Ch.10 New crew

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Now in her vault that was located inside a mausoleum of the Storybrooke cemetery, Mira focused her work on the telephone Gold had given her as she tried all she can to get it to work. But everything she did with her magic didn't seem to work, it was as if something's missing.

"Hey Mira" she turned to see Elena entering "How's it going so far?"

"Not well" she replied in a sigh "I did everything that Gold told me on how to get it to work, but nothing, it's like I'm missing something."

"Well um, I don't really know anything about old school phones so-".

"It's fine Elena, you just focus on breaking on the curse."

"Yeah about that, Destiny still hasn't come to see me yet, and no matter how many times I try to call out to her she never shows up."

Mira raised an eyebrow "Well that's odd, she always comes when she's called."

"I don't know what's going on, but now that we have all the items, I can't wait any longer to break this curse."

"Have you tried talking to Brooke?"

"Well that's another thing, I can't find her anywhere, and she's not answering any of my calls."

"What?" Mira replied confused.

"Yeah" Elena nodded "She's not at her house or anywhere."

But before Mira could say anything else, Elena's phone began to ring as she pulled it out and answered the phone call from Olivia.

"Yeah?" she replied "I'm in Mira's vault... What?... What people?... Oh really?... Yeah we'll be there."

"What's going on?" Mira asked after Elena hung up.

"Olivia just called me saying that there's a big group of new people here."

"Whoa really?" Mira responded surprised.

"Yeah, and apparently they wanna meet us."

"Well let's go."

After leaving the cemetery, the two headed towards Main Street where they saw Olivia along with the big group of new people.

"Whoa" Elena remarked amused "That is a lot of new people."

"You think they came from the Enchanted Door?" Mira questioned.

"Probably, but how many are there? Thirty?"

"Looks like more to me."

They went up to the crowd as Olivia spotted them.

"There you guys are" she greeted them as she turned to the crowd "Here they are, Raven and Mira Queen."

"Well I'll be damned" the older girl with blonde hair smiled at them "My name is Lydia, and I know this seems like a big surprise for me to bring all my crew here, but the reason we're here is because we wanna help with this curse."

"Wait what?" Elena gasped amused.

"We've been trying to find a way to get here ever since we heard about the curse, but now that we have by going through this door that just appeared out of nowhere, we can finally help you guys get home."

"Oh my" Elena replied astonished as she smiled "This is indeed a surprise."

"Yeah" Mira agreed "Well if you guys are gonna help then you should know that we already have all the items we need to break this curse."

"Really?" Lydia responded in a smile "That's great!"

"Yeah but we don't know how to use them" Elena put in "We've been waiting for an oracle friend of ours to tell us, but she hasn't arrived."

"Oh dear. Well until she does so, we can help find some other way to know how to break this curse."

"Well I don't know what to say but, thank you" Elena smiled "We could use all the help we can get."

"It's what we're here for" Lydia smiled back "And before we go do our separate things, I'd like you two to meet my brother Noah."

They turned their attention to the guy next to her as he held his hand out towards Mira as they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you Noah" she greeted in a smile.

"You too Your Majesty" he replied politely.

"Wow" she snickered "I don't think anyone's called me that in a long time."

"Well they should, you are the Queen."

She gave a small giggle as he turned to Elena and held out his hand to her.

"Now I must say" he said as they shook hands "They were right when they said that you do look a lot like your mother, very beautiful too."

And with that he pulled her hand up and placed a gentle kiss on the back of her hand as she along with Olivia and Mira stood there surprise.

"Uh-" Elena pulled her hand away in an awkward smile "Thank you, but just so you know, I have a boyfriend."

"Is that so?" he tilted his head.

"I do."

"Well then-" Olivia spoke up to break the awkwardness "Shall we go on and do whatever we're suppose to do?"

"Right" Mira nodded "I gotta go back to making the telephone work. Elena, Olivia, do whatever you two need to do."

After bidding farewell to the crew, the three headed off as Lydia turned to Noah.

"You know what you need to do" she whispered in his ear as he gave a nod along with a side smirk.

But while doing so, neither of them noticed Elena watching them as she followed Olivia and Mira, and after seeing what she saw, she couldn't help but wonder more about them, and not knowing if she should in a good or bad way.


Having no idea what just happened, the first thing Danny noticed was the hard cold floor he was laying on, and when he began to open his eyes, darkness was all he could see with a little bit of light. At that moment he sprang up in a gasp and found himself in an empty cell, already feeling his heart racing in fear.

"Danny?" a familiar voice call as he turned and couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Brooke looking at him from another cell across from him.

"Brooke?" he gasped as he got up and ran to the bars "Is it really you?"

"Yeah it's me" she replied.

"What the hell is going on?" Delilah suddenly appeared in the cell next to Brooke.

"I'll tell you what's going on" Brooke began in a scowl "That Lydia bitch is here and she's got us trapped wherever the hell we are."

They both stood there in shock as they looked around the cells they were in.

"Well this is great" Brooke grunted "Lydia's finally here and no one knows about her."

"Wait what?" Delilah gasped "You didn't tell them?"

"I was going on, but then Lydia happened."

"Oh man" Danny's eyes widen as chills went down his spine "Nobody knows about her, they don't know what's coming for them."

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 13)Where stories live. Discover now