Ch.77 Black Knight

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Now faced to faced with Lydia's crew, all of the residents in Storybrooke knew that this battle was about to get challenging. After a moment of glaring at the crew, everyone dashed towards the opposite gang as the battle was sprung. Even though killing people was the last thing on the students' minds, they realized they had no choice but to do so as they used their weapons against Lydia's crew, already getting blood everywhere.

This went on for a moment until everyone began to split up to avoid getting slashed as they took off in different directions. Down an alley, Darling found herself alone and already covered with bits of blood from all the slashes she's given for Lydia's crew members. Thankfully she wasn't hurt, just exhausted. She watched as all of her friends took off from Main Street to avoid getting killed, seeing how none of them appeared dead as she let out a sigh of relief. 

Needing to rest, Darling leaned against the wall as she slid down onto the ground and let her body rest. She's never felt so exhausted in her life, not even during Dragon Games. She didn't even bother to wipe the blood off her hands as she let them drop by her sides while still gripping her sword. Breathing heavily, she could still feel her heart racing and her blood pumping while feeling the relief of her break healing her tiredness.

But her break was short lived when Chase suddenly appeared at the front of the alley with his back turned to her as he leaned against the wall while hyperventilating.

"Chase?" Darling called as she stood up.

"Oh," he replied a bit surprised "Darling, I didn't see you there."

"Are you okay? You've got a bit of a gash on your head."

"Oh," he tapped his gash and saw the blood on his fingers "It's nothing, I'll be fine. But uh, what about you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just tired."

"Tell me about it" he agreed with a shrug "This war is getting crazy."

"I know, and I've already got blood on my hands, I already look like I belong in a slasher movie."

"Well it's not like you're entirely covered in blood, but I see what you mean."

She snickered before replying- "You uh, you need some help fixing that gash?"

"Oh um, that depends, you know where I can find a first aid kit?"

"I do actually, it's-".

But before she could finish, she suddenly spotted something behind Chase that her blood run cold as she froze there with fright.

"You okay?" Chase asked, but she was too frozen to speak "Darling what's wrong?"

She managed to point behind him as he turned around to see what was making her stiff. There in the middle of Main Street was a black knight on top of a black horse, and just like Darling, Chase too felt himself freeze with fear.

"Is that the Black Knight?" he gasped.

"You better believe it is" she muttered with her eyes widen.

All of a sudden, the knight turned his head towards them as they felt their hearts began to race. Not even bothering to stare for a moment, the knight's horse lifted up its front legs while neighing loudly as the knight raised his bloody sword.

"Run!" they both screamed as they dashed down the alley as the knight dashed after them.

Hearing the horse's gallops behind them, they hurried to the nearest building which was the Town Hall as they ran in and slammed the door in front of the knight and locked it. But that's when the knight began to use his horse to try to knock down the door as they stepped back to see that the doorknob was already starting to pry off.

"Okay that's it" Chase declared while getting his sword ready "We're pretty much screwed."

"Not if we fight it together" Darling put in, "Remember, the Black Knight in the story has been defeated multiple times, so we got a chance."

"Unless he manages to kill us first."

At that moment, the door was kicked down by the knight's horse as they stepped back to avoid getting hit by the door. With the Black Knight in front of them, the two aimed their sword at him as he stepped off his horse while still gripping his bloodstained sword.

"Two are better than one right?" Darling remarked just as the knight swung his sword at them as they both used their swords to block the strike.

But at that moment, the knight pulled away and used his elbow against Chase's face as he cried out in pain while falling back.

"Chase!" Darling gasped as the Black Knight turned to her and began to use his sword on her as she fought back.

But seeing how strong the knight was, Darling could already feel herself weakening as she used all the strength she had to block his strikes.

"Chase this knight is surprisingly strong!" she exclaimed as she quickly ducked when the knight's sword swung over her.

When she shot back up, Chase had already gotten up as he tried to swing his sword at the knight, only to stop when the knight gripped him by his throat and slammed him into the wall with much force. With the knight's attention turned to Chase, Darling kicked the knight back with all her strength as he tumbled back as she ran over to Chase and helped him up.

Once the Black Knight was ready again, he turned to the two, now looking angrier than before.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Darling whispered to Chase.

"I sure hope so" he replied as the knight charged at them as they ducked from his strike.

And seeing their moment, they plunged their swords up through the one opening of the knight's armor that went through his stomach and out the back. The knight let out a ghostly scream while stepping back as the two watched as he began to disintegrate before bursting into black smoke as the two swords fell to the floor. After a moment, Darling and Chase managed to get up, both full of surprise at their accomplishment.

"Wow" she breathed bewildered "That was uh- that wasn't the fight I was expecting, but uh, that was pretty fun."

"Yeah" he chuckled "You were right, two are better than one."

"We do make a pretty good team."

"Indeed we do."

They both chuckled for a moment as they stared into each other's eyes, both of their hearts feeling the same emotions.

"Hey uh, look Chase" Darling began "I don't know if this is the right time to say this, but I can't stop thinking-".

But before she could continue, Chase suddenly leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, both to their astonishment.

"Whoa" she gasped "I was just going to talk about our relationship, not that I didn't enjoy that but, I thought you just wanted us to be friends."

"Well-" he replied with a small smile "Fighting that knight with you made me realize something, we can't stay apart, we're too good together."

She gave a bashful giggle while feeling herself blush "We are aren't we?"

They both gave small laughs when Chase spoke up.

"I missed you" he confessed.

"I missed you too" she replied as they wrapped their arms around each other and into a heartwarming hug, both feeling glad to be with each other again.

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