Ch.110 Scrapbook memories

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This guy did an acoustic cover of the Ever After High theme song, and I just thought it was awesome and perfect for this chapter :)

After hanging out with Dexter, Raven made her way up to the dorms where they stepped into her old dorm room. When the curse broke, all of her stuff was Storybrooke was able to transport from her room and into her dorm so she didn't have to worry about losing them. Overall, everything appeared just as she left it before the curse happened, the rest of her stuff was still there untouched. And on Apple's side of the room, there sitting on the foot of her bed was her roommate who was going through their scrapbook.

"Hey," Apple greeted with a smile "Where have you been?"

"Just hanging with mom" Raven replied with a smile "And then with Dex. What have you been doing?"

"Finishing this scrapbook without your help."

"Oh," Raven bit her lip "Sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it" she assured, "Come on, have a look."

Raven took a seat next to Apple and they began to flip through the pages from the beginning and admired all of the photos and souvenirs from Storybrooke.

"Wow," she breathed amazed, "This brings so many memories."

"Hey you still got your shoebox right? The one with items that represent you and Dex?"

"Yep," she smiled while pointing over to her bed "It's right over there, and it's still got my two love poems from him."

"Aww," Apple smiled "I'm so glad you guys got married, even though it was a fake one, but still."

They went back to their scrapbook where they came upon a photo of them and Mira at a bar for a girl's night.

"I remember that night," Raven remarked with a small smile "You and Mira were trying to cheer me up after Dexter left Storybrooke."

"It was the least we can do."

Raven gave a sigh as she stared at Mira's photo for a moment until turning the page to a photo of Mira and David dressed up for the Prom.

"Aww," they chorused while their hands on their hearts.

"They look so cute" Apple mumbled.

"I'm so glad they were able to fix their relationship, I actually never thought it would happen. But turns out they really were in love, even though they drifted apart during their marriage, they were able to fix it."

"And now they're together in some realm, living happily ever after."

At that moment, the two turned towards their full-size mirrors. Wondering if Mira and David were watching them from the mirrors, they got up and walked over to Apple's mirror.

"Mira, David" Raven spoke, "If you're watching us right now, wherever you are, we hope you're living happily there."

"We miss you" Apple added, "We'll miss you guys every day."

"In case you're wondering, I'm getting along with my mother now, and she's okay with everyone calling her Mira. She also changed her look too, she's letting her hair down and wearing simple dresses now, she still looks stylish of course. But anyway, we'll always miss you guys."


As they watched Apple and Raven step away from the mirror, Mira and David both smiled while sitting on the steps of a gazebo with David's arm around her as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Glad to see everyone's doing well," she remarked.

"And it looks like your adult self is really getting a detox" he added with a smile.

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