Ch.88 Shadow High

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Shadow High didn't appear to be made of words like how Olivia and Mira remembered it, just like how Danielle used her recreation spell on the Lost Library, the school appeared brand new.

"Looks like Lydia somehow managed to fix up Shadow High" Olivia reported, "It looks like they just finished building it."

"So this is Shadow High huh?" Terrence remarked, "I can see why it's called that, it looks like it came right out of a horror movie."

"So, we're just gonna walk in?" David questioned.

"I guess so" Mira shrugged "I mean that's what we did last time. But stay close."

Feeling both confident and scared, everyone walked up to the front door where Mira turned the doorknob and slowly opened it. After peeking inside, she stepped in as everyone followed.

"Whoa," they all breathed at the sight.

Like the Lost Library, the school appeared more like a mansion, a Gothic one to be exact. The front entrance had a large chandelier hanging from the wall, large staircases on both sides, fancy carpet, old artifacts, and old paintings on the walls.

"This looks like a vampire's home," Terrence remarked.

"Does everyone know what to do?" Olivia asked.

"You and Terrence are gonna find Elena while David and I look for Brooke and her friends" Mira explained, "And either one of us will also try to get the items back."


"Here," Mira suddenly took Grimm's ring off her finger and handed it to Terrence "You're gonna need this."

"But what about you?" he questioned.

"I'll be fine, I have magic. Just use it."

He nodded before taking the ring and sliding it onto his finger.

"Be careful you guys" she added.

"You too" Olivia replied as the pairs went in different directions.


As she watched the group do their different ways through the mirror, Brooke couldn't stop smiling now that she knew their hope had arrived.

"They're in" she announced with a smile.

"They're in?" Delilah gasped.

"Yeah, Mira and David are looking for us right now while Olivia and Terrence are looking for Elena."

"Yes!" Delilah exclaimed softly, not having enough energy to raise her voice.

"I wouldn't celebrate right now" Lydia suddenly appeared "They may be here, but that doesn't mean they'll be able to find all of you. And even if they did, they're a chance you all won't get out alive."

Seeing her made their blood boil as Danny clenched his fists, already feeling his magic steaming.

"They can run off with the items they need to break this curse, and they can run off with you guys. But as for Elena, that's gonna be impossible. When she's under my control, there's no going back."

"Yes there is" Brooke scowled "Watch them."

Lydia just gave a giggle before leaving the cells where she met up with her brother.

"What are we gonna do?" he asked as they walked down the hall "They're here."

"I know Noah, but don't worry, I got everything under control."

"And what about Brooke and her friends?"

"If they do manage to get out, I've got the right guard to keep them in. But until then, I need you to do something for me."

After Lydia was gone, Brooke went back to the mirror and began to watch the image of the battle in Storybrooke. She noticed that everyone was fighting someone or something, she was still surprised that all of her friends were alive and willing to fight. As the image passed from a certain person to another, she couldn't help but focus on what the other person was doing. Every one of her friends appeared to be fighting some of their old enemies like Piper was dealing with Pan, Bridget was dealing with Brenna, Chris and Marissa were battling Blackbeard and some other pirates, even Sabrina and Stella were trying to get away from Gothel.

She saw every old villains and monster that she knew, and by the looks of it, everything appeared crazier. There was still hope that all of her friends will survive the battle, but then of course, what other horrible things will the apocalypse bring?


Walking down one of the halls, Olivia and Terrence noticed how there were no lockers like a regular school, just more old paintings.

"I'm starting to think that someone just transformed their mansion into a so-called school" Terrence stated, "Because if this is a school, where are the lockers?"

"Not every school needs lockers you know" Olivia pointed out.

"I know but, this place is just really giving me the creeps."

"I know" she agreed "I also have no idea where we're going."

"Neither do I" he sighed.

They then came upon a lounge with a fireplace that was burned out.

"Well this looks cozy" Terrence commented when they spotted another door near the bookshelf.

"What's in there?" Olivia pointed as they entered the lounge and Terrence opened the door.

"Closet" he answered.

"Is this what you guys are doing?" they jumped as they turned around to see Noah leaning against the doorway.

"You guys are just gonna open every door you see?" he snickered.

"If it means finding Elena" Olivia frowned "Then yes, that's what we're gonna do. Unless of course, you tell us where she is."

He gave another snicker, "Sorry but, I can't disobey my sister."

"You really do everything she says huh?" Terrence remarked, "And you're not at all bothered by it?"

"Sometimes, but I always listen to her, because I'm the only person who has ever stood by her side."

"Well looks who's being a good brother" Olivia smirked "Helping his sister plan to murder an entire town."

"We're not murdering anyone, just simply changing them."

"That doesn't make it any better. We're not gonna let your sister dictate us and our friends to do whatever she wants."

Noah gave a slight chuckle before slowly walking towards them.

"I'm sorry," he sneered while letting a sword appear in his hands by magic "But I'm afraid I can't let you do that."

The two froze in shock as Noah blocked their way. But after a moment, Terrence suddenly pulled out his sword and tackled Noah. They went on for a moment until Terrence was able to knock Noah to the ground on his stomach as he got on top of Noah's back and held him down.

"Olivia!" he called out as Noah struggled against his grip "Go find Elena, I'll deal with him."

"What?" she gasped.

"Here!" he quickly slid off the ring and tossed it at her feet "Take this! If you manage to bring back Elena, she's gonna need that!"


"Just go!"

Having no other choice, Olivia picked up the ring and dashed out of the lounge just as Noah threw Terrence off his back.

"You know what four eyes" he scowled while standing up with his sword in his hand "We never got a chance to finish our fight. Let's put an end to it shall we?"

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 13)Where stories live. Discover now