Ch.4 Chief Chronicler

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Now at the 'Wonder diner' which was a very popular place to hangout, Elena and Olivia met up with their friends as they held onto Destiny's diary while explaining about what she had told them.

"So the Golden Gorilla really is in the jungle?" Lauren Cooper, also know as Madeline Hatter, daughter of the Mad Hatter and a worker at the diner asked from behind the counter.

"Well she said to bring bug spray so I'm guessing yes" Elena replied.

"So does this mean you'll be seeing Tarzan or what?" Mira Queen, also known as the younger duplicate of the Evil Queen and Elena's mother asked.

"Maybe, but she didn't say anything about that."

"So are you guys gonna leave now?" Aidan Kenneth, also known as Daring Charming, son of King Charming asked.

"Well not yet" Olivia answered "We want to ask Brooke something first, have you guys seen her?"

"Oh actually-" Lauren spoke "I ran into Danny earlier today, and he said that Brooke went somewhere to do something and she'll be back soon."

"Oh" they replied.

"Did he say when?" Elena asked.

"No, he didn't even say where she went."

"Oh boy" she sighed while rubbing her forehead.

"Why what's wrong?"

"Well um-" she turned to Olivia, wondering if they should tell them.

"Brooke told us something yesterday" Olivia began to explain "She said that there could be something and someone terrible coming to Storybrooke, she didn't say what and who but, she looked really nervous about it."

"And not just that" Elena added "Destiny told us the same thing, and that we only have either today or tomorrow to find this last item and break this curse."

"What?" they gasped.

"And you have no idea what could happen?" Terrence Kenneth, also known as Dexter Charming, son of King Charming and Aidan's brother questioned.

"No" she shook her head "That's why we were hoping on talking to Brooke about it, but apparently she's not here, and we don't know when she'll be back."

"Well you know what?" Mira spoke "You two go ahead and find the Golden Gorilla, if Brooke comes back while you two are gone, we'll let her explain to us what's going on and we'll tell you guys when you come back."

"You mean if they come back" Aidan held up a finger "You don't know if they could get killed in the jungle, remember what happened to Tarzan's parents?"

"Well if we're in trouble than maybe Tarzan can save us" Elena smirked "After all, he is the super hunky king of the jungle."

"Okay no need to rub it in" Terrence muttered to his girlfriend as they both smirked to each other.

"So you two go ahead" Mira offered "And try to be quick since we don't know when this bad thing will happen."

"We will" Elena promised as she turned to Olivia "You ready?"

"Let's go get some bug spray first" she replied.


It has been so long since Brooke went back to her home in the Narration World, she had promised herself to only go back for emergencies, but since this was practically an emergency, she knew it was needed. After greeting some familiar faces, she made her way the home and office of Chief Chronicler, there she was let in by some of the workers as she went up to the office door and gave a knock.

"Come in" she heard a female voice call as she opened the door and stepped into the large and vintage office where she saw Chief Chronicler at her desk signing some papers in front of her.

"I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you" Brooke apologized.

"Oh not at all" she assured in a smile as she set her quill down "I was hoping you would show up, please come in."

Brooke shut the door behind as she took a seat in the chair in front of the desk.

"It's been so long since we've last seen each other" Chief Chronicler remarked "And my have you grown."

"Thanks" Brooke gave a small smile.

"Now I know why you're here, it has to do with Shadow High and wanting to give your friends back their memories of it.."

"Yes. Now I know you took away their memories for this protection, but that doesn't seem fair. Plus if this apocalypse does happen and Lydia shows up, they're gonna need to know about Shadow High."

"I understand, but until that does happen, I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Why not?" she begged.

"Because until it happens, they need to focus more on breaking the curse, if they find out about this, it'll put a lot of stress on them. But that doesn't mean I'll keep their memories from them forever, I will return them on the right moment, I'm just trying to make things easier for them."

Brooke gave a small sigh "I guess that makes sense. Now um, do you know anything about how to stop Lydia and the apocalypse if they do come?"

"I'm afraid not, but that doesn't mean you and your friends will figure it out. I've heard about the many obstacles you all have faced, and I must say I'm very impressed. You all have grown up so fast and defeated many evil beings, some were once thought impossible to defeat. You all are certainly great heroes, I really mean that."

Brooke gave another small smile as she continued.

"Now as for this apocalypse, I've heard much about it. But all I know is that this apocalypse is not going to be what ends everyone's stories, Lydia will."

At that point Brooke's smile faded.

"All this apocalypse will do is create misery to everyone, but it will be Lydia who if contains her power again will be responsible for the end of everyone's stories."

Brooke could already feel goosebumps coating her skin and chills running down her spine.

"Is there anything you can do to help?" she asked.

"I wish I could, but there's nothing I can do. Once Lydia gets her power back, she will be unstoppable unless you and your friends find a way. I don't know what else to say but, I wish you all the best of luck."

Brooke gave a small sigh while lowering her head.

"Any other questions?"

"No" she mumbled "That will be all thank you."

She got up from the chair and left the office, feeling herself back at square one with nothing to do but hope for the best of luck.

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