered, "This might get crazy, brace yourself."

Everyone stood back as the magic users took a deep breath, knowing that this was it, this was the moment they would finally break the curse. And once she was ready, Mira aimed her wand towards the items as she began to read the spell out loud. At that moment, all of the magic users cast their magic onto the items, at first nothing happened, but that's when things started to get intense. All of the magic users began to feel a strong force upon them, and when Mira had finished reading the spell, all of them felt their hands start to shake.

"I know you all are feeling a strong force right now" Destiny spoke, "It's suppose to do that, don't stop, fight through it. Mira, keep reading the spell."

"Until when?" she asked.

"Until I say so."

She began to read the spell out loud again as the magic users continued to cast their magic on the items. Everyone else watched hopefully as the magic users felt the strong force get heavier as they used all of their strengths to fight against it.

"I know this contains a lot of magic" Destiny added, "Like I said, this is a very powerful spell, so it's gonna take all of the magic and energy you've got!"

"My arms are killing me!" Natalie complained.

"So are mine, but we gotta keep going! Mira, say the spell again!"

Mira read the spell out loud again as the force got stronger which caused the magic users to cry out in agony.

"Okay you can stop reading the spell now!" Destiny told Mira who gave the diary to Terrence.

As the magic users kept of casting their magic on the items, they could feel the force getting tougher that their bodies began to grow sore. But they kept fighting through it, no matter how much the force hurt.

"Something's not right!" Destiny suddenly spoke up, "We need more magic!"

"But there's no one else who has magic like us!" Danielle replied.

As she began to think, Elena suddenly spotted Brooke and Delilah as she got an idea.

"Brooke! Delilah!" she called out "Use your powers!"

"What?!" they replied confused.

"You two are the most powerful out of all of us! Whatever Brooke narrates and writes it comes true! And whatever Delilah draws it comes true! So use those skills of yours to help us!"

"She's right!" Destiny agreed as she made the storybook appear in front of Brooke and a sketchbook and pencil in front of Delilah "Use your powers to help us!

Understanding what they needed to do, the girls picked up their books as Delilah flipped to a blank page and began to draw out the scene while Brooke began to write the scene with her quill as she began to narrate. Go on Brooke.


As Brooke wrote down the scene and narrates, Delilah illustrated the scene, knowing that their skills will help the magic users with the spell. This was their one shot at breaking the curse, if they fail before midnight, everyone will be trapped in Storybrooke forever with no way out. But we're not the only ones who have magic, everyone has it too. I know you all are looking at me like I'm crazy, but it's true. You all have the power to believe and hope, believe that we can break this curse, and use your beliefs to help us. Go on, do it!

Everyone began to believe and hope as hard as they could just as the force got even stronger, but like before, the magic users kept pushing through. I know we can do this, when we work together, we're unstoppable. We are more than one together, we are heroes, and we will always be heroes. So we're gonna finish this story together, or not at all. Mom, dad, you can narrate now, something's about to happen.


Indeed something was about to happen, in the center of the magic users, the items began to glow brightly as the ground began to shake. All of the magic users stood still while still casting their magic. Everyone else began to hold onto each other as the light got brighter. And as they shielded their eyes, they could hear the sounds of the magic users screaming just before a loud explosion of magic hit them all.

And just like that, all was black.

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