Ch.59 Final decision

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I really wanna finish this book before I leave for college, so once again, here's another chapter. You're welcome :)

With Elena feeling a bit better, everyone headed back to the cafeteria as everyone else went back to training. But knowing she didn't need training, Elena stayed in the cafeteria just as Destiny went up to her.

"You feeling okay?" she asked her.

"For now" Elena replied with a sigh.

"I understand what you're going through, heck, I know what everyone's going through. Nobody knowing what fate will bring them, it's a scary thought."

"Well what's scary is that sooner or later, I might turn dark, and I might hurt everyone."

"Well-" Destiny sighed "I haven't gotten any visions of that yet, so there's still a chance that might not happen."

"And what if it does?"

"Then everyone will do what they always do, be the heroes to bring you back."

Elena let out a deep sigh while flipping the storybook open to the page that talked about her going dark again. Staring into the eyes of her dark soul, the illustration sent chills down her spine and goosebumps coating her skin.

"I know this is a terrible situation to be in right now" Destiny mumbled "I have to admit, sometimes fate is a monster. When I became who I am, I've been watching everyone live out their fates, whether it's good or bad, and if they truly deserve it or not. Sometimes I can't help but feel like I need to interfere to give them a better fate, but I can't do anything about it. Nobody can change their fate, but they can learn from it to make a better one."

"If only it was that easy" Elena muttered "If I could stop all of this and prevent myself from going dark again, life would be so simple. But it's not."

"Well, I don't know what else to say but, I believe in you, I know you're heart won't go dark."

She walked away as Elena gave one last look at the illustration, after getting creeped out, she closed the book just as Olivia went up and sat next to her.

"How are you feeling?" she asked calmly.

"Well," Elena breathed "I still don't know what fate will bring me, Destiny doesn't know my true fate, so there's still a chance I can go dark."

"And there's a chance you won't."

Elena looked down at her clasped hands, clenching them tightly with the anxiety that's running through her blood.

"You know what?" Olivia suddenly spoke, "Let's take a walk, maybe that will clear your mind."

She thought for a moment but decided to do so as she followed Olivia out of the cafeteria and down the hallway.

"We'll just walk around the school" Olivia suggested when she noticed Elena was hugging her body while looking down with fear on her face "Elena don't worry, you're not gonna go dark."

"That's not what I'm thinking about" she mumbled.

"Then what is it?"

Elena stopped walking as she took a deep breath while turning to her friend.

"Olivia-" she began with a serious look in her eyes "I've made a decision, and I want you to listen carefully."

"Okay...?" Olivia replied, wondering what she was going to say.

"If I do go dark, and if there really is no way to bring me back, I want you and everyone else to- well, I want you guys to finish me off."

Olivia felt her jaw drop and her heart stopping.

"What?" she gasped.

"I'm serious" Elena declared "I want you guys to finish me off so I don't hurt anyone."

"Elena are you crazy?" Olivia argued, "We are not going to kill you."

"What if there's no other choice? What if there really isn't a way to bring me back? I don't want to hurt anyone, and I especially do not want to kill anyone. I know this is hard to hear, but I mean it. I know you don't wanna lose me, I don't wanna lose myself either. But if killing me is the only way to protect everyone, then so be it."

Olivia could already feel her heart shattering, hating the idea of having to kill her best friend in order to protect everyone.

"If we do have to kill you" she muttered, "I hope I'm not there to witness it."

"You don't have to" Elena replied gloomily.

Olivia let out a sigh before replying "Just so you know if you do turn dark, I want you to know that we'll still love you. We loved you even when you became the Evil Queen the first time, and we'll love you the same if it happens again."

"Even if I try to kill you all again?" she murmured while nervously rubbing her arms.

"Even if you do kill me, I'll still love you in my death."

Elena let out a snicker as Olivia added: "But yes, we'll still love you even if you try to kill us again because we all know that deep down, you're still the same girl we know and love."

They both gave each other small smiles as they went into a hug while holding each other tightly, even if neither of them knew what fate will bring them.


As the hours passed and the sky got darker, everyone was still doing their training across the school. But on top of the school, Noah watched with curiosity as his sister poured some fluid down an air vent.

"What exactly are you doing?" he asked.

"You'll see in a moment" she replied as she walked over to another vent and poured the same fluid down it.

"What are you pouring?" he asked.

"Something that will get everyone out" she smirked, "And I'm having the crew do the same thing to assure it."

Wondering what she went, he went over to the edge and looked down to see that the crew was pouring some fluid into vents and all over the school. After a moment of wondering what they were doing, he suddenly realized it.

"Wait" his eyes widen "Are you doing what I think you're doing?"

"Does this answer your question?" she held up a lighter and lit up "I recommend you get off this building, it's about to get hot."

Before he could say anything, she dropped the lighter down the vent as it fell down through the vent and into a classroom where it struck the floor covered with lighter fluid as it was set ablaze.

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