Ch.86 Beasts

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Already hiding behind a car, Aidan peeked out to see some of the crew members looking for him as he felt his heart racing with fear. Knowing that if they found him, he couldn't take all of them down, even with Excalibur.

"Hey" he turned to see Kim coming towards him as she joined him behind the car "You hiding from them?"

"What do you think?" he muttered.

"I'm taking that as a yes."

"If they find me, I can't take them down by myself, not even with Excalibur."

"I know" she nodded when a thought suddenly came to her "Although, maybe you can."


"You may not be able to take them down like this, but maybe in your beast form."

His eyes widen "Uh, what now?"

"Come on, we all know you're much stronger when you got turned into a beast, so why not use that strength right now? Because now seems like a good time as any."

"Well-" he hesitated "Even if I could, how am I suppose to turn into a beast? I can't change at will you know?"

"Perhaps I can change that" Natalie suddenly appeared "I heard everything, and I think I can turn you into a beast."

"You can?" he remarked.

"Curses are what I do best in" she grinned "So what do you say?"

He thought for a moment but then decided to give in as he gave a big sigh.

"If I get a hairball-" he muttered, "Nobody mention it."

After a moment, the crew members were about to head towards the car everyone was hiding behind when they suddenly heard loud growls and grunts from behind the car. Wondering what was going on, they slowly walked towards the car, only to be startled when the car was suddenly lifted up by a large white harry beast who held the car above him with his strong arms. Seeing the beast made their heart drop when he suddenly threw the car at them as they ran out of the way. After that, the beast let out a loud roar while charging at them as Kim and Natalie watched from the sidewalk.

"Damn," Natalie chuckled, "I think I prefer him in his beast form. I mean look at him."

She pointed to Aidan who attacked every member and monster that came at him.

"He's doing a good job" she grinned.

"Being a beast has its advantages" Kim smirked.


In front of the Mayor's office, Rachel and Hailee found themselves on the bench in need of a break as they let their weapons rest on their laps.

"I really need a smoothie right now" Rachel panted "My arms are getting sore."

"I thought you've been doing archery your whole life" Hailee put in.

"I was never good at it, plus I've never fired this many arrows in one day. If I keep doing it, my arms might fall off."

"Yeah you should stay low for a while. And as for me, the longer this war goes on, I might need to turn into a bear to help."

"Then why don't you?"

"I don't know how" she shrugged "I don't have the potion with me."

"Maybe Natalie can give you one, she is good at curses."

"True" she nodded in agreement.

Rachel then stretched out her arms as they heard the bones crack.

"That felt good" she breathed satisfied.

All of a sudden, they heard the sound of trash cans knocking over followed by loud growls as grunts that came from a nearby neighborhood. Already grabbing onto their weaponry, the girls got up from the bench and waited as the growls got closer. Ready to fight or run, they continued to remain still until a large beast jumped into view as it turned to the girl with its three heads and glowing red eyes.

"Oh God" Rachel's eyes widen.

"Is that Cerberus?" Hailee gasped.

"Yeah, run!"

They dashed off down the sidewalk, already hearing the Underworld monster behind them. They ran until they reached a street where they were suddenly blocked by Cerberus who had jumped in front of them. As it prowled towards them, the girls backed away with their weapons still in their hands.

"Herc where the hell are you?" Rachel mumbled nervously.

All of a sudden, a garbage bin was swung at Cerberus with much force as it knocked the beast into a building. Seeing that it was thrown by Hercules gave the girls more hope as they ran up to him.

"Cerberus is here too?" he remarked dismayed.

"This apocalypse is bringing so many surprises" Hailee breathed just as Cerberus got up and turned his three heads towards them.

As they began to back away from the monster, the monster suddenly slipped on the road as it slid down and into a car. Everyone then noticed that ice had formed on the road as they turned to see Jack who was standing next to Crystal who had stomped her foot on the ground creating a slippery surface.

"Need some help?" she offered.

"We'll need all the help we can get" Rachel smiled as Cerberus got back up and began to charge at the duo.

But using their powers combined, the couple blasted their winter magic at the monster sending him flying back and into another car. When it got back up, the monster shook the snow off its body as it gave them a growl before storming off.

"Looks like the Hades's pet doesn't like the cold" Hercules smirked.

"I guess that makes sense" Hailee shrugged "Seeing how he lives in a hot place."

"I remember seeing that beast every day when I was in the Underworld" Jack stated, "He is so not friendly."


Finding themselves in an empty street, the Wonderlandians gazed around for danger when they spotted Darling and Chase walking towards them.

"There you guys are" Ilene remarked, "You guys okay?"

"We're fine" Darling smiled "More than fine actually."

"What's with that smile?" Amanda asked curiously.

"Oh um-" Chase began with a small smile "Darling and I are back together."

They all gasped.

"Really?!" Lauren exclaimed with a big smile.

"Whoa," Brenden chuckled astonished "What happened?"

"Let's just say when you're fighting against a Black Knight with the right partner-" Darling explain "You realize you can't stay apart."

"Aww" the girls chorused with their hands on their chests.

"Did we hear you guys are back together?" they turned to see Gigi and Whisp walking towards them.

"We are" Darling smiled.

"Oh my God" Gigi beamed.

"Although I hate to break this to you guys-" Whisp suddenly put in "But we're still at war, so you'll need to put your relationship to the side."

"We know" Chase nodded.

"And be careful, now that you guys are back together, you need to watch out for whatever could tear you apart again."

"Precisely" a male voice suddenly spoke as everyone turned to see a familiar man that made their hearts drop "You wouldn't want that to happen do you?"

Everyone narrowed their eyes and stood back while glaring at the sorcerer known as Jafar.

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