Ch.74 Book tip

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As she watched the image of her friends fighting the apocalypse through the mirror, Brooke felt her hope rising more now that she knew her friends were fighting for their glory.

"They're really doing it" she smiled.

"Try not to give your hopes up" Danny advised, "Don't forget, they still gotta save us and Elena."

"Right" she nodded.

"I wouldn't bet on that" they turned to see Lydia who stood in the hall between their cells "Just because your friends are willing enough to fight doesn't mean that they'll win."

"You're just saying that because you're scared" Delilah scowled "You know of all the battles they've gone against and won, and now you're scared they'll do the same thing to you."

"Oh I'm not scared at all, because once their town along with the other realms reached Shadow High, the unmaking lave will destroy everything, and there will be nothing left but useless words. They can try all they want, but even though all their town and the realms are moving slowly towards us, they won't be able to make it in time."

"Oh yes they will" Brooke glared "Because I know them, they'll kick your ass."

Lydia gave a small snicker "Like I said, they can try, but they don't have a secret weapon like I do."

"Let me guess" Danny spoke with a frown "Elena's your secret weapon?"

"With her under my control, I can make her do anything I want. I'm surprised I never thought about that before, using the Evil Queen to do whatever I want. I would have used Mira but, her daughter sounded like the best choice."

"You know you're not gonna get away with this" Brooke declared.

"Oh please" Lydia doubted with a titter "Everyone knows I'm more powerful than them, I can kill them easily. But maybe I won't have to unless the apocalypse kills them first. And let me tell you, what I placed in that apocalypse is gonna bring out everyone's worst fears, right now may seem easy, but it's gonna get a whole lot deadlier. Go ahead and watch through that mirror, go ahead and watch your friends die."

After she disappeared, everyone felt their anger rise while clutching their fists.

"Okay that's it" Danny spoke, "We gotta do something about this."

"How?" Delilah asked, "We can't do anything in these cells, we can't even get out of here."

"And even if we did-" Brooke added, "We can't leave this place, we're on an island surrounded by unmaking lava, and Lydia will most likely kill us before we get a chance to run out."

He let out a deep sigh, knowing they were right.

"Well what's Olivia and the others doing right now?" he asked.

"Let me see" she replied while turning to the mirror "Show me Olivia."

She watched as the mirror showed Olivia and the others in front of the Lost Library.

"They made it to the Lost Library" she announced.

"Already?" Delilah remarked surprised.

"Apparently so."


When they reached the front door of the Lost Library, everyone took deep breaths before turning back to Danielle who was using her wand to keep the library up.

"You guys got 30 minutes" she stated, "You better hurry up."

They nodded before opening the large doors as they stepped inside and gasped at the sight. The Lost Library wasn't like anything they've ever seen, besides the thousands of books that were displayed on the large shelves, there were many artifacts, posters, fancy chairs in certain spots along in the lounge that had a coffee table and a fireplace. It looked more like a mansion to them, and since everything was recreated, everyone appeared brand new.

"Damn" Mira breathed amusedly "I would so love to live here."

"Well we don't have time to admire the place" Olivia spoke, "We gotta look around for anything that can help. Split up and search everywhere."

They do as they began to search the library.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Terrence asked.

"Anything that can help take down Lydia" Olivia answered, "Or anything about Shadow High."


After listening to what they were doing, Brooke watched through the mirror as everyone began to search through the books.

"This is gonna take forever" she stated, "I know the exact book they need to look for, but they can't find it within 30 minutes, we have to help them."

"We can't" Delilah reminded "We're stuck in these cells?"

"I know, but we don't have to leave our cells for this. Or at least I don't have to."

"What are you saying?" Danny asked.

"I still have my Narration powers, and I remember how I used to knock books off of shelves with my mind. I might just be able to do it from here, but I'm gonna have to do the Narrating at this point. So Narrator, you know what to do."


Okay, I'm Narrating now. So let's see if I still got this. Focus Brooke.


No, not there.


Come on, where is it?


Ah here we go! Okay, focus on pushing it off the shelf. Narrator, a little help, please.


Once she had found the book she was looking for, Brooke began to use her powers to try to push it off the shelf. It slowly slid towards the edge as she focused hard until she managed to let it fall off the shelf and in front of David.


Yes! I did it! Okay you can go back to Narrating now.


Startled by the fallen book, David looked down at the book where the title caught his eye.

History of Narrators.

He picked up the book where he flipped it opened and read over the table of contents.

"Hey guys!" he called out, "I think I found something!"

Everyone hurried to where he was as they gathered around him.

"What'd you got?" Mira asked.

"A book about the history of Narrators, the table of contents show some of the most known Narrators, and look who's one of them."

He pointed to the name on the table of contents.

"Lydia Ature."

"Wait that's her last name?" Mira remarked.

"Oh wait I get it" Terrence spoke, "Lydia Ature, Literature."

"Oh..." everyone responded surprised.

"That's clever" Olivia commented as she turned to David "So what does it say about her?"

He flipped to the page about Lydia as he began to read.

"It just talks about her family, how she's the most hated Narrator because she's always breaking the rules. And um... yeah that's about it."

"Seriously?" Mira replied, "That can't be it."

"Well that's all- whoa wait a minute, look."

He showed them the page where they watched as some of the letters from the writings began to move.

"What's going on?" Terrence asked surprised "Why are the letters moving?"

They watched as the letters began to spell out a word, and once the word was clear, everyone felt their blood run cold.

"Oh my God" Olivia gasped.

"No way" Terrence gasped "That can't be it right?"

"Actually-" Mira responded, "Maybe it is."

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes as they stared at the word.

 "We gotta find that bitch right away."

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