Ch.70 Asylum hideout

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Now inside the Storybrooke Asylum, everyone walked down the stairs to enter the main entrance that was now abandoned.

"Damn" Chase breathed "So this is what the asylum looks like."

"I hated this place" Brenden muttered while nervously rubbing his arms with his sword hanging by his side "I actually thought I would die in here."

"It was really that bad?" Courtly asked.

"You have no idea" he scowled "I never wanted to see this place ever since you helped me escape, but now that we're here, I might pass out from anxiety."

"Relax Brenden" Christina rubbed his shoulder "We're just here to hide and find another way out to avoid that Jubjub bird."

"Do you know any other way out of here?" Chase asked him.

"Well-" he replied with a sigh "During those times when I was allowed out of my cell, I think I saw a door down a hall that had stairs going up. Now I'm not sure where it leads to, but I'm pretty sure it's another way out."

"Do you know how to get there?"

"I think so."

"Well lead the way" Courtly offered.

He let out a deep sigh "Guess I'm taking a walk down nightmare lane."

Christina slipped her hand into his to keep him calm as they walked down the hall.

"Isn't this your cell?" Courtly pointed to an empty cell.

"Yep," he mumbled while gazing through the small window and inside the cell where he used to stay "I remember everything that happened in there, all the meds I was forced to take, all the nightmares I had, it was just awful."

"Don't worry" Christina laid her head on his shoulder while rubbing his arm "It's all over now."

He let out a sigh as they continued down the hall.

"I think it's this way" he pointed as they turned to go down another hall, only to freeze when they spotted something big, brown, and furry in front of the door with its back turned to them.

They quickly hid behind the wall while peering out to examine the creature.

"Is that a Bandersnatch?!" Courtly gasped in a whisper.

"No doubt" Chase answered.

"And it's blocking the door" Brenden added in a mutter "Our only ways out are both blocked by Wonderland monsters, great."

"Anyone got any ideas?" Christina whispered.

But before they could say anything, the Bandersnatch suddenly sprang its head up as it began to sniff out a smell, knowing it had caught their scents.

"This way" Courtly whispered as they hurried down the hall and into the main entrance.

"Is that bird still there?" Christina asked as Chase went up the stairs and peeked through the window.

"It looks gone to me" he replied, "But it could be hiding."

All of a sudden, they heard a loud growl coming from down the hall as their blood turned cold.

"Oh God" Christina's eyes widen as Brenden took out his sword.

"If it charges at us" Chase whispered, "We'll just make a run for it."

They waited for the Bandersnatch to appear as they stood near the stairs. But while doing so, they were suddenly startled by the Jubjub bird who was trying to break down the door to get to them. But since their screams had caught the attention of the Bandersnatch, they soon faced to faced with the Wonderland bear as it prowled towards them while exposing its sharp set of teeth in its growl. With the Jubjub bird and the Bandersnatch blocking their paths, everyone thought they were done for until Chase spoke up.

"Okay that's it" he declared "We're running out here!"

And with that, he pushed opened the door which slammed hard into the Jubjub bird as they stormed out of the asylum and rant towards the doors.

"Look out!" Brenden yelled as they looked up to see the Jubjub bird flying towards them with its talons out as they quickly ducked, nearly missing its talons.

"Come on!" Chase called as they raced to the doors and ran out of the hospital and shut the doors before the bird could get them.

Since the bird was not able to get out the doors, it gave up before giving a screech and flying off.

"We should be safe for now" Chase breathed.

But just as they turned around, they were suddenly stopped by the appearance of another Bandersnatch that stood in front of them and growled with its claws sticking out, ready to attack.

"Are you kidding me?!" Courtly hissed as the beast growled louder as everyone stepped back.

With their weapons still clutched in their hands, everyone backed into the hospital doors, knowing there was no chance of escape as the beast got closer. But just when they thought they were done for, something blasted onto the spot near the Bandersnatch causing it to jump. They didn't even get a chance to see whatever was blasted and who had blasted as more began to shoot near the beast until it ran off.

"Did somebody call for help?" a familiar female voice called as they turned to see who it is as their eyes widen and jaws dropped.

There to the side were two girls, one with bright pink hair and a yellow streak, the other had blue hair with a light pink streak. Both girls had identical faces, but the girl with the blue hair had steam coming out from her hands, indicating she was one who had scared off the Bandersnatch.

"We sure did" Brenden smiled at the genie sisters known as Gigi and Whisp Grant who were friends of the Wonderlandians.

Everyone gave smiles as they went up to the genies and embraced them with hugs.

"It's so good to see you girls again" Christina smiled while hugging Gigi.

"You too" Gigi smiled back "We missed you guys."

"I love your makeup Courtly" Whisp commented.

"Thank you" Courtly grinned "I'm glad someone appreciates my style."

"Thank you, girls, so much for coming" Brenden thanked "We can use all the help we need."

"And it's a good thing you called us" Gigi replied, "Because judging by the looks of this town, you guys are in some serious trouble."

"You have no idea" Chase muttered, "Anything could happen in this apocalypse that's gonna try to kill you, we barely just escape a Jubjub bird and a Bandersnatch, including the one Whisp scared off."

"Yikes" Whisp her lip "Well lucky for you guys, we're here to help."

"Thanks" Brenden gave a small smile "And the others should be here soon, and I really hope soon."

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