Ch.13 Communication

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When they finally made it to the cemetery, Elena and Olivia rushed into Mira's vault where they saw her still near the telephone.

"Is she still there?" Olivia asked with excitement.

Mira gave a small smile as she handed her the phone "Why don't you look and see?"

After taking a deep breath with her heart racing with excitement, Olivia slowly took the phone and put it to her ear.


"Apple?!" they heard Snow gasped.

"Mom it's me!" Olivia exclaimed as her eyes began to water.

Elena and Mira could hear the sounds of Snow screaming with joy while shouting for her husband to come and hear their daughter's voice. Olivia had tears rolling down her cheeks with a big smile on her face as Elena and Mira watched the happy scene.

"Oh my God" Elena breathed in a smile as she turned to Mira "You did it."

"I couldn't of done it without her" Mira smiled back.

"I miss you too" Olivia sniffed while continuing to talk to her mother "Oh no she's telling the truth, Mira's good now don't worry... yeah I'm serious, she's really helped us a lot, and she's still helping up find a way to break this curse so we can all go home... yeah I was surprised too, but she's actually one of my best friends now."

"Wait really?" Mira's eyes widen.

"Yes Mira" Olivia nodded in a smile.

"Aw" Elena grinned while giving Mira a side hug "You're so loved now."

Mira gave a small giggle as Olivia continued to talk to Snow.

"Mom that's a great idea!" she suddenly gasped "Get everyone here to they can talk to their kids... yes everyone's fine, just get everyone to our castle, and don't hang up."

After that Olivia put the phone to the side and she turned to Elena and Mira.

"Get everyone here now" she ordered with a smile "They're families waiting for them."


Now at their house, Terrence and Darling tried to think of a plan to deal with the changeling disguising as Brooke.

"I can't believe this" he breathed while sitting on the couch "Why is there a frickin changeling here disguised as Brooke?"

"And more importantly-" Darling added "Where is the real Brooke?"

"What are we gonna do? We just can't let this changeling run around Storybrooke."

"Why are you asking me this? You were the one who defeated a changeling before remember?"

"Yeah but, should we let everyone know?"

"You think they'll believe us?"

"Probably not" he sighed "We don't have evidence. Although I think we should at least tell Aidan?"

"Really?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Yes really, it's Aidan, he'll believe anything."

"True" she nodded "Alright then, so what do we do then, take down the changeling on our own?"

"We might have to, but I suggest that until then, we try to find where Brooke is."

"Should we call Danny?"


All of sudden his phone began to ring as it pulled out his cell and answered the call from Elena.

"Yeah?" he answered "Whoa slow down, what did you say?... Wait what?... Really?!... No way!... Okay we're coming!"

"What is it?" Darling asked after he hung up.

"I think we'll have to deal with the changeling problem later, Mira just found a way to communicate to Ever After."

"What?" she gasped.

"Yeah" he nodded in a smile "And we're finally gonna be able to talk to our parents, they're waiting for us right now."

"Well let's go!" she exclaimed with a big smile "Call Aidan!"


Still in the dark cells, Brooke and Delilah watched as Danny tried to use his magic to break the cell door open, but no luck.

"Looks like these cells are magic proof" Delilah muttered.

Danny gave a frustrated groan while leaning against the bars.

"We're never gonna get out of here" he remarked dully "I don't know where the hell we are, but wherever we are, these cells were made to keep anyone in, I don't see a chance of us escaping."

"Looks like our only hope now is to wait till someone rescues us" Delilah sighed as she slid down against the wall of the cell until she sat down on the cold hard floor "And I really hope it'll be soon because I may have to use the toilet soon, and I am not pissing in this cell."

"And I really hope you don't" Danny cringed.

"Brooke you got any ideas?" Delilah asked.

"If I did I would of said something" Brooke muttered while sitting on a straw bed "I mean I would ask my parents for help, but they can't do anything, they can't narrate us out of here."

"Have you even tried talking to them?" Danny questioned.

"Well they're most likely narrating us right now, feeling scared for us and not being able to do anything about it. Even if I did talk to them, they can't help us."

(Female Narrator) We're sorry honey, we really wanna help, but you're right, there's nothing we can do.

"I know mom" she sighed "I know we'll have to find our way out of here on our own, or just wait for a rescue."

(Male Narrator) Well, you can do that, or maybe you can try to communicate with someone in Storybrooke.


(Female Narrator) Have you forgotten who you are? You're Brooke Page, the Rebel Narrator who has helped the heroes of these stories. And not only are you the new Author, but you're still a Narrator, and Narrators have the power to narrate anything into life.

"What are you trying to say mom?"

I'm saying use your gift. Use your narration skills to communicate with someone in Storybrooke.

"What?" Brooke gasped "But- I haven't narrated in a long time, I don't even know if I still have it."

(Male Narrator) Of course you do, it hasn't gone away.

"But-" she hesitated in shock "You really think it'll work?"

(Female Narrator) It may be a bit rocky, but you should at least be able to send a few words of help.

(Male Narrator) Just try it out, we know you can do it.

Brooke gave a deep breath while sitting herself up straight.

"Okay" she breathed "Mom, dad, who actually should try to contact? Elena?"

(Female Narrator) Well we suggest you contact the best person for this kind of job. And we think you know who.

After a moment of thinking, Brooke suddenly realized who as she gave a small smile.


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