Ch.8 Strange behavior

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After calling their friends over, Elena and Olivia showed them the Golden Gorilla that was placed on the coffee table in their living room.

"Oh my God" Mira gasped while knelling near the table to get a better look "You guys actually got it."

"It wasn't easy" Elena stated "But at least we're alive and in one piece."

"And yet you both don't have a single scratch on you" Aidan put in.

"Oh we did" Olivia corrected "In fact we were covered in cuts and slashes from the arrows of the first obstacle, but I guess they healed once we came back."

"Well this is great" Terrence remarked in a smile "We have all the items we need to break the curse!"

"But how do we do it?" Aidan questioned.

"We don't know" Elena replied "We're hoping Destiny will tell us, but before that we need to show Brooke, has she come back yet?"

"She hasn't actually" Mira answered "Which is weird cause I thought she would of been back by now."

"Yeah it's already getting late" Terrence announced "Where is she?"

"You know what I'll call Danny" Elena suggested while pulling out her phone "Maybe he knows."

She began to make the call as she waited for him to pick up.

Meanwhile, in front of the diner, Danny and Delilah sat on a bench while waiting for Brooke to arrive, but as time passed with no sign of her, they were starting to get worried when Danny's phone started to ring as he pulled it out and answered the call from Elena.

"Hey Elena" he greeted.

"Hey Danny" she replied "Is Brooke with you?"

"No she isn't, she hasn't come back yet."

"Seriously?" she raised an eyebrow "She should of been back by now."

"Yeah I know" he agreed with a concerned look "I don't know what's taking her so long."

"Well if you see her tell her we got the Golden Gorilla."

"You did?" he gasped.

"Yeah, and we need to let Brooke know so we can gather all the items together."

"Well I'll let her know as soon as I see her. Although I swear if she doesn't come back within 15 minutes, I'm going to assume something's wrong."

"Oh God I hope not."

After hanging up, Danny gave a small groan while tilting his head back.

"What did she say?" Delilah asked.

"Well good news-" he began "They found the Golden Gorilla."

"They did?" she gasped.

"But now they need to see Brooke in order to gather up the rest of the items, but she's still not here."

"Well maybe she-" she began to say when she spotted someone up ahead walking down the empty road "Hey there she is!"

He turned around to see Brooke walking down the empty road, but what caught his eye was that she seemed to be acting strange, she kept on looking around as if she was unfamiliar with the place.

"Why is she acting odd?" Delilah wondered.

"I don't know" Danny replied as they got up and went up to her "Hey Brooke!"

She quickly turned her head towards them.

"Um, yes" she suddenly replied, sounding careful with her words "I am Brooke."

"Uh, are you okay?" Delilah asked with a confused look "Did hit your head or something?"

She didn't reply as she just walked pass them.

"Hey hold on!" Danny called as they followed her "What happened? Did you talk to Chief Chronicler?"

Once again Brooke didn't reply as she continued down the road.

"Okay what's going on?" he demanded as they continued to follow her "Tell us."

"Nothing is wrong" she finally spoke with a frown.

"Well then can you help us? Elena and Olivia finally got the Golden Gorilla."

At that point Brooke stopped as she turned to him.

"They got it?" she questioned surprised.

"Yes" he nodded "And they need you to bring them the rest of the items."

Her lips curled into a small smile "Yes, I'll see them first."

And with that she walked down the road in a different direction, leaving the two confused on her odd behavior.

"Okay that was weird" Delilah commented.

"You're telling me" Danny agreed "Something's not right with her."

"You think something happened to her while she was away?"

"I don't know, but we're gonna find out."


Still in their living room, everyone waited for Brooke to arrive as Mira decided to tell them about the telephone Gold had given her.

"So if it works-" she explained "I may have found a way for us to communicate to Ever After."

"No way" Olivia gasped in a smile "I can finally talk to my parents!"

"Exactly" Mira smiled back "But Gold did say that it might not work cause it hasn't been used in years, but I'm gonna do everything I can to make it work."

Just then there was a knock at the door as Aidan went over and answered it to reveal Brooke

"Hey there you are!" he exclaimed in a grin "We were wondering when you were gonna show up."

"Where's the Golden Gorilla?" she asked as she stepped in.

"Right here" Elena picked it up and showed her.

When she saw it, Brooke gave a look of surprise as she went closer to it to get a better look.

"We finally have all the items we need to break the curse" Elena smiled.

"Yes" Brooke sneered as she took the Golden Gorilla and held it in her hands.

"Although we don't know how to break the curse" Olivia put in "We're hoping Destiny will tell us soon."

"Right" Brooke nodded "I'll go keep this safe while you wait for Destiny."

"Alright, don't lose it" Elena warned.

Brooke nodded as she turned to head out the door, but as she walked pass Terrence, he suddenly spotted something that caught his eye, he could of sworn her eyes had a flash of yellow. He nearly gasped as she walked out the door, he didn't know if his mind was playing tricks on him, but at the same time, he was already growing suspicious.


She felt so weak that she could barely opened her eyes, she could barely move her body. But as she felt herself regaining consciousness, the first thing she felt was the cold hard floor she was lying on, and darkness was the first thing she saw with a hint of light. When she fully opened her eyes, she found herself in a dark room, no wait not a room, an old cell. She sprung up in a gasp when she looked around the cell she was in, she then got up and ran to the cell bars and tried to pull the door opened, but it was locked.

"No" Brooke gasped while feeling the fear running through her blood when she realized what had happened as she gripping onto her scalp "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

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