Ch.84 Gas blowup

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Piper felt like he was going to past out from seeing his evil clone known as Pan, but instead, his beating heart kept him up as the musketeers stood by his side.

"Well isn't this exciting?" Pan smirked, "We're reuniting after a long time, how about a hug?"

He spread out his arms, but Piper just aimed his sword at his chest.

"You stay away from me" he growled.

"Oo" Pan snickered while putting his arms down "Now is that a way to treat a person like me, especially since I'm you?"

"I don't care if you have the same face as me, you are not me."

"Aw," Pan taunted while putting a hand on his chest "I'm hurt. Don't forget Piper, I know everything about you, especially your greatest fears. So don't think that I'll stay away, because bringing your fears to life is what I do best."

And with that, he took off into the sky and disappeared, leaving everyone, especially Piper who was frozen in shock.

"Oh bloody hell" he muttered worriedly, "He just had to come back."


Finding herself alone on the streets with only her flute and a golf club in her hands, Bridget needed a place to hide from the battle as she hurried into the diner, even though all the windows were smashed, she mainly needed a place to rest as she took a seat at the counter and laid her head down. After a moment of taking some breaths, she spotted some figures entering the diner as she looked up to see that it was just Kendell and his bandmates.

"Hey Bridget" he greeted calmly, "You feeling okay?"

"Just tired" she breathed while laying her chin in her palm.

"Same" he muttered as they all sat at the counter "We can't even find our motorcycles, they would have really come in handy during this crisis."

"Yeah well, you're just gonna have to rely on your legs."

He gave a snicker when all of a sudden, everyone began to hear what sounded like soft violin music.

"Uh, who's playing the violin?" Kendell questioned puzzled.

They continued to listen until they realized it was coming from the kitchen. Wondering what was going on, they all got up and headed to the door where Bridget pushed it opened and froze on her track. Sitting on top of a counter near the sink and playing the violin was a girl who Bridget wished wasn't here. The girl played for a moment until she stopped to look at Bridget and the others.

"Hello Melody," she greeted with a smirk, "Did you miss me?"

Bridget was too shocked to say anything until Kendell spoke up.

"Hey aren't you that Irish fairy chic?" he asked, "What was your name again?"

"Brenna" Bridget growled.

Brenna gave a small giggle before getting off the counter.

"You know I'm rather impressed Melody," she remarked, "You've got some mad music skills."

"You want an encore?" Bridget scowled while holding up her flute as Brenna gave a small laugh.

"You really wanna start that again?" she smirked while bringing her violin up "Fine by me."

"Hold it right there Brenna, I've learned some tricks while you were gone, and I would love to show you them."

"Tricks huh? What kind of tricks?"

"Well this one, I'm gonna have to thank you for before you gave me this idea."

And with that, she brought her flute to her lips and began to play an upbeat song. At first, nothing happened, but that's when they all began to hear scatters of little feet around them. And that's when the rats appeared as they all scattered to Brenna. Seeing what was about to happen, Brenna tried to play her violin to get them to stop, but they were too quick as they began to climb all over her.

Kendell and his bandmates stood there in shock before laughing as they watched Brenna panic while trying to pry the rats off of her. Seeing her revenge on Brenna made Bridget's lips curl up as she continued to play the flute until she had enough as she stopped playing as all the rats crawled off of Brenna and scattered away. When they were all gone, everyone looked back at Brenna who was puffing with her hair a mess and bite marks all over her clothes and skin.

"I recommend you get a rabies shot" Bridget advised with a smirk as she left the kitchen followed by the bandmates.

"Holy crap" Kendell chuckled as they left the diner "That was insane."

"Well Brenna did do the same thing to me back then" she stated, "So it was about time I got my revenge on her. Although we may run into her again unless of course those rat rabies takes over her and kills her right there."



Still on the run from the giants, Jillian ran as fast as she could while running in zigzags to make it harder for the giants to catch her. She ran until she came upon a gas station where she spotted a toolbox near a car. Hoping to find more hard tools to use, she ran up to the box and quickly opened it to thankfully find some tools. So acting quickly, she picked up a large wrench and turned around to see the two giants, and deciding to use the wrench on the first one, she aimed and threw the wrench as hard as she could as the tool hit the giant between his eyes.

As he began to descend down, she ran out of the way as he collapsed onto the gas pumps as gasoline began to spray out. Now with another idea, Jillian dashed inside the convenient store just as the last giant began to rip off bits of the store as she tried to search for something near the counter while dodging chunks of the falling store. Pretty soon she found a lighter, and after ducking from the giant's hand, she dashed out of the store where she ran far from the gas pump.

When she was ready, she lit up the lighter and threw it into the gas pumps as the station burst into flames. The strong force knocked her down as she covered her head, she waited for a moment until she got back up and turned around to see the station in flames and the other giant was already dead. Seeing that she had done it, she let out a big sigh of relief before laying her tired body on the street.

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