Ch.68 When monsters attack

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Inside Mr. Gold's shop, since the owner wasn't around for some reasons that they didn't know of, Rachel, Andy, and Hailee stood in the shop as Rachel stroked her wings while admiring it in the mirror.

"It feels so weird having my wings back," she remarked, "I don't even remember if I know how to fly."

"I'm sure you can" he assured, "Even if it does take some getting used to, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it."

All of sudden, a crash was heard in the back room as everyone froze while getting their weapons ready.

"What the hell was that?" Hailee's eyes widen while holding her pickaxe close to her body.

"I'm not gonna even guess that something fell off the shelf" Rachel stated while getting her bow and arrow ready "There's something back there, and whatever it is, I'm ready for is."

Andy then went up to the door to peek inside the back room, only to be startled when a large beast like creature crashed through the door causing him to fall back as Hailee let out a scream. Andy quickly scooted away from the beast, only to be more shocked when he realized what kind of beast it was.

"No way" he gasped as the beast turned to the girls who stood up and backed away.

"What the hell is that?" Hailee gasped.

"The Chimera" Rachel growled, "Also known as the beast that nearly killed me and Andy that one night."

She aimed her arrow at the beast, but that just caused the Chimera to let out its lion growl while opening its mouth.

"Look out!" Rachel screamed while folding her wings in front of them just as the Chimera blew out its fire breath, and to their surprise, Rachel's new wings blocked them from the fire, and the wings weren't even burnt.

"Whoa" they gasped amusedly as she unfolded her wings.

But with her wings down, the Chimera saw another opportunity to blow out more fire at them as they ran out of the way.

"Everyone out!" Andy ordered as they stormed out of the shop and ran down the street with the Chimera already behind them.

"This way!" Rachel pointed as they went into an alley and hid behind a trash bin.

They thought they had lost it, but when they peeked from behind the bin, they saw that the beast while sniffing around to find them while growling.

"It's not gonna be easy getting rid of" Andy whispered, "Once it's got your scent, it never stops to find you."

"Which is why we can't keep hiding from it" Rachel whispered back "And that's why I'm gonna lead it away."

"Wait what?" Hailee's eyes widen.

"I'll distract it while you guys run."


"Don't worry about me, I got my wings back remember? I'll be fine, I hope."

Before they could say anything else, Rachel got up and walked out from behind the bin just as the Chimera spotted her and began to growl loudly while getting into defense mode. After taking a deep breath, she spread out her wings as she aimed her arrow at the beast. And once she was ready, she took off into the sky as everyone looked up to see her flapping her wings while firing her arrow at the Chimera which grazed right through its body as roared out in pain.

Knowing she needed to get it away, she flew behind the beast and fired another arrow which grazed its serpent tail as it turned to face her while blowing out its fire at her as she flew out of the way and down the street as the beast went after her.

"You think she'll be okay?" Hailee asked Andy nervously.

"I know her" he replied with confidence, "She'll kill that thing."


At the 'Sweet Tooth' bakery, Tara Baker, also known as Ginger Breadhouse, daughter of the Candy witch sat on top of the counter while chowing down on a cupcake with her butcher knives by her side.

"Tare calm down on that cupcake," remarked Isabelle Shaw, also known as Helga Crumb, daughter of Hansel who stood by her cousin Matt Shaw, also known as Gus Crumb, son of Gretel.

"I'm stress eating!" Tara replied with her mouth full.

"Well stop being stressed!" Matt complained, "That's gonna make you weak!"

"Fine" she groaned as she finished her cupcake.

"Hey Tara" Isabelle spoke, "I don't know if this is the right time to ask this but, when are you gonna tell Dylan how you feel?"

She felt her stomach drop "What?"

"You still got feelings for him right?" Matt asked.

"Well um, of course I do."

"Then when are you gonna tell him that?"

"I don't know" she whined, "I haven't thought about it in a while."

"Well considering that it's the apocalypse where we might die in this" Isabelle put in, "I think now would be a good time to tell him."

"First of all," she held up a finger "I don't know where he is, and second of all, I'm not the only one who should confess her feelings for a certain someone."

At that point, Isabelle felt her cheeks turning pink.

"Yeah Isabelle" Matt smirked, "When are you gonna tell Jacob how you feel?"

She gave a small groan "I don't know, I don't even know where he is."

"If I had to guess-" Tara put in, "I'd say he's at his farm with Bailey, doing what we're doing, waiting for an attack."

"What if nothing happens in here?" Matt asked.

"Something's gotta happen" Isabelle guaranteed "It's the apocalypse, there's always gonna be something that's trying to kill us."

After a moment of boring waiting, Tara got up and made her way to the door where she pushed it opened and peeked outside.

"See anything?" Isabelle questioned.

"No" she responded when something suddenly zoomed past her causing her to shriek while shutting the door and locking it.

"What was that?" Matt's eyes widen.

"I have no idea" she replied in shock while stepped away from the door.

They waited for a moment, and that's when a creature suddenly appeared at the door letting out a terrifying scream while pounding on the door as everyone stepped back in fear. 

"What the hell is that?!" Isabelle screamed from behind Tara.

"I don't know!" Tara replied.

The creature appeared both human and monster like with its sharp claws, shaggy hair, and sharp teeth. It kept pounding on the glass door until they saw that the glass was beginning to break.

"In the kitchen!" Tara ordered as they hurried into the kitchen and closed the door just as the monster smashed through the door.

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