Ch.93 Broom assault

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Lydia was suddenly frozen after hearing that name being spoken out loud, she was too shocked to move as she watched as Olivia showed her phone screen to her to reveal Lydia's old photo with the word Ms. Direction under it.

"That little bitch told you didn't she?" she grumbled.

"If you're talking about Brooke-" Olivia replied, "Then most likely, she probably used her Narration powers to let us find the book, and then spelled your name out, so yeah, she most likely did."

Lydia just stood there with a death glare while gripping onto the rail of the stair tightly.

"You know I had a feeling you looked familiar," Elena remarked, "And looks I finally know why. And it makes so much sense, how you're always wanting to be in control, making people do things you want, why you wanna change our stories, it makes so much sense now."

"So Lydia Ature is your real name huh?" Olivia commented, "Pretty interesting name if I do say so myself, Lydia Ature, Literature, pretty clever."

The exposed Narrator didn't say anything as she just continued to glare at them.

"Although now I wanna know-" Elena added "How the hell are you back? I mean we saw your ghost, you were dead."

"I was dead" Lydia muttered, "Until Noah found a way to bring me back along with my crew of Rebel Narrators."

"But how? And how is he still alive and very young when you died all those years ago?"

"Because he wasn't here at Shadow High when it got consumed by the unmaking lava, he was in Neverland for a little vacation. When he heard about what happened, he stayed in Neverland for many years until he was ready to come back, that's why he didn't age."

"I guess that makes sense" Elena shrugged.

"But now that I'm back" she frowned "I'm gonna stay like this."

"Yeah, I don't think so."

"Oh yeah?" she doubted as she tried to use her power on them, but as she kept trying to focus hard, nothing happened.

"Looks like your power isn't working on us?" Olivia smirked.

Wondering why, Lydia then noticed the key necklace and the ring the girls were wearing.

"The Key of Great Power and Grimm's ring" she observed, "I thought so."

"As long as we have these on-" Elena stated, "You can't control us."

"Perhaps not, but I can still do this."

And with that, she used her powers to lift up a large vase as she threw it at them, only for Elena to use her magic to shatter the vase into pieces before it could reach them. At that moment, Olivia had pulled out her machete, knowing that things were about to take a deadly turn as she and Elena stood afar from Lydia, all of them ready for a fight.

"Let's put an end to this war shall we?" Elena suggested sternly.


In the cells, Danny and Wendell continued their fight that consisted of magic and throwing any objects they could find. At one point, Danny had to duck to avoid getting hit by a brick as he heard it hit the wall behind him.

"Why don't you just give up so we can end this?" Wendell suggested, "I'm already getting tired fighting you."

"So am I" Danny agreed, "But I just remembered, I don't wanna die. But you, on the other hand, you should be used to it by now."

Before Wendell could say anything, Danny blasted his magic at him as he ran out of the way. They continued to fight against each other for a moment until Wendell used his magic to grip onto Danny as he threw him against the wall as he fell to the floor in pain. Before he could even get up, Wendell grabbed him by his shirt collar and pulled him up and slammed him against the wall before letting him fall back down.

"If only Brooke was here to see you" Wendell smirked before placing his foot on Danny's chest hard as he let out a puff of air "I bet she'd be screaming for me to stop."

"You keep her out of this" Danny growled as he tried to pry Wendell off of him, only for Wendell to use his other foot to stomp on his hand hard as he cried out in pain.

"What are you gonna do now Daniel?" he taunted while putting pressure on Danny's chest.

Thinking quickly while looking around, Danny soon spotted an old broom in the corner of the front entrance as he got an idea.

"Something I learned on my own" he puffed out as he waved his other hand towards the broom, and that's when his magic began to make the object move.

The sound of the broom walking on its straw brustles as if it had two feet caught Wendell's attention as he kept his foot on Danny while watching the broom walk towards them.

"What's this gonna do?" he chuckled "Sweep me away?"

"Nope," Danny smirked "This."

With a flip of his hand, the broom suddenly shot at Wendell as the top of the handle went straight into his stomach as he yelped in pain before tumbling to the ground. With Wendell off him, Danny sat up and leaned against the wall as he used his magic to make the broom attack the former author. While doing so, Danny couldn't stop chuckling at Wendell's reaction as the broom kept hitting him and poking him in certain places.

This went on for a while until Danny made the broom whack Wendell across his face which sent him back into the bars of a cell where he hit his head hard against the bars as he slid down onto the floor and blacked out. Once that was done, Danny got up and went to the broom and picked it up.

"Works everytime" he smirked.

"That was impressive" he turned around to see Destiny smiling "I knew you still had it in you."

"Destiny?" he remarked surprised, "What are you doing here?"

"Well first off, I just wanted to say that Elena's been found and she's okay now."

"Oh that's good" he breathed in relief.

"And also, we need to find Brooke, I need to talk to her."

"Well I told her and Delilah to go as I took care of Wendell."

"That's okay, we'll find them."

"What do you need to talk to her about?"

"I need to give her something, something that can put an end to Lydia once and for all."

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