Ch.78 Pool creature

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Needing to hide, the first place Scott ran into was the Storybrooke swimming pool. After making sure there was nothing inside, he took a seat on the bleachers to catch his breath while setting his ax and bow to the side. After a long exhausting battle, he really needed a break as he stretched out his arms while hearing the bones crack.

But while doing so, his suddenly caught sight of something moving in the pool in front of him, as he looked closer, he noticed some bubbles forming on the surface. Clutching his ax, he got up and walked slowly towards the edge to examine the bubbles, and as he looked closer, that's when he spotted a shadow beneath the bubbles. Already prepared for an attack, he watched as the shadow rose up to the surface as he stepped back. When the figure appeared out of the water, he saw that it was a very familiar woman, a very beautiful one.

"Hello huntsman" she greeted with a smile "Remember me?"

He studied her for a moment, and that's when he realized it. She was the siren who had tried to drown him back at Ever After when he needed to take the water from her lake.

"No" he gasped while feeling his legs wobble "It's you."

"I was hoping you would remember me" she smiled while stepped towards the edge.

"Stay back!" he ordered with his ax ready "I'm not gonna let you seduce me to my death."

She giggled "You really do remember that don't you?"

"How could I? You tried to drown me."

"It's what I do, I can't always control what I was born to do."

"You might not, but I'd be glad to kill you again."

She giggled once more "You can try to be immune to me, but don't forget-".

She scooped up some water from the pool and poured it on herself as she transformed into an exact duplicate of Julie. Just like before, Scott was amazed by how beautiful she looked in the siren's clothing and her hair wet.

"I can be what you truly desire" she finished with a smile.

"No" he gasped while stepped back "Don't even think about trying to get in my head, you're not really her."

"Don't you remember that sometimes illusions are better than the truth?" she reminded while stepped onto the edge as he backed away until he bumped into the bleachers "I can be anything you want."

Scott was about to swing his ax at her but froze when she began to run her fingers across his chest.

"I forgot how handsome you are," she remarked, her voice honeyed "So brave to do anything for the ones you care about."

"Stop it!" he ordered while shoving her hand away and stepped away from her "Come any closer and I'll swing."

She let out a small laugh "Why would you wanna kill your precious girlfriend?"

"You're not my girlfriend" he growled.

She gave a mocking laugh before vanishing before his eyes. As he frantically looked around for her, he suddenly felt her arms gently wrap around his shoulders as he froze.

"Don't you want this?" she whispered into his ear "Don't you want this passion?"

As she began to run her hands over his body, Scott felt himself go weak as he felt his ax slipping out of his hands and onto the floor. Now in her trance, the siren gave a small smile before moving in front of him and taking his hand.

"You can be with me forever" she whispered while slowly pulling him towards the pool "And ever."

But before she could reach the water, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her side as she gasped while letting go of Scott's hand. Now out of his trance, Scott couldn't believe his eyes when he saw an arrow in the siren's side. He didn't have time to see who had shot it when the siren tumbled back and fell into the water with a splash as she transformed into her regular self. As he watched her blood ooze out, he heard footsteps coming towards him and he turned to see Julie who was still armed with her crossbow.

"Took care of that bitch for you" she smirked.

"Damn" he breathed in shock "I never thought I would see her again."

"That's the siren who tried to drown you before?"

"Yeah, she guarded the lake that had the water to save your life."

"I figured."

They looked down at the body that floated in the pool.

"Good aim by the way" he commented.

"You did teach me well" she smiled "And even though I feel a bit guilty for having to kill, she deserved it, she had her hands on you, and I'm not gonna let any girl get her hands on my man."

He chuckled "And thank you for that."

"So, you ready to go back to saving Storybrooke?"

"With you by my side, I'm always ready."


After dodging some fire from one of the dark dragons, all of the Wonderlandians ran inside the Storybrooke hospital for some shelter and to catch their breaths.

"Anyone hurt?" Brenden asked.

"I'm already bruised up" Lauren raised her hand.

"I've got some cuts" Ilene stated, "But I'm fine."

Everyone else agreed that they were okay.

"Okay," he breathed "Let's just rest for a moment before we go back out."

Everyone walked over to a waiting room where they slumped down on the chairs.

"My legs are killing me" Courtly moaned.

"My arms are getting tired for swinging this hammer too much," Amanda remarked while setting her sledgehammer to the side.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom" Brenden announced as he got up and walked off.

"So Amanda" Ilene suddenly spoke, "How does it feel having Leo back in town?"

"Oo" the other girls chorused with grins.

"Shut up" Amanda groaned while feeling a small smile forming.

"Oh come on, we know you like him, and it's pretty obvious he likes you too."

"Well, I don't wanna jump to conclusions, right now we have to focus on this war."

"She's right" Christina agreed "Don't pressure her, wait until this war is over."

After coming out from the restroom, Brenden stretched out his arms for a bit before heading down the hall. But he suddenly came to a stop when he began to hear a faint growl from behind, turning around, he saw a shadow hide behind the wall. After pulling his sword out, he waited until he heard the growl again, and that's when the figure began to emerge from the shadows. He couldn't see what it was at first, but it was massive, black, and scaly. But as it began to appear into the light, Brenden felt his heart stopping as he stood there in fear at the dragon in front of him.

"Jabberwock" he breathed.

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