Ch.11 Missing piece

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Once she was back in her vault again, Mira went back to trying to get the telephone to work, but just like before, she wasn't even close to figuring it out as she gave a frustrated groan while leaning back in her chair.

"Still not getting anywhere with that telephone?" Olivia entered followed by Elena.

"I think I'm going insane" Mira remarked "I've tried everything, but nothing. I know I'm missing something, but what?"

"Let me have a look" Olivia offered "I've learned some things about old school communicating during class one time, maybe I can figure something out."

As she examined the telephone, Mira turned to Elena and noticed she had a look on her face, knowing that something was on her mind.

"You okay?" she asked her.

"I'm not sure" Elena replied "I can't stop thinking about those new people, I mean I know we just met them and everything but, should we really trust them?"

"What makes you think we shouldn't trust them?"

"I just got this feeling that they're hiding something, and not in a good way."

"Are you sure you're not just saying that because Noah was a bit flirty with you?" Mira smirked.

"Well that's one of the reasons" Elena admitted "But I really do have this gut feeling that there's something going on with them, I don't know what but, we should be careful around them, we don't know what they're capable of."

"I agree" Olivia nodded as she turned to Mira "Okay I may have an idea on how to get this to work, I remember learning something about a gyrocompass."

"You mean like what sailors used?"

"Exactly, with a gyrocompass, and electric motor spins the compass at a constant speed while gravity pulls the needle north. So I suggest we get something that belongs to Ever After and use it on the telephone like a gyrocompass."

"That sounds like it might just work" Elena remarked amused.

"Okay but, I'm gonna need something that belongs to someone at Ever After, not something from the land itself."

After a moment of thinking, Olivia suddenly thought of one.

"What about this?" she took the necklace she was wearing on a golden Tree of Life "You said it once belonged to my mother, maybe you can use to try to contact her."

Mira gave a nod as she took the necklace and held it in her hand.

"It's worth a shot" she breathed.

"Let us know if you got anything" Elena put in "Olivia and I are gonna try to find Destiny and Brooke."

They headed out the vault as Mira went back to working on the telephone.

"Well you thought of that one quick" Elena remarked as they walked down the cemetery.

"Well I am better at academics than you" Olivia smirked.

"Bitch" Elena sneered as they both gave small laughs.

"But moving that to the side" Olivia spoke "How are we gonna find Destiny?"

Elena paused for a moment to think when she suddenly called out Destiny's name, they waited, but nothing.

"Well it was worth a shot" she sighed "And to answer your question, I have no idea."

"You girls shouldn't worry about Destiny" they turned to see Noah coming towards them.

"I'm sure she's fine" he added "She's a powerful oracle, I'm sure she'll tell you when she's ready."

"Were you spying on us?" Elena questioned.

"Don't worry I wasn't" he assured in a smile "I actually came to talk to you two. I just wanted to say that Brooke has the Golden Gorilla safe along with the other items, and we're doing everything we can to find out how to break this curse."

"We appreciate that Noah" Olivia stated "Although we haven't seen Brooke in a while, have you seen her?"

"I think she's at her house, and she actually wanted me to tell you that she's gonna be really busy for a while and would like it if no one would bother her."

"Oh" they replied a bit surprised.

"Well we get that's usually busy and all but-" Elena began "Busy enough for not wanting anyone to bother her?"

"Now that you guys have all the items she's been focusing hard on them."

"I guess that makes sense" Olivia shrugged "Although we were kinda hoping on talking to her."

"Well I'm sure she'll come around. Anyway I just wanted to let you girls what's going on and that my sister and our crew are doing everything we can to help."

"Thanks Noah" Elena gave a small smile "But um, I gotta ask, what exactly are you guys? Because you all don't seem like fairy tale characters."

Noah hesitated for a moment, and the silence was suddenly broken by the sound of his phone ringing.

"Sorry I gotta take this" he announced "I'll uh, I'll see you girls around."

He answered the call while strolling off, leaving the two wondering about him.

"Why did he hesitate?" Olivia wondered "Why didn't he just answer?"

"My curiosity just rose" Elena remarked "Something's definitely up with those people."

As he walked down the sidewalk, Noah made sure no one around was listening as he continued to talk on his phone.

"They're wondering about that oracle" he reported.

"Well she's still weak" Lydia told him on the other line "She wont be around for a while."

"But wont that make them suspicious?"

"I'm still working on that, but until then just keep doing what you're doing. And remember, no one must know who we are."

"I know."


Now with something that may be the missing piece, Mira attached Olivia's necklace to the telephone with some wire, and after making some more adjustments, she used her magic on the object, and then held the phone to her ear while turning the numbers 3 times. She waited, and that's when she suddenly heard the other line buzzing. She nearly gasp while feeling her heart began to run, she gripped on the phone with her hand while the other was clutching her knee.

After a few more buzzes, she suddenly the familiar soft voice that she hasn't heard in years.


"Um, hello" Mira replied, a bit unsure whether to believe it or not "Who am I speaking to?"

"This is Snow White."

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