Ch.20 The Nutcracker

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So I just watched the last episode of 'Once Upon a Time', and all I can say is that I am going to miss that show so much. I remember the first day I watched it, I was bored one day and decided to watch it on Netflix, and I ended up loving it. I've always loved Fairy Tales, and this show felt like it was made for me, I love everything about it. And if it wasn't for this show, then this series would most likely not happen. I was so inspired by 'Once Upon a Time' that I decided to write this series involving 'Ever After High', and now it's my favorite to write.

But after watching the last episode, it made me realize how close I am to finishing this series. I only have one last book after this one, and then it'll be over. And even though I'm already feeling sad that it'll have to come to an end, it wont be happening anytime soon. I love writing this series so much, and I will miss 'Once Upon a Time' with all my heart, because that show is what inspired me to write this series, and I owe all of that to the creators and actors of that amazing show.

But enough of my little Author's Note, here's a new chapter I hope you all will enjoy :)

(Flashback) That night, Justine turned her body on her bed to check the time on her nightstand. It was 20 minutes until midnight, knowing it was time to her to get up to see what Nathan was up to. So after quickly changing into her clothes, she grabbed onto a cloak she had gotten from Raven as she opened the door, knowing that her roommate was a heavy sleeper so she wouldn't hear her sneak out. She then peeked out to make sure no one was around as she slipped on the cloak, knowing that she was invisible to others as she stepped out.

After making her way to the Student Lounge, she waited for Nathan to appear as she stood near the door, hoping that he wouldn't bump into her. Pretty soon she saw him enter as she held her breath, just like before he looked around as if to make sure no one was following him as he made his way to a bookshelf. Knowing that this was it, this was the moment Justine would find out how Nathan disappears, she staid put as she watched as Nathan titled a book out from the bookshelf as the whole bookshelf suddenly slid from the wall revealing a secret passage.

Justine held back her gasp as she watched as Nathan stepped inside as the bookshelf slid back to it's original position. But even though she now knew how Nathan vanishes, she was now curious on where he was going through the secret passage. She decided to take a closer look as she stepped towards the bookshelf and examined it, and that's when she looked down and spotted something. She bent down to see that there were gumdrops on the floor, and she knew they weren't there before. But after a moment of thinking, she decided that the gumdrops weren't important as she stood back up, knowing that she must go back to her dorm.

When she got back to her dorm, Ramona was still fast asleep as she predicted. But when Justine picked up her phone, she noticed she had gotten a text from Melody.

Melody: So how did it go?

Justine set down the Invisible Cloak and replied.

Justine: He went through a secret passage behind the bookshelf, don't know where he went though

Melody: Wow, secret passage way behind bookshelf huh? Well that's not cliche at all

Justine: I want to know the truth, but I don't think I should bother him anymore

Melody: Suit yourself, although you kinda got me more curious now

Justine: Now don't you bother him too

Melody: I wont, trust me

Justine: I do. I gotta go now, we can talk about it tomorrow

Melody: K goodnight

After that, Justine put her phone away as she took a seat on her bed, her curiosity rising as she wondered what was behind that bookshelf, and why Nathan was sneaking out at night.

When they finally arrived at Gold's shop, Nicole and Lauren stepped inside to find the shop empty.

"Mr. Gold!" Lauren called out, but no answer.

"If he even here?" Nicole questioned.

"What owner leaves his shop unlock when he's not here? He's probably in the back and he can't hear us. We'll just wait for him."

As they waited, the girls began to look around at all the antiques. Most of them were things they've seen before from teacups to old weapons, but that's when Nicole noticed a drawer under one of the shelves. Wondering what was inside it, she bent down and was about to pull it open when Mr. Gold suddenly entered from the back room.

"I had a feeling I had customers" he remarked "What can I help you ladies with?"

"Hopefully find a missing person" Lauren responded "Or perhaps a missing nutcracker if he's still that way."

"Nathan Nutcracker I assume. Well ladies, I haven't seen him since the curse, and I don't know if I can help find him depending on whether he's human or not."

"What do you mean?" Nicole questioned.

"You see, if he is in fact a human here, then it would be more easy to find him, as long as I have something of his. But if he's a nutcracker, then that's gonna be a little harder since his heart isn't beating."

"Oh damn" Lauren breathed as she turned to Nicole "You got anything that belongs to him?"

"No" Nicole mumbled disappointed.

"Okay let's not mope just yet, let's say he is a nutcracker, where would a nutcracker be?"

"What kind of question is that? They could be anywhere?"

"Maybe in this shop" Lauren hinted.

"I'm not sure about that" Mr. Gold spoke "I haven't seen a nutcracker in here, but feel free to look around."

So that's what they did as Lauren and Nicole searched everywhere in the shop. But after searching through everything without any luck, Nicole pulled open the drawer she had tried to open before, and that's when she spotted something that made her heart jump.

"Found him" she announced with her eyes widen as she pulled out a Nutcracker soldier with a face that was recognizable.

"Well that was quick" Mr. Gold remarked.

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