Ch.52 Surprise idea

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Now sitting on a bench in a hallway, Elena couldn't stop thinking about what she heard. Soon Mira and David will be leaving once they break the curse, and not only did they not tell her this before, but there was a chance she would never see them again.

"Hey" she turned to see Olivia who stood there with her hands folded in front of her.

"How you feeling?" she asked calmly.

"What do you think?" Elena mumbled.

She sighed "Look, I'm sorry you had to find out this way, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you. You know I hate keeping secrets, but Mira and David-".

"I get it, I'm not mad at you, and I'm not mad at them. Just a little surprised that's all."

Seeing how sad she was, Olivia took a seat next to her best friend.

"How did I not see it coming?" Elena continued to mumble "It makes sense, young duplicates don't last forever."

"I know" Olivia sighed "I was sad too when they told me."

"I just can't believe how close it's getting. If we do manage to break the curse, they'll leave. We have all the items we need, and if we somehow get past this apocalypse and get back to Ever After, well, I might never see them again."

She bit her lip while feeling her eyes water.

"I mean-" she sniffed "I've already lost my dad, my real dad, and now I'm about to lose him again. But not only that, I've finally gotten along with my mother, even if she's just a younger duplicate, but she's still one of my best friends, and now I might never see her again. I mean, of course, my real mother is still in Mirror Prison, but not Mira."

"I know how you feel" Olivia breathed "I'm gonna miss them too. And to think I thought I would never get along with the Evil Queen, even if it's her younger duplicate, Mira's pretty cool, and I'm glad she's our friend."

Elena didn't say anything as she looked down at her clasped hands with a gloomy look.

"Elena" Olivia began "I know how sad this sounds, but it's not gonna happen right now, we still got time. Well, unless we die in this apocalypse, but you know what I mean."

Elena gave a small snicker as Olivia continued.

"We don't know when it will happen, but once again, we still got time. And if we do manage to survive this and make it back to Ever After, well, I just hope you understand that not everything is meant to last forever."

"I know" Elena sighed.

"Elena" they turned to see Mira and David.

"Can we talk?" Mira asked softly.

"I'll leave you guys alone" Olivia offered as she got up from the bench and headed off as Mira and David sat next to their daughter.

"Did she tell you everything?" Mira questioned.

"Only that she's sorry I had to find out this way" Elena muttered.

She let out a sigh "I'm sorry Elena."

"You don't have to apologize, I'm not mad, just surprised. Although like I told Olivia, I should have seen it coming, I get it, young duplicates don't last forever."

"It's true" David replied, "They last until they're not needed anymore, and once they know it, they have to leave."

"Where exactly will you guys go? Will you disappear out of existence?"

"Not exactly, we'll go off to this realm where we'll live the rest of our young days. It's kind of like heaven, or maybe even Neverland, we'll live and never grow up, because that's what we do."

"So you guys will never die?"

"Unless something happens" Mira shrugged "We're like Peter Pan, we're mortal, but we never age. We don't know what will happen in this realm. If we die, we die, and if not, well, I don't know what to say about that."

"But, that means you guys won't be around to witness everything."

"Oh we will, we'll be able to watch you and everyone through mirrors, kind of like what your mother is doing right now, watching us through every mirror, although we won't be stalking you or anything."

"But that's not the same as having you guys actually here, I mean, what if it's my wedding day? I want you guys to be there to witness it."

"We want to too, but until we find some way, we can't."

Elena let out a sad sigh "Then who's gonna walk me down the aisle?"

At that point, everyone felt their hearts breaking, knowing that Elena will not have a father to do so when it's time. Elena let out a sniff as a tear rolled down her cheek as Mira and David wrapped their arm around her and leaned in.

"I'm so sorry baby" Mira murmured "I wish there was something we can do."


In the cafeteria, Olivia waited anxiously for Elena and her parents to return, wondering how their talk was going. After a moment, they finally arrived as Olivia got up from her seat.

"What happened?" she asked.

"We just talked" Elena replied with a sigh "That's all."

Olivia could see the tear stains on her friend's face as she turned to Mira and David.

"She's worried we won't be there to witness everything" Mira explained gloomily "Like her wedding, for example, she won't have a father to give her away."

At that point, Elena gave a loud sniff while wiping her tears away.

"Oh no," Olivia replied heartbrokenly.

"It's fine I guess" Elena quivered "I mean, I guess my real mother could do it."

"Yeah, but it won't be the same" Mira put in.

"Well there's no other option, and that's okay, I understand."

"There's gotta be something we can do, you need your father to give you away, it's how it works."

"Well the only way I can see it happening is if I get married like right now, but I doubt that will happen."

All of a sudden, Olivia's face lit up with an idea.

"Actually, maybe you can," she said.


"I'm not saying you should get married now, but how about this? Terrence get over here."

Knowing he had been listening, Terrence got up and went over to them.

"I know that you two are meant for each other" Olivia smiled "So I was thinking, if we do manage to break this curse and make it to Ever After, why don't you guys go ahead and 'get married' just so Mira and David could be there to witness it, and David will be able to walk her down the aisle."

"Are you serious?" his eyes widen.

"Well it's not gonna be a real wedding obviously, just a small one for Mira and David to see. What do you guys think?"

The couple turned to each other.

"Well?" Terrence shrugged, waiting for her answer.

After a moment, she gave a small smile "I do love you Terrence, and I would love for my parents to be there."

He smiled back while holding his hand out to her as she gladly took it.

"So is that a yes?" Olivia asked.

She shrugged while still smiling "What the heck, we'll do it."

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 13)Where stories live. Discover now