Ch.34 Odd suggestion

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Little note here: I know I'm kind of skipping through Nicole, Nathan, and Jillian's story, but the reason why is because they're gonna be important to this story later on. Just saying.

It was dark, foggy, and only the moon as the light source that shown onto an empty street. There was no one there except one person, and it was none other than Elena herself. She was just standing there, frozen, not knowing what was going on. But that's when it happened, she could feel the pressure running through her head as she clasped onto both sides of her head while bending over. Her fingers clawed into her scalp, her knees began to weaken, and her heart was rushing at a rapid speed that she felt it was going to burst.

Massive energy ran through her blood as she could feel it overtake her. She tried to fight against it, but it was too late. She stood back up, relaxed her body, and opened her eyes to reveal it now being a bright violet color.

At that moment Mira sprang up from her bed with a big gasp as she began to breathe heavily, not knowing that it had woken David up.

"You okay?" he asked from the spot next to her.

She tried to speak, but her heavy breathing prevented her from getting her words out.

"Hey" he spoke calmly while sitting up "What's wrong? Were you having a nightmare?"

"You can say that" she breathed while rubbing her forehead.

"You wanna talk about it?"

She sighed "I don't know."

"Well what was it about?"

She hesitated, but David could already tell what her answer involved.

"Did it involve Elena?"

"She was alone in a dark empty road-" she mumbled, "And then, well, she turned evil."

"What do you mean?"

"It was like this evil energy was taking over her, and when she opened her eyes, they were a bright violet color, kind of like how they were when she became the Evil Queen before."

"Whoa," he breathed "Well, it was just a bad dream."

"I don't think so."


"You know how they say that dreams are usually trying to tell us something? Well I just have this bad feeling in my gut that this nightmare was trying to tell me something."

"What? Like it's telling you that Elena might go evil again?"

"Well that's what it seems like."

They both sat there in silence as Mira let out a big sigh.

"I'm scared David" she mumbled, "What if she does turn evil again?"

"Then we'll be there to help her."

"But what if we aren't? What if we're gone by the time it happens again?"

David sat there speechless as Mira began to feel her eyes water.

"I'm so scared of leaving her" she whimpered "I don't think I can do this."

"Hey I'm scared too," he said softly "I haven't been around that long and yet I'm gonna have to leave soon. I don't wanna leave her too, but at the same time, Elena's growing up, and that means she won't need us anymore."

Mira wiped a small tear away while laying her head on his shoulder.

"I just don't know if I'm ready for it" she murmured.

"Neither am I" he sighed "But you know we gotta tell her someday."

"I know. But she's been really busy with this whole finding Brooke thing and dealing with Lydia that we just don't have the time for it."

"I know that, but we gotta tell her soon."

They didn't say anything as David laid his head on top of Mira's, both of them both wondering and fearing of what could happen to their daughter by the time they leave.


The next morning at school, as she waited for class to start, Elena stood in front of a poster on the wall that talked about Graduation. It was getting closer, and on one hand, she was excited that she was finally graduating from high school, but at the same time, she didn't feel quite ready. Trying to balance school and life wasn't an easy thing, especially since the life problem involves finding two missing people and finally breaking the curse.

"I'm guessing you're still not ready for Graduation?" she turned to see Terrence next to her.

"I don't think I will be ready until this whole curse thing is done for" she sighed.

"Are you even close to finding an answer?"

"No" she groaned "And the longer I wait, the more worried I get. What if we don't make it in time to save Brooke and the others? What if they're dead by the time we reach them?"

"Well there's a chance they won't be. We know them, they're strong. And don't forget, Amanda's gonna try to help Lauren today to see if they can communicate with Brooke, so there's still a chance."

Elena let out a deep sigh "There's so much going on, and it's hurting my head."

"I feel you" he agreed while sighing too "And to be honest, I don't know if I'm ready for Graduation either."

"Graduation huh?" they turned to see Noah coming up to them, both already feeling a pit in their stomachs.

"You all must feel pretty nervous huh?" he smirked.

"More like stressed" Elena put in.

"So are you guys doing anything special to prepare for the big day?"

"Not that we know of."

"Seriously? There's no like, big game or something?"

"No our football team hasn't really played a game in a while" Terrence explained, "Mainly because there haven't been any teams to go against."

"Yeah I've noticed that" Elena agreed "What teams have they played against in the past? And how did they enter Storybrooke?"

"It's complicated."

"Well you know-" Noah spoke, "If you guys don't have a team to go against, my crew and I would love to do so."


"We've played football before, and hey, it's Graduation, you all need to do something special to get ready for it. What do you say?"

The couple turned to each other, both shrugging.

"Um, you can try to talk to the Football coach about it" Terrence suggested, "Or maybe my brother cause he's on the team."

"Excellent" Noah smile while patting his shoulder "Thanks."

He headed off as they stood there perplexed.

"That was odd" Terrence commented.

"Yeah" she agreed "Why does he suddenly want us to have a football game?"

"And why was he being so cheery about it?"

"Something doesn't seem right, there has to be more to this 'football game'."

"Well whatever it is, we're gonna find out."

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