Ch.47 Safe for now

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Once again, I had time to post this chapter. Enjoy :)

After a while, Terrence and Elena left her room and into the dining room where they saw Aidan and Olivia having their apple cinnamon pancakes.

"I knew I smelled pancakes" Elena smiled.

"Hey" they greeted with smiles.

"So uh, you guys slept well?" Olivia smirked.

"We did" Terrence nodded.

"Oh I bet you did" Aidan grinned.

"Dude" he groaned.

"Come on" Olivia motioned them "We saved you guys some pancakes."

The couple took their seats as they began their discussion.

"So-" Elena began "What are we doing today?"

"Well judging by how it's still dark and gloomy outside" Olivia replied while looking out the window, "I say we continue on fixing that."

"Well I'm gonna call Mira soon and see if she's got anything and if she's done with whatever she's working on."

"Yeah what is she working on anyway?" Olivia wondered.

"Most likely something about this apocalypse."

"Well whatever it is, I just hope it'll keep us alive."

After they were done eating, everyone gathered in the living room now dressed and ready for the day.

"Okay, what are we doing first?" Olivia asked Elena.

"I suggest we go see Mira" she recommended, "See if there's anything she knows and if there's anything we can help with."

"But I thought we weren't supposed to go outside" Aidan reminded.

"We don't really have a choice now, we've gotten nothing from the books, we need to look beyond that now."

"You still got the books right?" Terrence asked.

"Yeah, I should probably get them."

They waited until she came back with her backpack that was holding the important books they needed.

"Got them" she announced.

"What about the items for the curse?" Olivia added.

"Still protected by the protection spell. Now everyone stay close, we don't know who or what we can run into outside."

But before they could go outside, Aidan suddenly got a text as he stopped.

"Hold on" he announced as he pulled out his phone and read the text as his eyes widen "Oh no."

"What?" everyone demanded.

"Darling just texted me, she said we have to go to Kim's house right now, something happened."

Fearing the worse, everyone hurried outside and into Elena's car as they drove off and to Kim's house. And to their horror, parts of her house had been demolished, windows were broken, pieces of the walls and roof were gone, there were even burns here and there.

"Oh my God" Elena's eyes widen as she parked her car as they hurried out just as Kim and Darling ran out of the house covered in bruises and scratches and some tears on their clothes.

"You girls okay?" Terrence gasped as they ran up to them.

"What the hell happened?" Aidan gasped.

"We were just sitting there and this dragon attacked us!" Darling exclaimed while throwing her arms in the air.

"Did she just say a dragon attacked them?" Olivia's eyes widen.

"Yeah that's right" Kim confirmed, "It was one of those dark dragons we all saw during the Dragon Games, I'm surprised we're still alive."

"Where's the dragon now?" Elena demanded.

"We don't know, it took off after Darling stabbed it in its eyes."

"Oo" Aidan cringed.

"But now my house is gone" Kim sighed sadly.

"Don't worry-" Elena assured, "You'll be safe with us."

"I wouldn't bet on that" they turned to see Lydia leaning against the demolished house.

"Nobody is safe around here anymore" she smirked.

"You" Elena growled while clenching her fists.

"You all should have been here to watch that dragon destroy this house, it was so entertaining."

"I'll kill you for this!" Darling roared.

"You can't kill me princess" Lydia snickered "I'm too quick so I'll kill you first."

"Not unless I beat you to it" Elena snarled while forming a fireball in her hand.

"Oh Raven" Lydia put her hands on her hips "A fireball isn't going to scare me, mainly because he has much more firepower than you."


All of a sudden she felt a hot breath behind her that sent chills down her spine, knowing what was behind her, everyone gasped at the dragon that stood behind Elena looking down at her with its jaw right above her head.

"Elena" Olivia froze in fear.

"I've got this" she assured before turning around and blasting her fireball at the dragon's face causing it to tumble back "Run!"

They did so as the dragon got up and went after them while roaring. As they ran down the street, everyone noticed that all of their friends were being chased by more dark dragons.

"Where do we go?!" Olivia screamed as Elena turned around and blasted her magic at the dragon along with the other dragons she could find.

"Quick!" a voice suddenly called as they turned to see Mira and David "Everyone get inside the school!"

Everyone began to follow Mira while still being chased by the dragons while dodging their flaming breaths. When they made it to their school, Mira and David opened the front doors and everyone rushed inside while Elena and Mira used their magic to blast away the dragons. Once everyone was inside, they quickly shut the door and locked it.

"Everyone okay?" Mira asked as they all nodded while hyperventilating "Is everyone here?"

"I think so" Elena replied while looking around "Yeah they're all here."

"What if those dragons try to come in here?" Olivia questioned.

"They won't" Mira promised, "Nothing will."

"How can you be sure of that?"

"Remember that thing I told you I was working on? Well, when this apocalypse started, I figured that we'd need a safe place to go to in case something like this happens, so I've been working on a powerful protection spell to cast upon a big building for us to hide in. I chose this place, I cast the spell, and now we should be safe."

"So, nothing can get in here?" Terrence questioned.

"Only the ones we trust, but this spell can detect who or what can't be trusted, therefore keeping them out. And they can't get in no matter what they try."

"And this will last long?" Elena inquired.

"I should be."

"So you're saying we can't leave the school?" Kim asked.

"For now. I mean if you guys find a way to leave while staying safe then go for it. But until then, this is our only safe place."

Nobody said a word as they looked at one another with worried looks, fearing on what the apocalypse could bring next.

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