Ch.63 The chisel

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Later that night, while everyone had fallen asleep across the building, Mira and David were the only ones awake to keep watch as they sat on a bay window and gazed out through the window and into the darkness. Both were thinking of the same thing; their daughter. Lydia could have taken her anywhere, a place they knew would be hard to get her back from.

Just then they heard a small moan as they turned around to see Terrence who was having a hard time sleeping on the sofa chair. After rubbing his eyes, he placed his glasses on and slumped on the chair while letting out another moan.

"Can't sleep?" Mira asked as she and David walked up to him.

"Nope" he sighed.

"Can't stop thinking about Elena?"

"What do you think?"

They pulled up chairs next to him and sat down.

"You wanna know what I think?" Mira responded, "I think it's wonderful that Elena's found someone like you, someone who cares very deeply for her and loves her for who she is."

"Yeah" David agreed "I remember when she was young she told me that she was afraid that no guy will ever fall in love with her and that she'll die an un-married old hag, she really said that."

"But you proved her wrong, you stood by her even during the whole Royal vs Rebel dilemma, and I've never been more proud of her to find someone like you."

Terrence gave a small smile until Mira added- "Although I never knew, what made you fall in love with the first time?"

"Well-" he began "When I found out that she didn't want to sign the Storybook of Legends because she wanted to write her own destiny, I was shocked at first, but I actually thought it was pretty cool what she did. Then after a while, I realized how cool she really was, so confident, so kind, she wasn't like any girl I've ever met. And that's when I realized that she was the girl I wanted to be with, someone who stands up for what she believes in, treats other's with respect and doesn't see me as some under-rated prince. I didn't care that she's the daughter of the Evil Queen, she didn't have any evil in her, because that's not who she is.

What she is is a confident, brave, strong, beautiful girl who I am happy being with. And as my destiny as the next Good King, I'm proud to be with her."

At that point, Mira and David's lips curled into smiles.

"So you've figured out your destiny" David smiled.

"Well, it was pretty obvious" Terrence smirked, "And even though the whole following your destiny thing is a hoax, at least I finally know my true story, and Destiny was right, I am proud of it."

"And so are we" Mira smiled "And I can't wait for your 'wedding'. But in order to see that, we gotta get Elena back."

"And how exactly are we going to do that? We don't even know where she is."

"True, but we do have a way to find out. Although we gotta wait until morning cause I don't wanna bother anyone."

"And you should get some sleep too" David advised, "We got a busy day tomorrow."

The following morning, everyone was up early and ready as they gathered in the lounge to hear out a plan.

"Okay everyone" Mira spoke, "So as we all know, not only do we have to get Elena back, but we still gotta save Brooke, stop Lydia and this apocalypse, and break this damn curse."

"So you have a plan?" Darling asked.

"Well first off, we need to find out where exactly Elena is, and thankfully, we got something that should help."

Everyone turned to Olivia who held up Kim's mirror.

"Show me Elena" she ordered as she watched the mirror show her an image of Elena outside of a strange building with Lydia by her side.

"Give me the mirror" Mira said as Olivia handed her the mirror.

Using her magic, Mira transferred the image onto the big wall mirror for everyone to see Elena who was still in Lydia's trance due to her purple eyes.

"What's that building in front of them?" Aidan questioned.

"Wait a minute" Olivia spoke, "I think that's Shadow High."

Everyone continued to watch as Elena held out her hand up towards the sky as a long thin white string of magic shot out from her palm and up the building.

"What's she doing?" Darling asked as the image showed the string of magic heading towards what appeared to be a volcano behind the school.

"No" Mira gasped with realization.

"Is she doing what I think she's doing?" Olivia's eyes widen.

Everyone watched as the string went up the volcano and towards some kind of white rock in the center of the volcano with strange lave flowing around it. Lodged into the rock was a rusty chisel that the string wrapped around.

"Oh God" Olivia gasped.

"Everyone hold onto something!" Mira ordered just as Elena tugged on the string and yanked the chisel out from the rock.

And at that moment, that's when the tremors struck. Unlike when Lydia brought in the apocalypse, these tremors were stronger as items began to fall over while everyone held onto anything and each other. This went on for a few more seconds until the tremors finally died down.

"What the hell just happened?" Reyna demanded.

Everyone turned to the image to see that Elena was holding onto the chisel as Lydia stood by her with a sneaky smirk just as the image faded away.

"She pulled the chisel out from the Shadow High volcano" Olivia explained, "That chisel is what kept all the realms away from that school because of its unmaking lava."

"Wait" Terrence's eyes widen "Unmaking lava? Like from the book that said that if anything touches it, it turns into words and fades away?

"Exactly. And now that Lydia just used Elena to pull it out, that means all the realms are slowly heading towards it."

"That also means Ever After" Mira added with her eyes widen.

"Wait what?" everyone gasped.

"Okay now we got another problem. If Storybrooke reaches Shadow High and gets consumed by the unmaking lava, this town and everyone in it will be lost forever."

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 13)Where stories live. Discover now