Ch.69 Recreation spell

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Using whatever they could get their hands on to block the door, Tara and the two cousins stood back with their weapons in their hands as they watched as the monster tried to knock down the door.

"None of you know what that is?!" Isabelle exclaimed with fright.

"I'm thinking!" Tara replied while trying to examine the monster through the door window "Wait a minute, I think I know what that is."


"I'm pretty sure it's a Wendigo."

"A what?"

"A Wendigo. It's a Native America monster that just so happens to be a cannibal."

"Oh great" Matt grunted, "We've gone against a cannibal witch and now we're dealing with a cannibal monster!"

At that point, the Wendigo smashed its clawed hand through the door window as they all jumped in terror.

"Any ideas on how to get rid of it?!" Isabelle screamed.

"Unfortunately no!" Tara replied as the Wendigo kept screaming while trying to get in.

"While I'm not gonna stand here and do nothing!" Isabelle declared as she went up to the wall and took down the fire extinguisher as she aimed it at the monster and blew the cold content at it as it screamed while backing away "I guess it doesn't like the cold."

But that didn't stop the monster from coming back as it tried to grab onto her.

"Oh no you don't" she growled while using the back of the extinguisher to slam it against its face as it tumbled back in pain.

"Okay keep doing that and maybe it'll go away" Matt suggested.

"Let's hope" she sighed as she continued to spray the Wendigo.


In an area near the 'Party Fever' club, Stella along with her twin sister Sabrina who was also Holly O'Hair strolled down the street with Kendell and his bandmates with Bridget Carson, also known Melody Piper, daughter of the Pied Piper by their side.

"Is a frying pan the only weapon you could get your hands on?" Kendell asked Sabrina who was holding onto a frying pan in one hand while holding onto her hair that was wrapped around her other hand.

"Pretty much" she shrugged "But it's fine, frying pans can really come in handy." (If you know why I gave her a frying pan, I had to do this, I'm not sorry lol)

"And Stella" he turned to his girlfriend "Why am I not surprised that you are armed with scissors?"

"Well I am skilled with them" she smirked, "And also with other blades."

"And yet I've never seen a single scratch on your hands."

"Oh I used to have some when I first started, but they've healed up."

They then turned to Bridget who was holding onto her flute in one hand and a golf club in the other.

"You think your flute can stand against whatever comes in this apocalypse?" Stella asked her.

"Not everything" she replied while holding up the golf club, "Which is why I picked up this. I know it's not much, but it's the best thing I've got."

All of a sudden, Sabrina let out a shriek while looking down to see a rat near her feet.

"Oh my God there's a rat!" Stella screamed as everyone shooed the critter away.

"Nasty things" Sabrina cringed.

"Eh," Bridget shrugged "I've gotten used to them."

But at that moment, they began to hear what sounded like scatters of little feet heading their way. They turned their heads towards an alley where to their horror, they saw hundreds of rats heading their direction from the alley.

"Okay but not this much!" Bridget gasped "Run!"

They dashed off in the other direction, but the rats went after them.

"Why are these rats chasing us?!" Sabrina screamed.

"Must be part of the apocalypse!" Stella responded when they ran down another street until they came upon a dead end.

"Oh great" Kendell muttered, "Does this mean we have to shoot them one by one?"

"Nope" Bridget replied while handed her golf club to him "It means I do this."

As the rats got closer, she held her flute to her lips and began to play a soft tune that made the rats stop. Now that she had gotten them under her spell, she continued to play her flute while walking away from the group and down the street as the rats began to follow her. While doing so, she looked back at her friends that gave them a look that motioned them to go the other way as she began down the street with the rats following her.

"Where is she going?" Sabrina wondered.

"No idea" Stella replied, "But wherever she's going, I hope she'll be able to get rid of those rats."


After a while of walking down the bridge while thinking of nothing but happy thoughts, everyone finally made it to the end where they found themselves in front of a stone island with gravel stones surrounding a large building, or at least what was left of the building.

"Whoa" everyone gasped.

"Is that the Lost Library?" David asked surprised.

"What's left of it" Olivia replied, "Before it got consumed by the unmaking lava, just like what happened to Shadow High. If you look, closely, you can see it's completely made of words."

They did so as they got closer to the structure and saw that it was, in fact, made of words. The walls were made from words that read WALL and the windows were made of WINDOWS and GLASS.

"Jeez," Terrence cringed "Is this going to happen to us if Storybrooke reaches Shadow High?"

"I'm afraid so" she sighed sadly "We'll be nothing but words, just like what happened to Ms. Direction."

Everyone gave uneasy looks while stepping away from the building.

"Anyway," Olivia spoke while turning to Danielle "Danielle?"

"I'm on it" she replied while pulling out her fairy godmother wand and began to chant the recreation spell.

Everyone stood back and watched as she cast the spell onto the structure as it began to renew itself. Soon, all the words began to disappear and were replaced with actual wood and windows. After a moment, there in front of them was no longer a building of words, but a beautiful mansion that looks brand new.

"Everyone" Olivia addressed "Welcome to the Lost Library."

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