Ch.97 Hurrying

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Elena felt her heart bursting with joy now that Olivia was back.

"I thought I lost you" she sniffed.

"Well you're not getting rid of me that easy" Olivia smiled as they went into a hug, both letting their tears fall onto each other's shoulders.

Cari felt a smile spread across her face as she watched the reunion of the two best friends. When they pulled away, they both had tears stains on their faces while still holding onto each other.

"You were willing to sacrifice yourself for me?" Elena mumbled.

"Like I said-" Olivia sniffed "I had to return the favor, and I'd do it again if I had to."


They then turned to Cari who still had a smile on her face.

"Cari?" Olivia remarked surprised "What are you doing here?"

"She's the one who gave me this" Elena showed her the now empty vessel "The water in here is what saved you."

"What?" she gasped astonished.

"The Nyx told me it wasn't your time" Cari explained, "You've got a strong heart Olivia, I'm very impressed."

Olivia gave a smile before Cari continued to speak.

"Before I go-" she said, "I've got one last thing for you girls."

She pulled out what appeared to be a black cloak.

"Is that my Cloak of Infinite Darkness?" Elena gasped.

"Indeed, you're gonna need it to help take down Lydia."

Elena took the cloak and examined it, it still looked the same as if she was getting it for the first time.

"Good luck you two" Cari added before transforming into a swarm of butterflies and flying out an opened window.

After that, the two sat up while Elena clutching her cloak in her hands.

"You know we gotta get that necklace and ring back right before we do anything to Lydia right?" Olivia reminded.

"I know, but we can do it."

"I know we can" she nodded "We've come a long way since the beginning, now let's see how it ends."

Elena gave a small smile before holding her hand out.

"It's always been you and me?" she questioned.

Olivia smiled back while taking her hand.



Now with the items to break the curse and with the chisel, everyone headed out of Shadow High where they saw the magic users still taking down the ghosts.

"How many ghosts are there?" Delilah gasped.

"A lot!" Mira exclaimed before blasting a ghost with her magic "You guys got everything?"

"Yep," they held up the box and the chisel.

"Okay great, now all we gotta do is put the chisel into the volcano."

"What volcano?" Terrence asked.

"That volcano" she pointed up to where they turned around to see the black volcano behind the school.

"That's a volcano?" he remarked surprised.

"Where did you think unmaking lava comes from?"

"Well how the hell are we suppose to get up there?"

Before she could reply, she blasted another ghost with her magic.

"You know what we'll do it later" she suggested, "Just help us deal with these bitches."

She then looked up to see the realms that were getting closer.

"Elena," she spoke with a worried look, "I really hope you're taking care of Lydia right now."


In Storybrooke, with Leo by her side, Amanda hurried up to her Wonderland friends while keeping her left hand behind her.

"Guys!" she called.

"Amanda, what's wrong?" Lauren asked.

"We've got a problem" she breathed while holding up her left hand to show them the transparency.

"Whoa," Brenden gasped "I didn't know you could do that."

"I'm not doing this" she assured, "But look."

She used her other hand to show them that she could pass her hand through her left.

"Oh my God" Christina's eyes widen.

"I don't understand" Brenden responded in shock "What's happening to you?"

"I think I'm disappearing" she explained nervously "Like from existence."

"What?" they gasped.

"What makes you say that?" Lauren asked.

"Because I just saw Shadow High from a distance, I think the closer we get to it, the more we all disappear."

They all stood there with terror in their eyes.

"I think she's right" Leo agreed "Whether or not we get consumed by the unmaking lava, once we reach Shadow High, I think we're all gonna vanish."

"Remember what Mr. Gram used to tell us back at Ever After?" Amanda added, "If we don't follow our destinies, we'll disappear along with our stories."

"It looks like Shadow High is gonna make it a reality" Lauren stated with shock.

At that moment, Brenden looked at his own hands and gasped when he saw that his left hand had become transparent as well.

"Oh God" Amanda's eyes widen "It's happening."

Now starting to freak out, Brenden quickly put his left hand in his pocket to avoid seeing it.

"What do we do?" Christina asked now getting more frightened.

"I don't think we can do anything" Amanda mumbled, "I guess just fight as much as we can until the rest figure things out."

"Oh man," Lauren whimpered "Elena, whatever you and the others are doing, please hurry."


Standing on top of a balcony on top of Shadow High, Lydia peered down and watched as everyone battled against the ghosts of her fallen crew members. But as she enjoyed the scene, she didn't notice Elena and Olivia entering the room. With Elena wearing her Cloak of Infinite Darkness, she and Olivia gave each other smiles before she entered the room with Olivia watching from behind a shelf. Because her cloak allowed her to blend into the darkness, Elena had no problem making her way towards the table that had the ring and necklace.

But on the balcony, Lydia suddenly felt a chill as she turned around, but with Olivia hiding behind the shelf and Elena blended into the darkness, she didn't see anything as she turned away. At that moment, Elena picked up the ring and slid it onto her finger while picking up the necklace. Just as she made her way to Olivia, Lydia turned around and spotted the empty table that no longer held the jewelry.

"What the hell?" she gasped while running towards it.

"Looking for these?" Elena spoke as Olivia put on her necklace.

"What?" Lydia gasped while pointing to Olivia "How are you-?"

"You can't get rid of me that easy" the princess smirked.

"And now that we're all together again" Elena added "Let's say we finish this? Shall we Ms. Direction?"

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