Ch.90 Lounge fight

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Faced to face with Noah, Terrence gripped onto his sword as he and Noah began to circle around in the lounge.

"Look how far you've come," Noah remarked, "I gotta say Charming, I'm impressed you've made it this far."

"Yeah well, I'm not as weak as you think" Terrence scowled.

Noah gave a small chuckle before stopping, "You'd really do anything for her huh? You're willing to go against me and my sister?"

"I'd do anything for Elena" he frowned "Ever since I met her, I knew she was worth fighting for."

Noah gave another chuckle, "Well let's see if you're able to survive it."

Just like that, he raised his sword as Terrence held his sword in front of him to block the strike. Soon they began using their swords against each other, even though Terrence had to admit to himself that Noah was better than him. After a moment, both of their swords suddenly swung out of their hands and straight into the wall above the fireplace. They both stared at each other for a moment, knowing that they needed to get their swords back at some point.

But when Terrence tried to get him, Noah grabbed him by his shoulder and threw him into a bookshelf with much force. While on the ground, Terrence looked up to see that the shelf was beginning to fall forward as he quickly rolled out of the way just as the bookshelf landed on the floor with a loud thud and books scattered everywhere. After that, Terrence looked up to see that Noah was struggling to pull his sword out of the wall. Seeing that he was distracted, he picked up one of the fallen books and threw it hard against Noah's head.

"Ow!" Noah cried out in pain while rubbing his head as he turned to Terrence "Hey! You know it's not good to throw books!"

"Well at moments like this-" Terrence scowled while picking up more books "I don't care!"

And with that, he began to throw more books at Noah who was yelping at every book that was thrown at him. As he kept throwing the books, Terrence couldn't help but chuckle at Noah's reactions as he tried to dodge the books. But after a moment, Noah suddenly picked up one of the sharp tools for the fireplace as he aimed it at Terrence who had stopped throwing the books when he spotted the iron tool. Without hesitating, Noah threw the tool straight at Terrence who quickly ducked as the tool flew over his head and stabbed right into the wall behind him.

"Jeez," he breathed in shock.

When he looked back up, Noah had managed to pull his sword out as he headed towards the boy. Thinking quickly, Terrence pulled the fireplace tool out of the wall and used it to block the strike from Noah's sword. But still needing to retrieve his sword, Terrence slowly stepped towards the fireplace while using the tool to block every one of Noah's strikes. But just when he reached the fireplace, Noah sent a hard kick to his stomach as he collapsed onto the ground. 

When he noticed Noah raised his sword above him, he used the fireplace tool to knock it out of his hand, but that didn't stop Noah from gripping onto Terrence's shirt collar and pulling him up to knock him into a shelf with wine and beer bottles and then slamming him onto the floor with a thud. Terrence could already feel a bump forming on the back of his head as Noah got on top of him while picking up one of the empty beer bottles and smashing it on the shelf to get a sharp end as he tried to send it down onto Terrence's face. But like before, Terrence gripped onto Noah's wrist and tried to push the broken bottle away with all the strength he had.

"Aren't you tired Charming?" Noah sneered while pushing the broken bottle closer to his face "Do you feel your energy slipping?"

"Nope," Terrence breathed, seeing how close the broken bottle was to him "And you wanna know why?"


"Because I'm a Charming, and Charmings' never give up when they fight for what they love."

Unknowing to Noah, Terrence had pulled out a pocket knife from his shirt pocket. And when he was ready, he flipped it opened and plunged it right into Noah's stomach. Knowing that he's been stabbed, Noah felt his body go weak as he dropped the bottle beside Terrence's face while feeling his breath being taken away.

"My dad always tells me and my siblings to always have a backup plan" Terrence grumbled before shoving Noah off him while pulling the bloody knife out.

As Noah clutched his wound, Terrence watched as he began to choke on his own blood until letting his last breath out before letting his arms fall to the side. After sighing in relief, Terrence put his knife away when he noticed Noah's blood on his hands. Feeling grossed out, he wiped his hands on Noah's shirt before getting up and retrieving his sword from the wall. Now that Noah had been taken care of, the next thing he had to do was get his girlfriend back as he left the lounge.


After resting for a moment, Danny used a nearby brick to break down the locks of Delilah's cell as he slid the bars opened and helped her out.

"Thanks Danny" she breathed in ease as he went over to Brooke's cell and did the same thing.

But seeing how weak she was made him had to drag her out of the cell.

"Can you walk?" he asked her.

"I think so" she replied weakly, "But I don't think I can run."

"Well let's hope you don't have to."

"So are we staying here or are we going?" Delilah asked.

"I think we should stay in case Mira and David finds us" Brooke opinionated.

"But what if it takes too long? I say we should go, maybe we'll find them on our way."

"None of you are leaving" a voice suddenly said as they turned to see someone leaning against the main entrance with a sinister smile on his face "I'm gonna make sure of it."

The trio stood there in horror by the sight of a former author and narrator known as Wendell.

"Oh hell no" Delilah grunted, "Why does he keep coming back?"

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