Ch.14 Rough contact

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Once everyone had gathered up at the cemetery, they all formed a line as they waited to use the telephone to talk to their loved ones as Elena, Mira, and Olivia watched with smiles on their face while leaning against the wall of the vault.

"This is so great" Elena commented with a smile "Everyone's gonna be able to talk to their families now."

"Well I don't know if we can make more calls with this" Mira put in "I mean it is really old, I don't even know how long it'll last."

"Hey-" Olivia spoke up "If it can work after not being used for many years, then I'm sure it can hold on for a bit longer."

"Let's just hope and see" she breathed.

After a long but happy moment of everyone talking to their families, they all started to leave the cemetery, all with happy smiles on their faces.

"Well that was nice" Olivia remarked with a smile "Everyone got to talk to their families for once in a long time, all thanks to you Mira."

"Oh it was nothing" Mira smirked, trying to shove off the compliment.

"Hey Mira" Darling went up to her along with her brothers "Thank you so much for this, it really means a lot for us to talk to our parents."

"Oh you're welcome" she smiled "Although don't forget we still have to find a way to break this curse."

"Still no sign from Destiny?" Aidan questioned.

"I'm afraid not" she sighed "And I swear the longer I wait the more I get worried."

"Yeah" Elena agreed "I'm starting to think something happened to her."

"Well maybe you should try talking to that Lydia chic?" Aidan advised "I mean she and her crew are here to help right?"

"I don't know" Elena replied with an unsure look "I still don't think we should trust them until we know for sure she can."

"Well I don't know what to say but-" Darling spoke up "Just keep trying to find Destiny, in the meantime, my brothers and I got something we got to deal with."

"What?" Aidan raised an eyebrow.

"I'll explain later, come on guys."

As they headed off, the three girls just stood there when Lydia and Noah soon come up to them.

"I must say Mira-" she spoke "That was pretty impressive, finding a way to communicate to Ever After."

"Well I couldn't of done it without Olivia's help" Mira pointed out.

"Ah yes" Lydia smiled "Thank you Olivia."

"Just trying to help" Olivia gave a small smile.

"Well then-" Noah spoke up "My sister and I are going to go back trying to find a way to break this curse, in the meantime you all could use a break from this, why don't you girls go out and get something to eat we'll handle it from here."

"Really?" Elena remarked surprised "Wow uh, I guess we can use a little break."

"Excellent" Lydia smiled "We'll call you if we got any leads."

After the girls headed off, Lydia and Noah turned their smiles into frowns as she turned to him.

"Don't lose sight of them" she ordered "Keeping doing what you're doing, I'm gonna pay our friends a little visit."

Now at the 'Wonder diner', Elena, Olivia, and Mira took their seats at the counter as they placed their orders.

"Should we really be doing this?" Elena suddenly asked "Letting Lydia and her crew work things out by themselves?"

"Huh" Olivia tapped her fingers on the counter "I don't know."

"Because like I've been telling you guys, I don't know if we should trust them."

"I feel you Elena" Mira agreed "But until we hear from Destiny, we can't really do anything."

"How about this?" Olivia suddenly suggested "Why don't after we eat, we look for Brooke and see if she can help us with anything? I mean she's gotta know something right?"

"Good luck trying to look for her" Lauren suddenly appeared with their orders as she placed them in front of them "I haven't seen Brooke in a while."

"Really?" Elena remarked.

"I overheard Terrence and Darling talking to Danny and Delilah earlier, they were talking about her and how she's been acting really strange lately."

"What?" Olivia remarked a bit confused "How strange?"

"I don't exactly know, I couldn't hear that much, but-".

All of a sudden, Lauren stopped when she began to feel some pain in her head. At first it felt like a random headache, but that's when she began to hear a faint voice calling for her in her head.

"Lauren" it breathed as she pressed her fingers to her temples.

"Hey you okay?" Elena asked her.

"I uh-" she began to say when she heard the voice again.

"Lauren can you hear me?"

"Do you guys hear that?" Lauren asked in pain.

"Hear what?" Olivia asked.

"I um-" she winched while clutching her head "I'm starting to hear things, I'll be back."

She hurried into the back room as she stopped to steady herself against a table.

(Brooke Page) Okay mom, dad, I've got this. I'm still in my cell, and I'm trying to contact Lauren, it's not easy, I know she's feeling like she's having a headache, but I have to try this, so here I go, back to Narrating.

Lauren if you can hear me, it's me Brooke.

"What?" Lauren replied confused while continuing to hold onto her head in pain.

I can't make the pain go away, but please try to listen to me.

"Who's talking to me?" Lauren demanded "Am I going mad? Oh wait I'm always mad."

Lauren listen to me, it's me Brooke, I need your help.

"Wait Brooke?"

You can hear me?

"Barely" she rubbed her temples "You should like you're breaking up on a phone line."

Oh man, she can barely hear me, I've got to at least give her the main clues. Okay Lauren, I need your help, I'm in danger.

"I'm sorry what?"

I'm in danger!

"You're in danger?"


"Oh my God" she gasped "Where are you?"

I don't know I'm in some dark cell somewhere along with Danny and Delilah.

"What?" she gasped.

We're fine but we need help.

"I'm sorry I can't seem to hear you anymore.

Oh no, please listen to me, don't go.

"Brooke I can't hear you!"

No no no no! Lauren can you still hear me?!


Oh no I'm losing contact! Lauren!


Lauren! Lauren!... Oh crap, I lost contact. Mom, dad, keep Narrating, I just hope she knows what to do.

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