Ch.64 Gyrocompass

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Now that the chisel had been pulled out from the Shadow High volcano, everyone knew that if they don't do anything, their town and everyone in it will be wiped out by the unmaking lava.

"So what's our plan?" Aidan asked Mira.

"Okay," she began "So now that we know where Elena is, we need a way to get to Shadow High."

"Well since the chisel's been pulled out-" Olivia put in "There should be a bridge that leads towards the school, and I'm pretty sure it's near the Storybrooke sign."

"So you just walk down the bridge and it brings you to Shadow High?" Aidan remarked.

"Well actually I think it takes you to the Lost Library first."

"Didn't that place get destroyed by the lava?" Mira asked.

"I think so. Although now that I think of it, maybe we should check out the library, we might find something in there that talks about Lydia."

"Um, it got destroyed remember?"

"Not unless we use a recreation spell" she replied while turning to Danielle "Danielle, you think you can come with us to bring back the Lost Library?"

"Anything to stop Lydia" the fairy nodded with a smirk.

"Thanks" Olivia smiled before turning to Mira "One last thing, in order to find Shadow High, we need to make something that will lead us right to it, or at least to Elena."


"A gyrocompass."


"When Elena and I first went to Shadow High with those monster girls, they made something that represented a gyrocompass that was supposed to lead us to Lauren after you, well, pretty much abducted her."

"Go on" Mira groaned, trying to shove her past behind.

"Anyway, we used an item of Lauren's to locate her and it brought us to the Lost Library, but then we needed a way to locate Shadow High. And since Elena is at Shadow High, I say we need to make a gyrocompass that will show us where to go."

"Well um, alright then, but how do we make it?"

"Well first, I need something that belongs to Elena, preferably something small."

"Here" Mira reached into her pocket to pull out Elena's tree necklace "I found it on the street after Lydia took Elena, it must have fallen off."

Olivia gave a sad look at the memory but pushed it to the side as she took the necklace.

"Okay," she spoke, "Now I'm gonna need some things."

After getting the items she needed, Olivia got to work in making the gyrocompass. And pretty soon, everyone was impressed by the homemade gyrocompass she held in her hands with the dial spinning rapidly due to electricity.

"Give me the necklace" she ordered as Mira handed her the necklace as Olivia clamped some metal clasps to it "Now use a seeking spell on the necklace."

Mira used her magic on the necklace, and soon a misty green sphere formed around the necklace as a small arrow poked out, leading towards the door.

"It's working" Olivia gasped as she turned off the compass "We should be good to go."

"Alright," Mira replied "So who's coming to Shadow High with us? I know Danielle is. Terrence?"

"You know I'm coming" he declared.

"I'm coming too" David raised his hand.

"David" Mira replied calmly, "I think you should stay."

"No, she's my daughter too, I'm helping."

Seeing how serious he was, Mira gave a small sigh before accepting.

"Anyone else?" she asked but received no answer.

"Aidan?" Terrence put in.

"Hey" his brother replied, "This is your fight, I think it's best if I stay behind and help defend this town, you go save the girl you love."

Terrence gave a small smile as Aidan held out his hand as he took it.

"Good luck man" Aidan stated as they shook hands.

"Thanks bro."

"Please be careful" Darling pleaded as he gave a promising nod.

"Alright," Mira breathed, "I think we're ready to go."

"Hold on" Destiny suddenly spoke as she went up to them "Danielle, before you go, there's something I must give you that you're gonna need. In fact, Natalie, Rachel, would you all come up here?"

They did so as everyone stepped back to give them room.

"You all are gonna need these if you're gonna fight" the oracle stated as she used her staff on the three girls as everyone stepped back and watched the magic consume them while shielding their eyes from the brightness.

As the shine faded away, everyone opened their eyes and gasped at the sight. Growing out of the girls' backs were a pair of wings, their wings that were lost during the curse. Only this time, the wings appeared larger.

"My wings" Natalie gasped "I forgot how much I missed these."

"My are my wings bigger?" Rachel asked surprised.

"I've added some special skills to all of your wings" Destiny explained "Rachel, your wings can now be used as a shield, protecting against any attacks. Natalie, your wings now have a sharp edge that can cut through anything from a fast flight. And Danielle, your wings can now help you fly faster than before, you should be able to dodge any upcoming attacks."

"Whoa" the girls gasped while admiring their wings.

"Thanks Destiny" Rachel thanked "We really are gonna need these."

The oracle gave a small smile before turning to everyone.

"As for the rest of you," she spoke, "You all must get ready to fight, as soon as they leave for Shadow High, that's when the war begins."

"Do you really think we can do it?" Darling asked.

"I have faith in all of you."

"Hold on a second" a voice spoke as everyone turned to Brendan "If we're gonna be fighting to defend this town and our stories, I think we should get some extra help."

"What do you mean?" Lauren asked as he turned to Mira.

"Mira, do you still have that telephone you got from Gold's shop?"

"I think so" she replied with a shrug, "It should still be in my vault."

"Well we're gonna need it to make a few more extra calls."

"To who?"

He grinned "I think we all know the right people to come here and help us."

Everyone thought for a moment to what he meant, and that's when they realized it as they all grinned as well.

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