Ch.41 Starting terror

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Okay, after that long wait, I'm finally able to upload this chapter. I'm still on my vacation though so I still will not be able to update regularly.

Now that both teams had tied scores, everyone knew they needed one more touchdown to win the game, and everyone was getting pumped up while cheering on their football team.

"Man you girls are killing it" Aidan commented Kayla and Ramona during their break.

"I knew it was a good idea to help" Kayla grinned while taking a sip of her water.

"Yeah this is easier than I thought," Ramona remarked, "The best way to take your anger out, take it out on some football players."

"I can see why you girls needed the helmets" Gregg put in.

"Oh yeah" Kayla replied while holding up the football helmet she was using "You can say it's a way to use your head."

"Is that blood?" Aidan suddenly pointed to a spot on the helmet.

"Oh uh-" she responded, not knowing what to say as she wiped it on her clothes "Maybe."

Pretty soon it was time to get back to the game as the players got into their positions. And once they began, Ramona caught the ball that Aidan threw her as she began to run pass the incoming players. And like before, they didn't stand a chance against her as she used her strength to knock them down. As she was running, she noticed Aidan waving his arms at her from afar for her to throw the ball to him, but when she did so, one of the players from the other team ran up and knocked him down to the ground with a painful thud. 

And with the ball still in the air and aiming towards him, it seemed that the other player would get the ball. But instead, when one of them got ready to catch the ball, Kayla suddenly ran up and gave the guy a hard push to the ground as she was able to catch the ball in time.

"Go sis!" Ramona cheered as Kayla began to run past the other players while using her helmet to knock them down and ducking every attempted attack until she made the touchdown.

And just like that, the crowd went wild. Their team had won, and it was all thanks to Kayla and Ramona. With sweat running down their skins, Kayla and Ramona took deep breaths while giving each other high fives just as their team ran up to them and lifted them onto their shoulders while cheering them on.

But while everyone was still cheering, Terrence soon appeared along with Elena and Olivia where they met up with each other.

"Terrence you okay?" Elena asked him with a worried look.

"I'm fine" he assured.

"What the hell happened to you?"

"Are those rope burns?" Olivia pointed to the rope burns around his wrists.

"I'll explain later" he ensured, "First off, where's Lydia?"

They turned and spotted Lydia near the bleachers still watching the celebration. But before they could say anything else, Hailee Davis, also known as Blondie Lockes, daughter of Goldilocks began to speak into the microphone on the track near the cheerleaders.

"Alright everyone" she spoke catching everyone's attention "Now I know you all want to continue celebrating our team's victory, but before we get back to that, I have a few announcements."

As she began to her announcements, Terrence soon got an idea as he hurried past the crowd, being careful not to run into Lydia as he went up to Hailee who was still speaking.

"Hailee" he whispered, "Can I borrow that?"

"Hold on Terrence" she replied before continuing to talk about what's new on her blog.

"It's really important" he hissed, not knowing that Lydia had spotted him, surprised on how he managed to escape her brother.

She stayed put on the track as Elena and Olivia hurried past her without being spotted as they made their way near the cheerleaders just as Terrence took the microphone from Hailee.

"Alright everyone listen up" he spoke "I've got something to say. This football game is not what it seems to be, the only reason we're having this game is that it's just a distraction, a distraction to keep up busy while Lydia's crew searches for an item to destroy this town."

Everyone gasped while turning to Lydia who gave a nervous laugh.

"I'm sorry what?" she replied playing dumb as she walked up to Terrence and took the microphone from him "Don't listen to him, I have no idea what he's talking about."

He snatched the microphone back and growled: "Don't play dumb Lydia, you and your brother kept me hostage in your hotel room and told me everything."

Elena gave a small gasp as he continued to talk.

"I have the rope burns to prove it" he held up his wrists to show her and everyone as they all gasped.

"So?" she shrugged "That could have been from anything."

"Alright," he frowned "Then how do you explain this?"

He held the microphone up to his watch and pressed a button as a voice recording began to play. Everyone couldn't believe what they were hearing as they listened to Lydia and Noah telling Terrence their plan, and when they got to the part about needing Elena, Elena felt her heart drop as she froze. Knowing that her true intentions were being revealed, Lydia gave every one death glares as her crew gathered up behind her, including the ones that didn't play the game as Terrence stepped back from her and to Elena and Olivia.

"Well-" she began grimly "Now that you all know, I guess it's time to start."

And with that, everything began to change as the sky got dark, and soon everyone began to feel tremors all around. Soon the tremors got more heavy, and that's when a loud crashing sound was heard, sending everyone into panic as they hurried out of the bleachers. With the tremors causing everyone and everything to shake, everyone tried to run out from the field as Lydia and her crew stayed put and watched everyone fleeing in terror.


In her cell, Brooke was in shock as she watched the image in the mirror of everyone fleeing from Lydia in terror as the tremors continued to shake.

"No!" she gasped in shock.

"What?" Danny demanded, "What's going on?"

Her heart was racing while gripping the edges of the mirror as she breathed out.

"The apocalypse is starting."

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