Ch.3 A declaration

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In their living room, Olivia and Elena were already in the process of creating their Storybrooke memory scrapbook as Olivia entered with a photo in her hands.

"Hey check it out" she held up the photo "It's our Prom selfie."

"Aw" Elena smiled as the photo of the two all dressed up for their Prom "We looked so hot."

"Hell yeah we do" she grinned as she joined her roommate on the couch "Hey uh, shouldn't we have gotten a message from Destiny by now about how to get the Golden Gorilla?"

"Oh yeah" Elena replied remembering "I wonder what's taking her so long?"

"It's not so long now" they turned to see Destiny sitting in the couch chair next to them as they jumped.

"Sorry about that" she apologized "I didn't mean to startle you two."

"It's fine" Elena assured "We were hoping you would show up."

"Well here I am" Destiny smiled when she noticed the scrapbook "I can see you're making the scrapbook to remember Storybrooke."

"How did you know that?" Olivia asked.

"I'm psychic remember?"

"Oh right."

"And I know the reason you two wanted to see me is because of the Golden Gorilla."

"Yeah" Elena nodded "Can you tell us how to get it?"

"Of course I can, but I should warn you, not only will this be hard to obtain, but you all don't have much time left."

"What do you mean?" Olivia questioned.

"Remember what Brooke told you two last last? About something and someone dangerous that could come to Storybrooke?"

"Don't tell me" Elena spoke "They're getting closer?"

"I'm afraid so" Destiny sighed.

"Well uh, how much time exactly?" Olivia asked.

"If I'm right, I say between today and tomorrow."

Their eyes widen and jaws dropped as the felt their their hearts begin to race.

"That's why I suggest you two hurry" Destiny added "Now the way to find the Golden Gorilla is located in my dairy, turn to the last few blank pages and you should see it."

"But, you don't think whatever it is is going to happen today right?" Elena asked nervously "I mean no one knows about this but us, and Brooke didn't even tell us exactly what's going to happen."

"Everyone will find out soon, but right now, do whatever you two need to get ready, and if I were you, I'd bring some bug spray."

And with that she vanished just like that.

"Bug spray huh?" Olivia remarked "I guess we really are going to the jungle."

"Destiny said we'll know how to get there from her dairy" Elena stated "You still got her dairy?"

"Yeah" Olivia reached into her tote and pulled out the diary as she flipped to the last few blank pages, and just like new writings appeared.

"Whoa" they breathed astonished as they read the text.

"It looks like some kind of spell" Elena observed.

"Okay then, so we just say the spell and off we go?"

"I guess so."

"Well let's go tell the others, mainly Brooke, she has to tell us what's going on and whatever this bad thing that's about to happen either today or tomorrow."

"Yeah" Elena agreed in a nod "Because by the looks of Destiny's face, she seemed pretty worried like how Brooke was."

"Let's find out what's going on."


Needing some time off from her writing, Brooke took a seat on her couch with a cup of tea in her hands as she took a sip while thinking about what Destiny told her. She has never felt this worried before, the only thing she could do now was hope, hope that they would find the last item and break the curse before Lydia comes.

But as she was listening to her thoughts she suddenly heard a knock at her door. After setting her tea down, she got up and answered the door to find Danny along with her friend Delilah.

"Hey" they greeted with smiles.

"I suppose you two are here to check on me?" she stated.

"You know us so well" Delilah smiled as they entered.

"So-" Danny began as they all sat on the couch "Any news?"

"As a matter of fact yes, I was going to tell you guys as soon as I can but, Destiny visited me today, there's bad news."

"The Sand Clock is almost out?" Delilah's eyes widen.

"Not just that, it's cracked."

"What?" they gasped.

"What do you mean?" Danny questioned.

"There's a crack in the glass, and if it gets deeper and breaks, then you know what happens."

They all sat there in shock.

"Oh damn" Delilah breathed "Is there anything we can do?"

"Just hope that we find the last item and break this damn curse."

"Did Destiny already tell Elena and Olivia how to get it?" Danny asked.

"I think so, I'm just waiting for an answer."

"So you haven't told anyone about Lydia and the apocalypse yet?" Delilah questioned.

"Well I was thinking about it, but then I realized that there's something I should do first."


"In order for everyone to know what's going on, they need their memories back, their memories of Shadow High."

"What?" they gasped.

"Brooke-" Danny said "Chief Chronicler removed their memories of that for their protection."

"I know but it doesn't seem fair for them to just forget Shadow High" she stated "They have to know, it could help them if Lydia comes."

"I'm gonna have to agree with her" Delilah announced "If Lydia does come, how else are they gonna know how to stop her and everything?"

Danny gave a small sigh "You're right, they have to know."

"Alright then" Brooke spoke as she got up "I'm gonna go talk to Chief Chronicler, now if anyone asks, tell them that I had to go somewhere and I'll be right back."

They nodded as Brooke took a deep breath before heading upstairs and into her room where she walked up to her full body mirror, pulled out her Narration Key that contained her face logo as she swiped it across the mirror, and watched as the screen went from showing her reflection to showing a portal. After taking another deep breath, Brooke stepped through the portal and into her home of the Land of Narrators.

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