Ch.26 Mirror image

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In order to relieve the stress they were going through, Elena and Olivia made themselves some snacks as they gathered on their living room coach with the Shadow High book in Elena's hand.

"What else does it say about Shadow High?" Olivia inquired.

"Nothing much" Elena sighed "Pretty much everything we already knew."

"Does it say anything about an easier way to get there?"

"Nope" Elena sighed again with disappointment "All it says is that we have to cross the Margins, but you know how that happened."

Olivia returned with a big sigh while snacking on his chips.

"There has to be some way we can communicate with Brooke" she stated "Since Narrating isn't going to help, there has to be some other way we can talk to her."

"Or some way we can at least see where she is and how she's doing."

After a moment of thinking, Olivia's face suddenly lit up with an idea popped into her head.

"Maybe there is a way" she announced as she pulled out her phone and began to make a call "Hey Kim, quick question, do you still have that enchanted hand mirror?"

After making the call, the girls waited in their living room until they heard the doorbell ring as Olivia got up to answer the door to see Kimberly Shelton, also known as Rosabella Beauty, daughter of Beauty and the Beast.

"Hey Kim" Olivia greeted in a smile.

"I got it right here" Kim held up a silver hand mirror.

"Thank you so much" Olivia thanked while allowing her to come in.

"Why didn't I think of this before?" Elena questioned herself, feeling a bit grumpy with herself.

"Come on" Olivia called her over "Let's just hope it works."

"Oh it's gotta work" Kim declared "This mirror can show you anyone."

She held the mirror out in front of them "Show me Brooke Page."

They watched as the mirror began to show them an image of Brooke who was still in her dark cell and was now laying on her straw bed with tears running down her face, her nose all puffy, her lips quivering, and her fists still clenched.

"Oh my God" they all gasped by the sight of their friend.

"Is that in Shadow High?" Kim asked in shock.

"It's gotta be right?" Olivia questioned "I mean I don't remember Shadow High having a cell, but then we never really got a chance to explore all of it."

"Oh man just look at her" Elena pointed with a nervous look "Look how scared she is, waiting for help to come to her, the longer she waits, the more guilty I feel."

"Elena you don't have to feel guilty" Kim declared "I'm sure Brooke understands how hard it is to get to Shadow High."

"Yeah but I don't think she knows she's in Shadow High, for all we know she could be somewhere else."

"Kim is there anyway we can like move the image around to see where she could be?" Olivia asked.

"I'm afraid not" Kim replied in a sigh "This mirror can only show people not places."

"Oh man" she whined as she turned back to the image of Brooke "I can't stand seeing her like this, I've never seen her so scared and hopeless before."

"But she is strong" Kim reminded "I know there's still hope in her."

"But what about us?" Elena put in "Without Destiny, we may not be about to find another way to get to her."

"Well I know you girls will find a way, I have faith in all of you."

"We would have more faith if we had a lead" Elena frowned "Right now we're stuck."

Seeing how stressed out and worried they are, Kim set down the mirror on a table so she could take both of their hands.

"I will continue to believe in you two" she promised "I know there's a way to stop all of this, we just gotta keep looking and not give up, because that is not what we do around here, we fight until we get what we need."

She gave their hands a small squeeze as they squeezed back, knowing that she was right about not giving up, because that's what they don't do.

(Flashback) After hanging out with Nathan a bit longer, Justine knew it was time for her to go back as she and Nathan headed towards the front gates.

"You know I gotta say" she remarked in a smile "I thought you were just some lonely nutcracker who kept to himself, but now that I know the real you, I haven't felt this close to you before."

"Yeah well the reason I tend to stay away from people is because I'm afraid I'll get made fun of because I know ballet" he admitted.

"That's nothing you should be ashamed of, guys can do ballet, I know a lot of guys who do ballet and are very good at it."

"Yeah well-" he sighed "I guess I never really got the experience to embrace my skills."

"Well maybe one day you will" she smiled "And hey, I could use a partner to dance with, what do you say?"

"Perhaps" he smirked "I'll think about it, let's just get you home."

But as they headed out the gates, Justine suddenly noticed a figure watching them from behind a tree, and when she turned to it, it quickly hid out of view.

"Hey!" she called out to it as she headed to the tree to see the hooded figure still there "Were you spying on us?"

"Sorry" the figure apologized before removing his hood to reveal his young face "I didn't mean too, I was just debating whether I should ask the Nutcracker a question."

"What question?" Nathan asked.

"Well um-" he replied a bit nervously "I don't know if I should be asking this but, do you where I can get a Krakatuk nut?"

"A Krakatuk nut?" Nathan remarked surprised "You mean the most valuable and sacred nut of our land?"


"Why do you need it?"

"It's uh, kind of personal."

"Well whatever it is, do you how hard it is to obtain a Krakatuk nut?"

"I'm guessing very."

"Yeah, very."

"Well how do I get one anyway?"

Nathan gave a deep sigh "Why don't you talk to the Sugar Plum Fairy, she'll help you."

"Well how do I-?"

"Just keep going straight, you'll find her home."

"Thank you."

As he headed off, Justine and Nathan went their separate way, unknowingly that the guy let a sneaky smile curl up his lips.

"Nothing's hard for me" Noah sneered.

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 13)Where stories live. Discover now