Ch.16 Raging hope

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Still at the diner, after getting Brooke's message, Lauren went back to the front where she told the girls what just happened.

"Brooke's in danger?" Elena gasped.

"That's what she told me" Lauren replied "She also said that she along with Danny and Delilah are in some dark cell and she doesn't know where."

"Oh my God" Olivia gasped "But wait, if she's there, then why did we see her just earlier?"

"I think we can answer that" they turned around to see the Charming's.

"That Brooke you guys saw-" Darling began "Was not her."

"What?" they responded confused.

"That was a changeling" Terrence put in while holding up the changeling doll "We just defeated her in the Town Hall."

"And now my shoulders hurt" Aidan added.

"Oh my God" they gasped in shock.

"Are you guys okay?" Mira asked.

"We're fine" Darling assured "But now that we know that that Brooke was a changeling, we gotta find the real her."

"Well Lauren was just telling us that she got a message from Brooke" Elena put in as they all turned to her.

"What message?" Terrence asked her.

"Well it was more like she was trying to talk to through Narration I suppose" Lauren responded "I wasn't able to hear her that well, but I did hear that she along with Danny and Delilah are trapped in some dark cell and she has no idea where they are."

"What?" the Charming's gasped.

"But now that we know that Brooke we saw was a changeling all along-" Elena put in "We gotta find her and her friends."

"How?" Olivia questioned "We don't even know where they are, a dark cell could be anywhere."

"Should we ask Lydia and her crew for help?" Aidan asked.

"I don't think so" Elena replied "I still don't completely trust them. We gotta do this on our known until we know for sure we can trust them."

"So what are we suppose to do until then?" Olivia asked.

"Well first we gotta tell everyone about the whole changeling thing so they can help us get Brooke back, and we also gotta tell them not to tell Lydia and her crew until further notice."

"And in case they don't believe us-" Darling put in while holding up her phone "We got the evidence to prove it."


"Yeah look, this changeling was really kicking our asses."

She showed them the video as they all sat there surprised.

"Holy crap" Mira gasped "That changeling is really tough as nails."

"You have no idea" Terrence breathed.

"Oo!" they cringed.

"Oh my God you left a dint in the wall" Olivia remarked at Aidan.

"Well she left a dint in my shoulders" he grunted while rubbing his shoulder.

"Okay we'll show them that" Elena concluded when the video ended "Now until then, we gotta talk to Gold and see if he can help us find Brooke and the others."

She then turned to Lauren "Lauren if you get anymore messages from Brooke let us know as soon as you can."

Lauren gave a promise nod.

"Alright people" Elena got up from her seat "Let's find Brooke, and also break this curse."


Not knowing how long time had passed for them, Brooke, Danny, and Delilah sat on the cold stone floor with their backs against the rough walls in complete stress.

"You think anyone's gonna find us here?" Delilah suddenly muttered.

"It would be a miracle" Danny muttered back while crossing his arms "We don't even know where the hell we are."

"There's gotta be something around here to gives us some clues" Brooke spoke up "Maybe there's some writings on the wall or certain sounds we can hear."

"I don't see anything but this faint light from the ceiling" Delilah grumbled "I can't even tell where the light is coming from. Moon? Sun? I can't tell."

"And I don't hear anything but a few pebbles falling and rats scattering all over" Danny put in "And over all it's just dead silent."

Brooke gave a loud groan while leaning her head against the wall.

"I wanna strangle that Lydia" she grunted.

"You could try" she jumped by the sound of Lydia's voice as she was shocked to see the villain standing in front of her.

"But you know I'm much stronger than you" she smirked with her hands on her hip.

At that point Danny and Delilah hurried to the bars to see Lydia in front of their friend.

"You" Brooke growled while already feeling her blood boil.

"Me" Lydia mocked back.

"If you're just hear to taunt me go ahead" she scowled "But make it quick so I could die faster."

"Relax Brookey, I'm not hear to taunt you, well maybe a little. I'm just hear to make you you all are still alive."

"Why do you care if we're alive or not?" Danny grunted "Aren't gonna kill us anyway?"

"Oh please" she snickered "I don't kill, it takes the fun away from the torture. If anything I'll just let someone die, but I wont actually murder them, unless I really have to."

"So what are you gonna do with us then?" Brooke scowled "Keep us in here forever till we rot away?"

"Well at the moment, but I'm not entirely sure, I'm still thinking about it."

"Well can you think quickly?" Delilah complained "Because pretty soon I'm gonna have to use the toilet, and I am gonna piss in my pants."

"Yeah and what about food?" Danny added in a mad look "You gonna let us starve to death?"

"Well watching people starve is one of my favorite torture methods" Lydia smirked "But maybe that'll have to wait. Until then, I recommend you all just sleep, that way time would go by faster."

"I would sleep" Brooke frowned "But how can I do so when I know that you're gonna ruin our friends lives in Storybrooke?"

"Oh relax, I'm not planning on doing it now. I mean I already know that your parents have more stories to tell, but do be prepared when no one comes to save you all. Because where we are, no one even remembers it."

And with that she vanished, leaving Brooke full of rage knowing she can't do anything at the moment, except hope.

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