Ch.108 Seen

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For the rest of the day, and after saying goodbye to their friends who had to go back to their realms, everyone was enjoying their time at Ever After, whether it was with their families or friends or even by themselves, life was great for all of them. And as for all the couples who were enjoying their times together doing whatever they did best in, it was like they were falling in love with each other all over again. But as for Daring who had already chosen which girl he wanted to be with, all he needed to do was find the perfect way to tell her, and he knew exactly how. So after texting her telling her to meet up with him, he waited in front of the school for her to show up.


He turned around to see Lizzie walking up to him.

"You wanted to see me?" she questioned.

"I did" he smiled "Thanks for showing up."

"So uh, what did you wanna meet me for?"

"Well," he breathed "I was thinking we should give our first date a second chance."

She froze, "What?"

"I know we've been on dates before but, I think our first 'date' deserves a better one."

She raised an eyebrow, "What are you trying to say, Daring?"

He smiled while stepping closer towards her.

"I know we've been through a lot" he began "And I know we made a mistake when we had our secret relationship during Storybrooke. But the thing is, I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I realized that the only girl who I wanna be with, is you."

Her face lit up as she felt her heart beating.

"You, you- what?" she muttered surprised.

"You're an amazing girl Lizzie" he smiled "And after spending so much time with you during Storybrooke, the more I realized that I wanna be with you."

Lizzie felt herself blushing while looking down to avoid showing him her bashful smile.

"But-" she replied while looking up "What about Rosabella?"

He sighed, "I still care deeply for her, I mean she's great and everything but, you were the first girl who I ever felt true feelings with, and even though I did feel something with her, the feelings I felt for you were stronger."

She felt herself blushing again with a small smile.

"Does she know?" she asked.

"She does, she understands, and she's the one who told me to go tell you how I felt. And to give me the idea on this date I'm about to bring you one."

"Oh?" she replied interested when she suddenly noticed a shadow towering her from behind as she turned around to see Legend the dragon.

"No way," she laughed "You gonna give me a tour of the school on dragon back again?"

"Not by surprise this time" he smirked.

They exchanged laughs until he added- "So um, what do you say?"

Her smile beamed up as she placed her hands on his shoulders and pulled him into a kiss, a kiss that had actual true feelings.

"I'm guessing that's a yes then?" he questioned after pulling away.

"Let's just get on the dragon" Lizzie laughed.

As they did so, neither of them noticed the Wonderlandians watching from behind the bushes as they watched them took off on Legend.

"It's about time those two got together," Kitty remarked.

"You're telling me" Maddie agreed "I've been watching them since the beginning, it's like I'm watching a real-life drama show."

"Even though the rest of us hadn't been in Storybrooke that long-" Bunny spoke, "I had a feeling they would end up together."

"Damn Lizzie," Courtly commented, "You got yourself a Charming, I'm a little jealous."

"Come on," Alistair motioned with a grin "Let's go see what Darling and Chase are doing."


In his office with the door opened, Milton Grimm gazed out his window and admired the view as his brother walked up.

"Milton?" he spoke up, "What are you doing?"

"Just thinking" Milton replied "Thinking about what lies for our student's futures."

"Well, I can say one thing for sure, they were raised well, even the villain kids which kinda surprised me. But the thing is, they would never have gotten this far without your help. Because just like them, you've changed a lot, for the better."

"Well-" he sighed "It sure feels good to change for the better. And I gotta admit, it was hard at first when everyone found out the truth about the whole 'following your destiny' thing, but then I realized, it was for the best, they had to know, and I'm glad they did. It does feel good to allow them to live their lives as they are, doing what they love."

"I'm proud of you Milton" Giles smiled "If Destiny was here, I bet she'd be proud too."

He returned the smile when he suddenly spotted something outside the office, a figure in white with dark hair had passed down the hall. Wondering what it was, he hurried out of his office where he turned and spotted the figure standing there. And when she turned around, that's when he felt everything changing as he stared into their familiar green eyes he knew anywhere.

"Destiny?" he gasped just as Giles ran out and gasped when he saw her as well.

The moment he said her name, the oracle was frozen with astonishment. At first, she thought her mind was playing tricks on her, but seeing that he was looking straight at her, she knew it was real, not some trick, but she had to make sure.

"Can you see me?" she asked surprised.

They both stood there amazed while nodding their heads. And at that moment, she nearly dropped her staff as she felt her knees wobble and heart beating.

"Is it really you?" Milton gasped while walking up to her "I- I thought you were dead."

"I am" she replied, still surprised "But I'm an oracle now."

He still couldn't believe his eyes at who he was looking at. And wanting to make sure she was real, he reached his hands out and placed them on her shoulder, solid to the touch. And with that, he didn't hesitate as he pulled her into a big hug. It shocked her at first, feeling her father's touch for the first time in many years, but she soon embraced it as she hugged back while feeling a tear flowing down. Neither of them let go for a moment, they didn't want to let go. But after a moment they finally pulled away.

"How is this possible?" Milton gasped.

"I've been an oracle since the day I died" she explained while wiping her tear away "I wasn't able to been seen, only from certain people, but I never knew why you weren't able to see me. But now that you're seeing me for the first time in many years, I- I guess breaking this curse somehow allowed this."

Milton felt his eyes watering, "I missed you so much."

"Me too" she sniffed as they went into another hug.

It's been a while since Destiny felt herself cry, and at this moment, she just let her tears flow. After hugging her father, she spotted her Uncle Giles as she hugged him as well. The reunion surely was a beautiful one, and even though Destiny felt like this was only temporally, at least she finally got to be seen by the people she's been wanting to be seen by.

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 13)Where stories live. Discover now