Ch.38 Rough game

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As soon as it was time for the game, everyone had gathered at the Football field cheering on their team as the cheer squad got everyone pumped up.

"Man it feels so good to cheer again!" Natalie Parker, also known as Faybelle Thorn, daughter of the Dark Fairy exclaimed while waving her pom poms in the air.

"Let's go Dragons let's go!" Sabrina Johnson, also known as Holly O'Hair, daughter of Rapunzel cheered to the crowd while clapping her hands "Let's go Dragons let's go!"

As they continued to cheer, the football team were huddled together to get ready for the game.

"Alright guys" Aidan spoke "We're finally playing again after a long wait, so I want you guys to do your best out there. And here's a tip I learned today, picture someone you hate as the other team and tackle them as hard as you can."

They all nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, upon the bleachers with enthusiastic fans, Elena and Olivia looked around to find Lydia and Noah, but all they saw was the other teams preparing for the game.

"You see them?" Elena asked.

"No" Olivia replied.

"Well that's strange, I really thought they would come here."

"Does this mean we have to leave?"

"Not yet, Terrence isn't here yet?"

"Where's Mira?"

"Down there."

She pointed to the track field where they saw Mira and David near the cheerleaders.

"He should be here soon" she hoped while pulling out her phone "I'll send him a reminder."


Terrence's phone buzzed on the table to the sound of the received text message as Noah picked it up.

"Looks like you got a message from your girlfriend" he announced as he read the text out loud "Don't forget to come to the game."

He turned to Terrence who was bounded to a chair with his hands behind his back.

"Looks like that's not gonna happen" he smirked while tossing the phone on the table.

"What are you gonna do to me?" Terrence demanded.

"Most likely kill you" Lydia replied in a honeyed tone "But if I do it now it won't be fun without your girlfriend watching."

"Who are you guys? And what are you really here for? Because I know you're not here to help us break this curse."

Noah turned to his sister "Should we tell him?"

"I don't care" she shrugged "He's gonna die anyway, so he won't be able to tell anyone."

Terrence clenched his bound fists behind him as Noah began to explain.

"You're right, we're not here to help break this curse. We're here to destroy this town and everyone in it."

"Why?" he gasped.

"Don't ask me, ask her, this is all her idea."

Terrence turned to Lydia who was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"All I can say is that everything has to go my way" she replied, "It's either my way or no way."

"So that's what you need the Trigger for" he scowled "To destroy this town."

"Well looks who's catching on" she smirked, "But destroying this town is just part of what I'm really aiming for, but apparently, in order for me to get there, I need something, well like someone."


"The Evil Queen's daughter, Raven Queen."

Terrence nearly jumped out of his skin after hearing her name.

"Or is it Elena Jensen now?" she tapped her chin "Whatever she goes by these days."

"What do you need her for?" he demanded.

"She has something that we don't, and that's dark magic. Without it, we can't complete our task."

"Well good luck with that" he doubted "She'll never help you."

"I know she won't, I already know everyone is suspicious of me and my crew, which is why I already have a plan set up."

"Does it involve the football game?"

"Oh that, that's just a distraction to keep everyone busy so I can look for the Trigger, which I still can't find."

"Aw, sucks to be you doesn't it?" he taunted.

She scowled at him "Even if I don't find the Trigger, I can still wipe everyone out just like that."

"And why would you want to do that? What are you some new version of Hitler?"

She didn't reply as she pulled out her phone to check the time.

"I'm off to the game," she told Noah "Keep an eye on him."

"You know people are gonna start to wonder where I am" Terrence proclaimed "They'll come looking for me."

"Of course they will" Noah agreed after Lydia left "But when they find your body here, it'll be too late."


Now that the game was really beginning, everyone watched as both teams got on the field and into position. Once they were ready, they began the tackle as Aidan who was quarterback tried to throw the ball at one of his teammates, only to knocked down by the other team with suck force, causing him to gasp for air when he was on the ground.

After the whistle was blown, Aidan clutched his stomach from the pain as he was helped back up.

"Damn that was hard" he winched.

"Ouch" Elena bit her lip after witnessing the scene from the bleachers "That looked painful."

They continued to watch as the teams got ready again, and this time as they were tackling and running, one of the players from the other teams used his strong arms to knock it into one of their player's chest, sending him falling back on the ground with a loud thud.

"Oo!" everyone winched.

"Oh my God" Natalie gasped after watching her friend being knocked down "Gregg?!"

The team rushed over to their teammate and helped him up as he clutching his chest while dropping the ball.

"You okay man?" Aidan patted his shoulder.

"Not really" Gregg puffed while trying to get some air in.

"Holy crap" Olivia gasped "That was violent."

"You're telling me" Elena agreed "Gregg doesn't look okay."

They watched as Gregg was led to sit down on the bleachers while still clutching his chest and trying to gasp for air.

"Damn how strong are these guys?" Olivia gaped.

"If they keep playing, our team would most likely end up dead by the time the game's over."

Olivia was about to say something else when she looked down and spotted Lydia near the lower bleachers watching the game.

"Elena" she pointed "She's here."

Elena turned to where she was pointing. She then turned to Mira who nodded at her, knowing that she was keeping watch.

"Hey shouldn't Terrence have gotten here by now?" Olivia put in.

"Yeah" Elena agreed "Where the hell is he?"

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